[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 83 and 84)

Mar 24, 2013 00:12

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 83 and 84)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 83

At first, Baekhyun and Luhan really intend to press their ears on the door and eavesdrop, but it seems a little rude so they decide to just wait in the living room, thinking about what to prepare for lunch later.

Still traumatized from the last time Luhan cooked for them, Baekhyun puts his foot down and forbids Luhan from entering the kitchen.

“I just made a mistake last time!” Luhan explains. “Baekhyun, I am your hyung. Is this the right way to treat your hyung?”

“I’m just afraid that when Sehun finally comes out, he’ll become more depressed after eating your food.”

“Our Sehun is not a weakling.”

“Really now? So him hiding behind a locked door is a sign of strength?”

“Stronger than the certain child who leaned on you and cried on your shoulder at least.”

“Luhan hyung, how did you find out about that?”

One look at the room Sehun is in and Jongin knows immediately that this is Luhan’s room. Luhan, who is a slight neat freak, has everything in his room very organized. There’s even a huge deer stuffed toy on his pillow. When Jongin enters the room, Sehun has just sat on the bed, hugging the toy, looking very serious.

“Are you okay?” Jongin gets a chair and sits down.

Sehun rolls his eyes. “Do you think I’m okay?”

Jongin gives him a look, not saying anything.

“Did you come in here just to space out?” Seeing Jongin just sitting there, Sehun’s can’t help but unleash his snide comments. Jongin glares at him and says expressionlessly: “I think you’re in a good mood.”

“How do you even conclude that I’m in a good mood?” Sehun rages. “I just feel very disappointed.”

“Your biggest problem is that you’re too conceited. You’re good at everything but in the end you always can’t get the best because you have too much confidence in yourself.” Jongin pauses. “I’ve told you this before.”

“How come I can’t remember? Did you become philosophical after being with Baekhyun hyung for so long?” Sehun retorts, not holding back.

Jongin’s too tired to respond to Sehun’s sarcasm.

“Don’t assume that I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

Sehun turns to looks at Jongin.

“Ashamed to face Luhan hyung?”

Sehun gives him another look and then says: “I’m just… a little disappointed.”

Jongin encourages him to continue.

“Why is it that someone has to order me around and I have to lower my pride to that assistant? Just because I did poorly in English and that I might not reach the threshold?” Sehun says as he hugs the stuffed deer tighter. “I just feel very uncomfortable about the whole thing.”

“You don’t know for sure yet that you won’t meet the threshold.” Jongin shrugs.

Sehun glares at him: “That’s what you got from my speech?”

“When I went to audition, the dance teacher was there and she was very nice. You were just unlucky that you bumped into the jerk of an assistant.” Jongin continues “There’s no point wasting your energy at that kind of person.”

“No, I think what he said was right.” Sehun shakes his head. “Although it wasn’t pleasant to hear, but every word he said was true. No one would care how many grades I skipped when I took the national exam. Failure is failure.”

“I understand what you mean.”

It’s probably due to the stress of not doing well and being confronted with the ugly truth. Sehun is trying his best to convince himself, everyone’s trying their best to convince him that he didn’t do well because he’s too young and skipped too many grades, and that it’s okay
But in reality, it is still a failure and no one can really convince himself not to be bothered about it.

“You worked your ass off to skip grades so that you’ll meet Luhan hyung in university earlier, right?”

Sehun glares at him. Why are you asking questions you already know the answers to?

“All of your hard work is for that outcome. Now, as to what you do to get to that outcome, no one would really mind that much, don’t you agree?”

Jongin still remembers the first few days when he thought that he bombed the exam. For him, dancing is one of the few things in life he has committed to. Using dance as a ticket to get into university is not something he’s willing to do.

He believes that as a fellow dancer, Sehun would understand what he means.

Dance has been their outlet for releasing emotions.. It’s something they are truly passionate about, and they did not study dance for a specific particular purpose. But…

“Using one thing you’re committed to and trading it for another commitment, I think it’s worth it.”

“Since the reason why we’ve been working so hard is to achieve that final goal, then as long as you reach that goal, no one would care about how you reach it. Because that’s not what’s most important here.”

Sehun looks a little dazed. He blinks a couple of times and tries to repeat Jongin’s insights in his own words. “That assistant told me that if I didn’t do well in the exam, no one would care why I didn’t do well, because they only care about my results. At the same time, since they only care about the results, no one would care if I got into university through dance. Even if using dance to get what I want is going against what I’ve been committed to, but Luhan hyung is my biggest commitment right now, is that what you mean?”

Sehun really is a smart kid. Something that took Jongin days to figure out, Sehun has understood instantly.

But still, Jongin’s the one who planted the seed, right? Jongin smiles at that thought. Sehun’s lips curve up in a smile as well.

Thank you…

They give each other a quick hug, solidly patting each other’s backs.

Chapter 84

“So you’re saying that Sehun got accepted, just barely?” Baekhyun cradles the phone in between his ear and shoulder. Luhan’s probably outdoors so he’s shouting loudly for Baekhyun to hear.

“Sehun is thrilled! I guess he still thinks getting in the normal way is the best way.”

“Congratulations then! Do you two have any travel plans?”

“We’re not sure yet but Sehun seems to want to go with me to China again. Since the results are out, he can finally relax.” Luhan continues shouting. “I’m at school with Sehun. His acceptance letter has just arrived. Have fun, you two! I won’t bother you anymore!”

“Okay, let’s talk when we get back, Luhan hyung!” Baekhyun hangs up the phone. He turns his head to the right to admire the weather outside, and then looks at Jongin seated at his left.

They’re at the departure area in Gimpo airport. The rays from the sun shines through the huge glass, falling on Jongin’s smiling face and making his eyes seem especially brighter.

“Have you been to Jeju island?” Baekhyun asks Jongin.

Jongin shakes his head.

“Never?” Baekhyun thinks it’s strange. “How about Sehun?”

“We’ve been dancing since high school so we’ve never had the chance to travel during summer vacations.”

“How about during grade school?” Baekhyun still can’t get over it.

“During grade school, I studied ballet, jazz…” Jongin explains glumly. “So I really didn’t travel much…”

Baekhyun feels his heart ache a little at the look on Jongin’s face. He touches Jongin’s head. Before he can say anything, Jongin starts being coy: “Hyung, I’ve worked so hard. You should be good to me, okay?”

Baekhyun pinches Jongin’s cheeks and pulls. “You punk. You’re the one who has chosen dance. You love it so much so it should be okay even if you sacrificed time to travel right?”

“But if I sacrificed time to be with hyung, then it’s not okay of course.” Jongin is still trying his best to be cute but this really is not his strong suit.

Baekhyun taps Jongin’s forehead, signalling him to move away since they’re in a public place.

“Actually, I did research on the scenic spots we can go to at Jeju.” Jongin gets out his phone, preparing to show Baekhyun what he has found. However, when he unlocks his phone, Baekhyun thinks he saw his own face.

Generally speaking, it’s no big deal using Baekhyun’s photo as his phone’s wallpaper, but Baekhyun thinks there’s something strange with that photo.

“Wait, can you go back to your background again?” Baekhyun presses on Jongin’s hand who’s trying to shield his phone. Jongin resists but Baekhyun grabs his phone in an instant.

“Hyung… Hyung!” Jongin tries to get it back from behind but he can’t use his full force in stopping Baekhyun. He hugs the older boy’s waist as pulls him back. Baekhyun ignores him and presses the back button to go to the main page. What he sees makes his temper flare.

“Kim Jongin, when and where did you take this?”

The Baekhyun in Jongin’s wallpaper is a sleeping Baekhyun, but it seems like he’s sleeping in a tub. Although the white bubble foam and water covers most of Baekhyun, making it still decent somehow, half of Baekhyun’s shoulder is still exposed, add to that his eyes are closed and his hair is wet and clumping on his forehead.

“You… you… what the hell…”

As a guy, it’s not a big deal that you’re topless, but it’s really looks strange. Tub, bubbles, eyes closed… Why does it feel so…


His cheeks start to burn at that thought and he glares at the guilty-looking Jongin, unsure of what to say. Jongin lowers his head to look at that photo of Baekhyun, and starts to bite his finger out of habit. “Hyung… it was when you had a fever last time… I just thought…”

I thought you looked really good and I wanted to preserve that memory so I took a photo of you.

He can’t finish his sentence because the shorter boy is already rolling his eyes. “I was already delirious with fever and you still wanted to take a photo of me?”

“I… I… I…” Jongin starts to sweat out of panic. He grabs Baekhyun’s hand. “Baekhyun hyung, I really just thought you looked really nice then so…”

Baekhyun huffs and signals to Jongin with his finger to come closer. Jongin inches in, unsure why. The older boy puts his arm around Jongin’s neck and takes a photo of them.

“You can use this as your wallpaper, but you’re not allowed to use that weird photo of me anymore.” Baekhyun says as he taps his finger on Jongin’s phone. Baekhyun’s head shot in the tub is replaced with their couple headshot- Baekhyun smiling sweetly and Jongin looking stressed.

“So, I…”

“What now?” Baekhyun sees Jongin being apprehensive and thinks it’s a little weird. The dancer hesitates for a minute and continues. “I mean… the photos I have of you, I can still save them right?”

Baekhyun freezes and then shouts: “You mean there’s more than one?”

“Umm…” Jongin thinks: My phone and computer both have folders containing photos of you specifically from that night, but I think it would be best not to tell you that. “Nothing… Oh Baekhyun hyung, did Luhan hyung tell you where they were going?”

“China. Why?” Strangely enough, Jongin easily manages to shift Baekhyun’s attention elsewhere.

“Nothing…” I just wanted to change the topic. But of course Jongin doesn’t say that out loud. He looks at the time and pulls his travel companion up. “Baekhyun hyung, it’s time to board. Let’s go!”



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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