[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 79 and 80)

Mar 22, 2013 00:40

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 79 and 80)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 79

Luhan hauls the unwilling Sehun off to Yixing’s dance teacher to audition. Using Yixing’s words, Jongin’s slot will just go to waste since he won’t be using it anymore. Sehun dances pretty well and he’s even younger, so he has a high chance of getting in.

Baekhyun brings Jongin to their section’s last get-together.

Jongin doesn’t want to go at first but he can’t disobey Baekhyun. Thus, he leaves their two-person world reluctantly to join the classmates whom he barely knows to eat one last meal as a group.

After eating for a while, Baekhyun realizes that something’s wrong because the entire class, under the leadership of a certain Park Chanyeol, is forcing Jongin to drink.

Minors can’t drink alcohol in Korea, of course. But no one’s stopping them. Even Kim Jongdae and Kim Minseok who suddenly appeared at the event are not making any attempts to stop them.

“Hey! What are you guys doing?” Baekhyun asks accusingly, stepping on Chanyeol’s foot.

“We’re getting Jongin drunk.” Chanyeol answers matter-of-factly.

“Why?” Baekhyun presses.

“Alcohol is the best truth serum. You two re-enact idol dramas in class every day, yet you don't tell us details.” Chanyeol pats Baekhyun’s shoulder and this enrages him. “Does it bother you? We’re already letting you watch an idol drama for free…”

Why does this statement so familiar? Who was the one who taught me this before?

“Don’t be so overprotective. Don’t you want to listen to what Jongin really feels?” Chanyeol giggles.

Baekhyun thinks: As if I don’t know what Jongin feels! This boy is not subdued when in front of me. He has told me things like ‘I love you’ and ‘I can’t quit you’, okay? But of course, I won’t tell you guys that. Get him drunk. I won’t admit that I’m a tiny bit excited to watch too.

Thus, when Jongin shoots Baekhyun a look crying for help, Baekhyun pretends to try and stop them but ineffectively.

Thus Jongin really does get drunk.

Under their classmates’ cheers and catcalls, Chanyeol turns Jongin by the shoulders so that they’re facing each other. As he prepares to ask his first question, Jongin stubbornly goes back to his original position, facing Baekhyun on his other side.

Baekhyun buries his face in his hands, not wanting to see Jongin’s goofier than usual smile because of the alcohol.

Why does this boy get drunk so quickly? He’s so easy to bully.

Chanyeol tries to get Jongin to face him again but fails, the younger boy insisting on facing his Baekhyun hyung. This repeats for a few times and Chanyeol’s temper flares. “Byun Baekhyun, can you please fix your sunflower? Will he die if he doesn’t face you?”

Baekhyun sticks out his tongue, expressing that he is not taking part in this.

Chanyeol decides to just stand behind Baekhyun. He bends down and presses Jongin’s shoulders, asking seriously: “Jongin-ah, can you see my face? Can you hear what I’m saying?”

Jongin’s 100,000-volt glare is fixated on Chanyeol’s chest that’s pressing on Baekhyun’s back.

Laughing, Chanyeol moves back and repeats his question.

Jongin nods, eyes so dazed that Chanyeol pinches his cheek to try and get a reaction from him.

“Then tell me now, who do you like most in the world?”

“Baekhyun hyung”

‘Don’t people normally say it’s their parents or something? This ungrateful bastard. Chanyeol thinks. But for some reason, he’s very satisfied with this answer. “Then can you tell me what you like most about your Baekhyun hyung?”

Jongin stares at Baekhyun for what feels like hours, and then starts giggling.

Chanyeol wants to roll his eyes like Sehun, but he thinks it’s embarrassing so he decides to just up the ante of game. “Then do you want to kiss your Baekhyun hyung?”

When Baekhyun hears this, he jumps and hides behind a group of people. Belatedly realizing that Baekhyun is gone from his line of sight, Jongin’s dark eyes pan the room, searching for him.

Chanyeol orders Kyungsoo: “Go get Baekhyun.”

Kyungsoo obeys and captures Baekhyun who fails in his attempt to run further away, dragging him to take his seat in front of Jongin again.

When Jongin sees that his Baekhyun hyung is back, he reverts to his goofy and smiling self.

Chanyeol wants to bow down in front of this number one fan. He pushes Jongin forward. “Hurry up and kiss your Baekhyun hyung. What are you waiting for?”

Seeing Jongin hesitate, Chanyeol starts to encourage him more. “When you kiss Baekhyun now, you can just argue that you were drunk and you had no idea what you were doing. Are you going to let this great opportunity go to waste? Hurry up!”

Baekhyun starts to get nervous and shouts a warning: “Jongin, if you dare I will not talk to you for a week!”

Jongin stops.

“Jongin, don’t listen to your Baekhyun hyung’s threats. If he doesn’t talk to you, you can just stick to his side and charm him. I guarantee you that you two will be back to normal within half an hour.” Chanyeol continues to enable Jongin. The younger boy seems to like this and he moves in his seat, like he’s about to do something. This scares Baekhyun and he jumps up to try and escape.

“Your Baekhyun hyung ran away again!” Chanyeol bullies Jongin.

This person’s not a bad drunk. He just looks he’s in a trance, quietly listening to everyone, although his nature of grinning idiotically at Baekhyun hasn’t changed a bit.

Jongin then starts to look for Baekhyun again.

Baekhyun hides outside for a while, but when he sees everyone inside surrounding Jongin, he feels displeased. How dare you guys bully my person? Have you all gone mad?

He goes back in, outraged, pulling Jongin out of the Chanyeol’s evil grasp and dragging him outside.

I shouldn’t have brought this sincere boy here. He’s naturally naïve. Of course he’ll be bullied by these awful people.

He turns his head to look at Jongin who he’s still pulling along. The dancer looks as goofy as ever. Baekhyun blames himself again as he feels a headache coming on.

When Jongin meets Baekhyun’s eyes, a toothy and innocent smile spreads on his face. Baekhyun feels his heart beat faster because of the cuteness and he pulls Jongin to walk even faster.

Actually, although he still feels his face burning because of getting teased by his so-called friends earlier, he doesn’t feel the least bit embarrassed or annoyed.

Chapter 80

Drunk Jongin is actually very well behaved. Baekhyun feels he’s like a dog owner walking his very giant hound. Occasionally, he’ll look back and see Jongin smiling at him goofily, eyes dazed.

Fine… Actually, Jongin’s eyes are almost always dazed, like he’s in a trance. But this is in a whole new interesting level and Baekhyun thinks it’s nice that he gets drunk once in a while.

“If I take you to your place, your mom will get mad at me.” Baekhyun glances at Jongin worriedly. “But if I bring you to my place, isn’t it a little… Although my parents are not at home… But… Hmmm…” Baekhyun talks to himself. “I don’t have any experience in curing a hangover.”

As he continues with his thinking, he leads Jongin back to his place.

Jongin sits on Baekhyun’s couch, still very well behaved. Baekhyun puts the remote control in his hand and lets him watch TV as he prepares soup to cure the younger boy’s hangover.

When he comes out of the kitchen, Jongin is still sitting on the couch, concentrating on the TV. When Baekhyun calls his name, he turns to look at Baekhyun, grinning from ear to ear.

Never mind, I’ll just let him stay there.

Baekhyun can’t bear to watch his idiotic smile any longer so he turns and heads back to the kitchen.

He seems to have all the ingredients necessary for kimchi hangover cure soup - kimchi, bean sprouts, garlic, green onions, red pepper, pollock… Baekhyun takes out a bottle of sesame oil from the fridge but returns it after a pause. He feels hesitant about using these excitant ingredients.

He recalls when his father used to come home drunk and his mother would use pear to cure his hangover. Milk should also help. Jongin didn’t drink much. He just gets drunk easily. These should be enough right?

He takes out pears and a carton of milk from the fridge. He tirelessly puts the pears in the juicer and then mixes the juice with milk. He then brings it to Jongin.

Jongin drinks very intently.

When he’s done, he licks his lips and smiles: “It tastes really good!”

His voice is soft and mellow, cute as a bunny. Baekhyun can’t help but smile as he gets a napkin to wipe Jongin’s mouth, pinching his cheek.

Jongin’s eyes curve into little crescents again.

Baekhyun covers his face and heads back to the kitchen, thinking that if he stays any second longer he will die of Jongin’s cuteness.

He takes his time washing the glass and the juicer. When he returns to the living room, Jongin is bac on the couch, watching TV.

He heads over to Jongin and shakes his shoulders. Jongin doesn’t resist and cooperates with the shakes.

He’s still drunk. Why does he look even drunker than earlier? Baekhyun pouts in exasperation. He wants to drag Jongin to the bedroom but he’s heavier than anticipated. Baekhyun realizes he has miscalculated the dancer’s weight and height.

Jongin is taller than him, his waist bent as he leans on Baekhyun. The older boy struggles with difficulty as he tries to bring Jongin to the bedroom. Against his shoulder, Jongin laughs suddenly: “Hehehe.”

He’s so dumb. What do I do? Baekhyun doesn’t know if he should stay where he is or continue carrying this giant puppet to the room. He rolls his eyes and decides on the latter, taking a deep breath at the physical task ahead.

“Baekhyun hyung…”

“What?” Baekhyun asks impatiently.

“Baekhyun hyung…”

“What do you want?” Baekhyun is annoyed.

“Baekhyun hyung, let me kiss you, okay?” Jongin says with a smile.

He ignores Jongin as he thinks: When have you ever asked permission to kiss me? You do become more behaved when you’re drunk.

But Jongin starts moving his head back and forth on Baekhyun’s shoulder: “I want to kiss, I want to kiss…”

Baekhyun huffs and says: “Your breath must smell like pears, milk, and beer right now. I don’t want to kiss you.”

“Hyung… Hyung…” Jongin starts throwing a fit.

Who can explain why Jongin becomes an overgrown baby when he’s drunk? Baekhyun’s headache worsens at the racket Jongin is making. He pinches Jongin’s cheek and pulls hard, stretching his lips and smiling eyes.

“If hyung won’t let me kiss, I won’t move.” He leans his full weight on Baekhyun. If Jongin were sober, he’d be so embarrassed at how he’s acting right now.

This infuriates Baekhyun. “Stand up straight! What are you grumbling about? Come on, off to bed!”

Jongin doesn’t care what Baekhyun says. Probably taking advantage of his drunken state, he refuses to listen to Baekhyun, tightening his hold on the older boy and not letting go. Baekhyun pushes him away but he’s too heavy. Seeing that Jongin is standing rather firmly, Baekhyun leans on him instead.

The two of them take turns leaning on each other repeatedly. Growing impatient at Baekhyun ignoring his request, Jongin cups Baekhyun’s face in his hands and kisses him.

Baekhyun chokes at the complicated taste of Jongin’s mouth and pushes his chest. Jongin seems to be stronger because he’s drunk, his hand fixed on the back of Baekhyun’s head, not budging.

After all the shoving, both of them end up on the couch again. With his head on the leather cover, Baekhyun feels Jongin’s hands slide under his shirt and continue moving up, touching his skin.

Baekhyun tries to push Jongin off with his legs, trying to escape getting suffocated with the younger boy on top of him plus the strong stench of alcohol. His senses go into overdrive and he can only feel Jongin’s hands all over his body, every inch of skin the boy touches becoming highly sensitive.

What’s going on? Don’t tell me we’re…

He feels cool air on his chest and sees his T-shirt lifted halfway already. Goose bumps trail along his skin as the cold air touches his burning skin and he trembles, giving up his struggle.

At the same time, Jongin’s movements stop abruptly.

Baekhyun tries to push his upper body up, the person lying on top of him still unmoving.

Baekhyun catches his breath as he turns his head. Jongin’s face is resting near Baekhyun’s neck, eyes closed and breathing gradually becoming normal.

He has fallen asleep.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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