[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 81 and 82)

Mar 23, 2013 01:45

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 81 and 82)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 81

So technically, Jongin has good drunk manners, right?

Temporarily overlooking his deviant behaviour towards a certain Byun Baekhyun, smiling goofily the person he likes and falling asleep afterwards are not worrisome behaviours, right? At least, the sex under the influence of alcohol which Baekhyun was worried about did not happen.

After much effort, Baekhyun finally manages to push away the drunken bastard lying on top of him, fixing his clothes and hair. He turns around to look at Jongin who is sprawled on the couch sound asleep.

Face still burning from the remnants of Jongin’s touches on Baekhyun’s skin earlier, he puts his hand on his face and takes a deep breath.

Thank God. Thank God. Earlier, I almost…

I almost stopped resisting.

Can someone please explain this strange feeling of disappointment that’s bubbling up inside of him?

He thinks about it and feels the need to vent, giving Jongin a swift kick. Seeing that the dancer is still sleeping soundly, he kicks him again.

The second kick seems to be stronger and Baekhyun regrets it just a little. He looks at Jongin, still dead to the world, and smiles.

He bends his waist and leans on the couch, staring at Jongin’s sleeping face. He gently plants a kiss on the corner of the younger boy’s mouth.

“Never mind… You’ve also worked hard.”

When Jongin wakes up the next day, he has been asleep for more than twelve hours already so his foggy brain doesn’t register where he’s at immediately.

He racks his brain, trying recall what has happened…

He seems to remember wanting to let something happen naturally, but it looks like he wasn’t successful. Has he succeeded? If he has, then he mostly likely would not be lying on Baekhyun’s bed right now and would probably have been tossed to the floor to fend for himself, right?

He sits up, feeling fortunate but disappointed. He doesn’t have a headache, so probably Baekhyun made him some form of hangover cure last night.

He smiles widely.

“What are you smiling about, you idiot?” He hears Baekhyun’s voice from the door. Jongin looks up and sees Baekhyun wearing an oversized white t-shirt, walking barefoot.

The morning sun enters from the windows and hits Baekhyun’s face, the light dancing on his hair. Although his voice is laced with distaste, his expression is very soft, eyes bright and welcoming, like pale sunlight.

“Baekhyun hyung…”

Jongin opens his mouth and feels his throat tighten for some reason, unable to say anything else.

Baekhyun tries to keep his smile in as he sees Jongin looking goofy again. He walks over to the side of the bed and hands him a bowl. “Drink up.”

“What is it?” Jongin asks in confusion.

“Just drink it. Don’t ask questions.” Baekhyun glares at him.

Jongin immediately reaches for the bowl and finishes it in one gulp.

Baekhyun thinks: Why are you so dumb? What if I put something really weird in that?

“Baekhyun hyung, did you put pears in?” Jongin smacks his lips. “They taste really nice.”

“There’s no point buttering me up.” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “If you still feel tipsy, just lie down for a bit more. And then if you feel better, take a shower and have breakfast.”

Jongin jumps up abruptly and holds his forehead, feeling a little woozy. Baekhyun reaches out to support him, saying: “Who told you to drink? You’re still a minor! You punk!”

Jongin thinks Baekhyun seems a little strange this morning. He doesn’t look unhappy, but he doesn’t seem very happy either. Mood wise, he does look like he’s in a somewhat good mood. Jongin wonders about it as he gets out from the shower and walks to the dining room where Baekhyun is putting out bread.

There’s only bread and milk, both just taken out from the fridge. It looks like Baekhyun has no plans of preparing a good breakfast for them.

Jongin holds his cold bread in one hand and a glass of milk which Baekhyun has thankfully warmed, ready to enjoy his breakfast.

“You were drunk last night so I called your mom to tell her you’d be sleeping with me here.” Baekhyun thinks the term he used is a slightly too meaningful so he adds: “That you’d spend the night.”

Jongin feels a blush coming on and he asks carefully: “Umm, did I do anything when I was drunk?”

He couldn’t have done anything, but why does Baekhyun look so annoyed?

Baekhyun glares at him angrily. “What could you have done? You kept smiling like an idiot. It took me forever to get you home.”

“Then why are you so mad?” Jongin is very confused.

“I am not mad!” Baekhyun shouts.

“You’re mad now…”

“I am not!”

“Okay fine, you’re not.” Jongin’s lips curve up in a smile. Baekhyun glares at him again and drinks his milk. In his haste, he gets milk all over his mouth.

Seeing this, Jongin pounces without hesitation, tossing his bread to the side. Before Baekhyun can react, Jongin is already pressing him down on the chair, kissing him hungrily.

Their kisses taste like milk.

Then his lips travel downward slowly to Baekhyun’s neck. He bites gently on the creamy white skin, tracing the light green veins. Baekhyun feels ticklish so he moves his body a little. Jongin moves his lips further downward, biting his clavicle.

“That tickles. Are you a puppy?” Baekhyun nudges his waist, eyes curving into little crescents.

The two of them wrestle playfully when Baekhyun’s phone suddenly rings.

Jongin answers Baekhyun’s phone on the table and hears Luhan’s voice, sounding panicked and eerily clear.

“Baekhyun? Baekhyun? I need you now. There’s a child here who won’t listen to reason. He’s refusing to get in university through the dance recruitment list. Baekhyun?”

“Luhan hyung, this is Jongin.”

“Eh? Did I mix up your numbers? Or…” Luhan mutters to himself but Baekhyun grabs his phone from Jongin and says: “Luhan hyung, Jongin’s with me. We… Umm… Okay. Where are you? We’ll meet you.”

Chapter 82

Oh Sehun rarely ever throws tantrums. His smart brain reminds him often that he can use aegyo to get what he wants most of the time, but if it becomes overused and borders on the unreasonable, not only will he not get what he want, but he’ll irritate people as well.

So when Baekhyun and Jongin arrive at Luhan’s house, they find out that Sehun has locked himself inside the older boy’s bedroom, refusing to talk.

Luhan invites them in and goes back to knocking furiously at the door, but to no avail.

Sehun isn’t making any sound whatsoever.

Luhan looks like he’s about to cry out of frustration. He faces Baekhyun to complain: “Can you two help me reason with him? That day, we went with Yixing to audition but only the assistant was there and he was satisfied with Sehun’s dancing.”

“Then why is Sehun refusing to go?” Baekhyun asks, terribly confused.

“Because at the end of the audition, he told Sehun ‘why are you skipping grades at such a young age? If you fail in your classes, no one will give you additional points just because you attended university earlier’ And then Sehun got furious and said he’d rather not go to university than enter through this exception process.”

Baekhyun glances at Jongin.

“Jongin, if it were you, what would you do?”

Seeing as Jongin isn’t answering yet, Baekhyun grits his teeth and laughs coldly: “If it were me, I’d insist on getting in with the exception process and then use my dancing to make him eat his words. He’s just an assistant, what is he so arrogant about?”

Luhan rubs his temple helplessly.

“I think you have a point.” Jongin says. “Actually, in this entire thing, what’s important is the end result. If you failed, even if you have thousands of excuses for it, the fact of the matter is that you still failed. No one cares for your excuse.”

Baekhyun looks at Jongin like he’s looking at a weirdo. The younger boy meets his eyes and bites his lower lip, saying: “Before… before the scores were released, that’s what I told myself.”

Baekhyun holds Jongin’s hand wordlessly and faces at Luhan: “Hyung, but Sehun’s score just might be enough for him to pass. He might not need to go through the dance club.”

Luhan sighs. “I’m just taking extra precautions, preparing for the worst case scenario! He’s not only throwing tantrums at me, but also at home. His family wasn’t completely supportive of his choice to skip grades then… And now…”

“His family didn’t approve?” This stuns Baekhyun. He has been under the impression that Sehun didn’t face any obstacles in skipping a grade because his decision was made firmly and quickly. A few days after he had decided, he already jumped from first year to third.

Luhan doesn’t talk anymore, his expression bleak.

Baekhyun can understand the pressure Luhan is under, because he knows that although Jongin and Sehun have both made the decision to skip grades on their own and would never blame them, they have still inadvertently given them an extremely huge weight to carry on their shoulders, perhaps even more so than the pressure these kids have put on themselves.

It’s a sense of guilt brought about by being the reason why they have made that choice in the first place and by not having any power to change things if in case they don’t get the outcome they want.

Baekhyun really doesn’t want to carry that weight again. Is it now Luhan’s turn?

The older boy is already under a lot of pressure, having to fend for himself in a foreign country. Now, he has to carry this burden on him. Isn’t that too harsh? But Sehun, who has made this decision rashly, isn’t really in the wrong too.

In the end, everything is just because of the exam.

Refusing to enter university through the exception process is just Sehun’s pride talking. Although he’s smart and amicable, it’s exactly because of that that he has a sense of pride which makes him refuse to be a subject of ridicule or criticism. Even if he has secured a slot with his dancing skills legitimately, he still feels like he’s getting in through a back door and that goes against his principle.

But if he chooses not to go through this process, what if…

Baekhyun doesn’t want to continue with his thought and he doesn’t know what else to do. He squeezes Jongin’s hand tightly and for some reason he feels fortunate. He’s thankful that he and Jongin have been spared from having to make that choice.

“Hyung, let me talk to Sehun for a while.” He squeezes Baekhyun’s hand back as he turns to face Luhan. The light-haired boy hesitates, staring at Jongin with a serious expression as he opens his mouth: “Jongin, you…”

He has never considered Jongin to be someone who is good at convincing people.

Confronted with Jongin’s earnest eyes, Luhan looks quizzically at Baekhyun, and the latter stares at Jongin. He sighs and squeezes the younger boy’s palm, saying: “Give it a try. It might work.”

You’re best friends and you’ve had so many shared experiences. Maybe each of you understands the other the most.

Sehun doesn’t want Luhan to see him at his current embarrassing state, but maybe he’ll allow Jongin.

Jongin releases Baekhyun’s hand and walks towards the door. He knocks gently thrice and says in a low voice: “Sehun, it’s me Jongin. Open the door, please.”

“I told you it won’t work… Eh?” Luhan stops because he hears the lock click and the door open, not even 5 seconds after Jongin has spoken.

Luhan is dumbfounded.

Jongin gives them a look and then enters the room.

The door is once again closed and locked, shutting out a surprised Luhan and a thoughtful Baekhyun.

“To be honest, when Sehun tells me about how close he is with Jongin, I don’t believe him at all, thinking they’re just friends who hang out together, but when push comes to shove, it’s every man for himself. Do you get what I’m saying? But right now, I’m slowly discovering that their friendship is different from what I have originally thought.”

Luhan turns to look at Baekhyun, and the latter shrugs.

Who would have thought differently? Sehun and Jongin’s friendship doesn’t seem to be the dramatic brothers-for-life kind of friendship. Although Sehun had always accompanied Jongin to the high school to see him, Baekhyun attributed most of that to Sehun’s curiosity.

Sehun who enjoys insulting Jongin and Jongin who has completely distanced himself from Sehun after he and Baekhyun got together... These two young boys who have habitually chosen their love over friendship… Perhaps as bystanders, Baekhyun and the others have never really understood their friendship.

But now…

“It seems that their friendship is stronger than we think.” Luhan says.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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