[IY Fic] When the Well Closed

Oct 07, 2007 06:39

Title: When the Well Closed
Genres: Drama/Romance/Action
Pairings represented: Sess->Kag, Inu/Kag, Mir/San, and a surprise
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 6,962
Warnings: Spoiler for manga ch. 518. Character deaths.
A/N: Written for inuyasha_fanfic's "Endings" challenge. Unbetaed, offers welcome. XD

Summary: The final battle against Naraku has been waged-with ( Read more... )

sesshomaru, romance, action, kagome, sessmom, sesshomaru/kagome, inuyasha/kagome, drama, oneshot, fanfic, angst

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Comments 40

minakiwi October 7 2007, 14:33:20 UTC
I don't know if you wanted comments on this, but it was beautiful!
::lil sigh:: And to know it was un-beta'd ... it's outstanding. I loved the progression of the story from beginning to end, it makes wonderful *sense* ... if the real ending of the manga is this well wrapped up I'll eat my hat.
Thank you for sharing this!


amara_anon October 7 2007, 18:48:15 UTC
Hehe, of course I welcome comments. Thanks so much, Mina! ^^


forthrightly October 7 2007, 15:58:26 UTC
Well, told, m'dear.
A very worthy story indeed.



amara_anon October 7 2007, 18:48:58 UTC
Aw, thank you, Forthy!


wicked_oni October 7 2007, 16:24:41 UTC
Sigh. Thank you so much for the lovely read. Sat down with my morning coffee and was just mesmerized! Even got a few tears going. Such a talented author.


amara_anon October 7 2007, 18:50:38 UTC
Oh my gosh, thank you! Mind if I ask which part made you tear up a bit? That actually happened to me at one part while I was writing it, which is pretty unusual for me.


wicked_oni October 7 2007, 19:36:00 UTC
Hah! The real question should be 'what didn't get me going with the little sniffles'?

1. Obviously, the end. Kagome beating at Sesshoumaru for not saving Inuyasha. Yeah, pretty much the whole aftermath and the names on the Goshinboku.
2. The lovely, aching little moment when Sess wishes someone would notice/look at him again. One little line and ouch! Got me good!
3. Looking in the mirror.
4. The simple and ominous "And who will read it?" line. Shiver. That kind of set the stage!

But the real weepy moment for me...
5. The "left no innocence for himself"! Bullseye!

Sighs again. I am a worshipper of the angst. Hope you do think I'm a total sap now!


wicked_oni October 7 2007, 19:38:24 UTC
Oops. I meant hope you don't think I'm a sap. One day I'll post without a messy typo.


pgsm_usagi October 7 2007, 16:44:52 UTC
so beautiful! *sobs*


amara_anon October 7 2007, 18:51:01 UTC
Thank you!


pgsm_usagi October 7 2007, 19:26:58 UTC
did u like my kagome icon?


amara_anon October 7 2007, 20:19:25 UTC
Is this pgsm_usagi? heh

Your Kagome icon is very pretty. Did you make it?


theburglarcat October 7 2007, 18:13:40 UTC
it was very well thought, I liked it a lot!


amara_anon October 7 2007, 18:51:25 UTC
Thanks, Nami, glad you approve! ^^


theburglarcat October 7 2007, 20:25:36 UTC
Yes, it's Nami-approved! XD I'm usually not a big fan of Sesshoumaru, but I like the way you wrote him here.

And YAY for Kohaku living and marrying Rin. I'd love to see that in canon ♥


amara_anon October 7 2007, 20:43:43 UTC
Hehe, cool.

The longer the manga goes on, the more I've warmed up to the idea of Kohaku/Rin. They really would be sweet. I imagine the manga will end with them still as kids though and we'll never know for sure canonically what happens to them. I couldn't help sneaking that line in about them, though. ^^


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