Volume 20, Chapter 58

Apr 22, 2014 19:06

Hey guys! We're alive! \o\  /o/  \o/ Happy Earth Day! Plant a tree today for Rakan and co!

Thanks to everyone who played along with us and helped us "escape". I hope you guys had a much fun as we did! We've got lots of stuff to cover, but let's start with chapter 58:

Volume 20, chapter 58
Password: earthday
Please remember to not share our hard work on other manga sites; it's a courtesy we expect from all readers. If you'd like to share the news that we're scanlating SD, please just leave a link to our comm instead.
Please consider purchasing your own copy of this manga (or other volumes, no one's picky) to show your support for this series and/or for Sugiura-sensei in general.

A page has been fixed in volume 19, chapter 55: the cover page had some Japanese text left on there accidentally. I've changed the original release, and the corrected page is here for those who DLed the vanilla version.

For those who saw our progress sidebar before April 1, you may have noticed something pretty awesome. For those who didn't, we've got big news: we have complete scans of Silver Diamond! Please direct your thanks to the wonderful warui_futago, our resident scanner. :)

Going back to our April event, what did you guys think of it? What did we do well? What could we have done better? Feedback = better events in the future!

This was going to be a double release as a result of everyone's participation, but I don't actually have 59 done yet. o.o; So you've got that to look forward to as well. :) ETA is by the 27th or so.  I'll post some more statistics of the event with the next chapter, so keep an eye out for that.

sd volume: 20, releases

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