And you can take that flippin' celery with you, too!

Jan 17, 2017 20:02

Did you know that if you google, "chicken soup 'without carrots'", the links you get are all along the lines of, "I can't imagine chicken soup without carrots," or "what is chicken soup without carrots?" The kind I freakin' like, that's what it is. Bah.

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Comments 24

_hannelore January 18 2017, 02:42:43 UTC
Celery is pretty much an abomination.


amanuensis1 January 18 2017, 02:47:46 UTC
There are some vehement celery haters out there, I know. I don't actually hate the taste--I like raw celery once you stuff it with delicious things like cream cheese or peanut butter or blue cheese--but in principle I hate it if you try to stick it into Chinese food and pretend it's bok choy. GET. OUT.

And I just like my chicken soup naked. Take your "homestyle" and begone.


_hannelore January 19 2017, 02:34:34 UTC
Maybe I just haven't had the *right* kind of celery!

To be honest, I have a hard time being around chicken soup because it always make me think of being ill. :/ But I hope you find the good kind!


amanuensis1 January 19 2017, 11:07:17 UTC
Ugh, don't you just detest the "maybe you just haven't had the RIGHT kind" people? As if in our lives all the versions we've tasted were part of a conspiracy to keep the good kind away from us. (Caveat: yes, I do know that you can perhaps prepare something in a way that'll make it acceptable. And that there might be a less-common version of a food that is actually tastier than its common counterparts. But that's different, isn't it, from the sanctimonious "you haven't had the RIGHT kind!" pronouncement. Argh.)


jamoche January 18 2017, 03:49:29 UTC
Searching with "-carrots" seems more promising.


amanuensis1 January 18 2017, 21:09:34 UTC
I did try that! Unfortunately that seemed to get me links like "10 chicken soup recipes" where the word "carrots" didn't actually appear there but appeared in every one of the 10 recipe links. Sigh.


jamoche January 18 2017, 23:30:41 UTC
Yeah, for all Google brags about improving their search engines, recipes still elude it. I've been trying to figure out what I use a Christmas gift of several kinds of salted nuts for, and all I get are recipes to make them, not incorporate them.

But I found this one that looks interesting:


amanuensis1 January 19 2017, 01:54:37 UTC
Oooooh, kabocha squash, too! My favorite! I hope stores start carring kabocha squash more often.


tripperfunster January 18 2017, 03:54:28 UTC
Clearly you don't know how to eat soup!

Now peas? Those things can fuck off. ;)


amanuensis1 January 18 2017, 21:11:45 UTC
I hated all the "kid" vegetables when I was a kid--carrots, peas, corn. But I liked nearly all the ones I wasn't supposed to like--broccoli, cauliflower, turnips. I eventually turned around on peas but carrots still taste kinda sweet-rotten to me.


secretsolitaire January 18 2017, 04:14:58 UTC
This post cracked me up, even though I don't really feel one way or the other about carrots in soup. :D


amanuensis1 January 18 2017, 21:12:29 UTC
What? No opinion on it? A pox on thee! ^_^


gmth January 18 2017, 05:31:52 UTC
I agree, cooked carrots are just... wrong.


amanuensis1 January 18 2017, 21:18:11 UTC
It is possible to cook carrots in a way that I don't notice them, or actually make me like them (see: Moroccan carrots cooked with wine and sugar and raisins...dunno what it is but the wine just drowns that rotten taste out of 'em). But I have this wish for carrots to be a more polarizing vegetable and yet they're EVERYWHERE in food, as if they were NORMAL. WHAT.


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