Aug 10, 2007 10:45

Guess what's on the telly tonight after a new Doctor Who?

Flash - a-ah - savior of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible!
SQUEE! A new Flash Gordon! God that movie is so full of cheese you needed a pound of crackers to watch it but I ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

suki_blue August 10 2007, 14:50:27 UTC
Hello! I'm still here! Kitty has been stuck on the motorway for the past 5 hours. Just trying to plot out a route avoiding the M25!

Let us know what the show is like!


amejisuto August 10 2007, 14:54:02 UTC

Will do love! And good luck getting to where you need to go, the traffic sound awful if it's taking her extra long.

OH! If you're still there look at the icons

The flower ones reminded me of Draco.


suki_blue August 10 2007, 15:19:46 UTC
Eeek! I just phoned her and she's clawed her way off the motorway. Yay! I shall now go and eagerly await her arrival.

Oooh, yes, they do! I'm planning to make an icon and a banner for PT and that's the sort of thing I had in mind!



amejisuto August 10 2007, 15:21:05 UTC
Bye love! Be good!


writan_bur August 10 2007, 14:58:41 UTC
I loved, loved, loved Defenders of the Earth as a kid! :D


amejisuto August 10 2007, 15:19:03 UTC
I don't remember it real well, but I do remember loving it! Boomerang needs to show it or something. I'd watch it even now.


writan_bur August 10 2007, 15:47:43 UTC
They didn't show it here until the 90s, so I remember it pretty well. I loved the panther. :D


velvetwhip August 10 2007, 17:38:47 UTC
NOTHING will ever surpass the 1980 film version. Sorry, but Max von Sydow as Ming? Topol as Zarkov? That uber cool Hawkman leader? And TIMOTHY DALTON IN TIGHTS??????????????

Nothing. will. EVER. surpass.



amejisuto August 11 2007, 01:48:35 UTC
HEE! I know, that was way fun.


velvetwhip August 11 2007, 01:54:46 UTC
C'mon, you know it rules!



vinniebatman August 10 2007, 18:36:31 UTC
Yes, I had heard of the new series.
I hope it doesn't hurt your soul.
And I blame you for getting me into Dr. Who.
I've only seen three episodes of new version, but I heart it.
Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is too cute, a bit snarky and a bit (or a lot) cute.
Damn it, I'm getting into to many fandoms, now.


amejisuto August 11 2007, 01:49:45 UTC
Did you see tonight's episode? It was WAY fucking cool!


vinniebatman August 11 2007, 19:47:25 UTC
::sighs:: No.
I don't have cable.
I have to wait for netflix :(


amejisuto August 11 2007, 23:05:42 UTC
My god! You poor dear, that's just so terrible!

Well it'll be good when you get to see it!


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