Not a new chapter

May 06, 2014 23:11

Sorry guys; I know I said I'd have the chapter out a while ago, but school's been terrible and I haven't had any time to scanlate. ;_; So a couple of things for this news post: I figured I'd go ahead and wrap up all the April Fools' Day stuff now and set the date for the new chapter releases.

Let's get the chapters out of the way, since I know that's what you're all here for: chapters 59 and 60 will be released June 1st.

Here were the code locations:
ɱ!nar! (in SD Wiki, volume 8, in place of English ISBN, 978-1427809728)
ɱitsuƀa (in shiho_s_diamond, SD Directory post, disguised as a link to Vol 19 materials)
Nishin4 (in shiho_s_diamond, chap 51 release post, in the edited credits page shown in the post) (this is the edited picture)
R€nji (in SD Wiki, Amato Empire, Villages/Notable Areas)
5aŸorǐ (in AE comm, vol 18 ch53-54 release)
Sh1€! (in AE comm, first release, title of cover) (<- had to hover over the picture to see it)

Of the codes below, 3 were in shiho_s_diamond, 2 in setsumeishiyou, and the last in our former profile page. Sorry I can't be more specific; I don't have my list of those handy on me. ^_^;

As a good number of you guessed, these are all the names of the lesser-known Sanome Guards. The missing four names were Rokurou, Shouji, Takumi, and Yashiki. No one ever did find Nishina's code, unfortunately. Ctrl + F wouldn't help with him, friends. :P

The first 6 codes have been taken down. The next six might have been; I haven't checked yet. ^_^; (You might not have noticed, but this is a pretty last-minute post...)

Let's see... correct answers for the SD knowledge quiz: (Note, quizzes will stay up for a while. Don't look at this if you still want to take the last one blind.)

[Spoiler (click to open)]1) Following his scent
2) 9 AM
3) Alarm clock
4) Seven
5) Yuugo
6) Takeshi
7) Female
8) Princess Mononoke
9) Asatsuyu
10) Crucifixion
11) Kazuhi, 25
12) Sexual harassment
13) Migina
14) Rokurou
15) Manasaki

Sorry for the slightly weird formatting in the spoiler text; LJ isn't cooperating with me at the moment.

Link to Quiz 1- Silver Diamond Preferences
Link to Quiz 2- Silver Diamond Fandom
Link to Quiz 3- Silver Diamond Knowledge

Some stats for the 3rd quize:
- Out of 15 points (1 for each question), the current average, as of typing this post, is 7 points.
- Far more people than I thought possible think that Kuro is male. I hate to break it to you, but she's not. :(
- Other than that, answers were pretty consistent overall. The more obscure ones were, of course, the most missed.
If you'd like to see some stats for the 1st quiz, they can found in the linked post.

Thanks again to everyone who participated; we'll see you again come June.

april fools day

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