Aug 10, 2007 10:45

Guess what's on the telly tonight after a new Doctor Who?

Flash - a-ah - savior of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible!

SQUEE! A new Flash Gordon! God that movie is so full of cheese you needed a pound of crackers to watch it but I love it to bits! And I'm old enough to vaguely remember the cartoon series Defenders of the Earth with one of my other favorite old heroes The Phantom. So I'm really looking forward to this new series, even though according to this article, the show has already jumped the shark.

Then again Ming isn't some icky looking bald dude in this version, but kinda looks like an older Flash . . .

Flash/Ming fics anyone?
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