[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 85 and 86)

Mar 25, 2013 00:14

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 85 and 86)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 85

Since the moment they have boarded the plane, Baekhyun finds himself in a very bad mood.

At first, he wants to put his carry-on luggage inside the overhead bin. But as soon as he stands up, Jongin automatically becomes his bodyguard and grabs his luggage from him.

Baekhyun tries to keep calm but fails. He puts his hands on his waist and shouts at Jongin. “That’s enough, Kim Jongin! Do you think I’m a girl?”

Jongin’s mouth moves and he does want to answer ‘Yes’ but with Baekhyun’s violent tendencies, he decides to keep quiet. Touching the back of his head, he smiles. “No, I just think that since I’m seated by the aisle, it’s more convenient for me to do it.”

Baekhyun grunts, somewhat accepting Jongin’s explanation.

After that, when the flight attendant comes by to offer them beverage, before Baekhyun can order a Coke, Jongin decides for him and says: “I’ll have juice and he’ll have milk.”

“I want to drink Coke!” Baekhyun says, enraged.

“Baekhyun hyung, your throat’s been itchy lately, right? You shouldn’t drink Coke.”

“You…!” Baekhyun waits for the flight attendant to leave before he grabs onto Jongin’s hand on the table, pinching it with all his might.

Jongin grits his teeth but still grinning from ear to ear.

“You’re too controlling!” Jongin’s smile makes Baekhyun angrier. He lifts the dancer’s arm and bites down hard, leaving a mark. Jongin reaches out his arm and pulls Baekhyun in for a hug, trying to calm him down. “Baekhyun hyung, I’m doing this for your own good. Your throat’s been scratchy lately and it’s not good to drink Coke, and…”

“And, have you read in the recent news that Coke can affect male fertility?” Baekhyun says coldly.

Jongin is stunned to silence, responding only after a pause: “But even so, are you telling me you want to have kids?”

Baekhyun gives him a hard punch to the chest.

Holding on to the older boy’s hand, Jongin winces comically. After a quick look around, he notices that no one’s paying any attention to them. He leans in to give Baekhyun a fast peck on the lips.

This earns another punch from Baekhyun.

Then when the flight attendant comes by again to offer them bread or dessert, Kim Jongin once again orders for both of them. “I’ll have a slice of cake and please give him bread.”

“I want to eat cake too!” Baekhyun continues his protest.

“Baekhyun hyung, haven’t you said recently that you want to lose weight?” Jongin explains with a smile. “Cakes have really high calorie count.”

Baekhyun starts seeing red and he puts his hand under Jongin’s blanket to inflict pain on his waist. What he realizes infuriates him even more. “Why is there no excess fat for me to pinch?”

“I have abs. If Baekhyun hyung you want to pinch those…” Jongin tries to keep his laughter in as he hands Baekhyun his bread. The older boy rips through the packaging angrily, taking a big bite. He’s very unhappy and he needs to say something to vent. “Kim Jongin, let me tell you this. You’re too controlling, not even my parents are this controlling!”

Jongin feels his heart swell at watching Baekhyun talk with his mouth full of bread and arms flailing. He reaches out a finger to wipe the bread crumbs on the corner of the older boy’s mouth, a huge smile on his face. Baekhyun’s anger dissipates upon seeing this.

Never mind. He’s just concerned for me. And also…

I don’t really hate his controlling ways.

They land safely in Jeju’s airport. Baekhyun shakes his head, trying to settle the strange feeling of weightlessness and the loud buzzing noise in his ears. He takes off his seat belt and opens the little window next to him, the light from the sun peeking in.

He tries to shield the glare with his palm, bending his waist to see the view.

The bright rays from the afternoon sun illuminate Baekhyun’s face as he squints and smiles. Jongin stands behind him, holding their luggage. His gaze is fixated on the older boy’s back, eyes full of warmth.

After a few minutes, most of the passengers have already deplaned. He taps Baekhyun’s shoulder gently, saying: “Hyung, let’s go.”

This is Baekhyun and Jongin’s Jeju getaway.

Jeju’s sun is excellent and its sky is very blue. The weather isn’t that hot but the strong sun can still make people feel uncomfortable, which is why Baekhyun puts on his hat and hides behind a post, watching Jongin wearing just a gray tank top, trying to hail a cab.

It looks like those who are tan aren’t afraid of the sun. Baekhyun is different. If he’s under the sun for twenty minutes at most, he’ll be sunburned all over and it would take months for him to recover.

Jongin returns for Baekhyun once he has gotten a cab. He finds Baekhyun hiding under the shadow of the post completely. Using his arm as a temporary shade for the older boy, he brings him towards the cab.

The cab driver is talkative and friendly. He starts engaging them in a conversation as soon as they shut the doors.

“Are you two also students who have just passed their national examinations?”

Baekhyun gives his trademark smile and answers: “Yes. We’ve just gotten our acceptance letters so we’re here to celebrate.”

“That’s great, two good friends coming out here to have fun.” The driver alternates between looking at them and then introducing the sights they’re passing through. Baekhyun smiles wordlessly, but Jongin doesn’t feel too happy. He holds Baekhyun’s hand and squeezes. Baekhyun returns the gesture and continues talking to the driver.

“What are the good places to go to here in the summer?”

“Hasn’t hyung visited here already before?” Jongin can’t help but ask, seeing that Baekhyun looks genuinely clueless.

“I was here during the winter last time.” Baekhyun answers him and turns to the driver again. “Oh, ahjusshi, I remember there’s a waterfront festival around here this time?”

“Yes! Summer is really the best time to be here. It’s perfect for honeymoons too. You can even go to see the sunrise or sunset. They’re all very beautiful. You could also go row boats…”

“Then let’s go boating now!” Baekhyun decides but then changes his mind. “No, we can’t. It’s too hot today. Let’s just go boating another day or we can consider doing that at night…”

Jongin watches Baekhyun talking to himself about their itinerary and thinks it would be best not to argue.

The driver observes the two of them from the rear view mirror as they talk happily. Seeing the look of adoration in Jongin’s eyes, he suddenly thinks that these two boys don’t seem to be simply best friends, but he doesn’t comment on it anymore. He only smiles and continues introducing the local sights.

Chapter 86

Reprieved from the unforgiving sun in the day time, Jeju Island at night becomes cooler, almost unlike the normal weather near end of June and early July.

Baekhyun knocks on Jongin’s door, all freshened up with a bath after dinner. The dancer looks like he has just finished his shower, opening the door with his upper body bare and a towel on his head, wearing just shorts.

Baekhyun enters the room calmly, taking a seat on the couch.

Jongin walks over to Baekhyun. The older boy gestures at him to sit down. Kneeling on the couch, Baekhyun grabs Jongin’s towel and helps him dry his hair.

Jongin’s dark hair is wet, sticking to his head and neck. The beads of water track down from the side of his cheek to his shoulders. Probably having just gotten out of a hot shower, his entire body is radiating with heat. Baekhyun’s eyes unconsciously follow the trail of the dancer’s smooth spine and then…

He swallows, finding it a little difficult to breathe.

He clears his throat, trying to calm his nervousness. “Let’s take a walk later?”

Jongin responds with a hum, wiping the drops of water on the tip of his nose, eyes curving into crescents.

“Hey, you’re not sleepy, are you?” Baekhyun’s nerves go away as he sees Jongin with eyes closed, reminding him of past experiences. Out of reflex, he pinches Jongin’s cheek unhappily. The latter shakes his shoulders and answers hazily: “No… I’m just very comfortable right now.”

Baekhyun kisses Jongin’s nose sideways and continues drying the latter’s hair, much gentler this time.

Jongin’s hair starts to gradually become fluffy and Baekhyun’s playfulness strikes as he tosses the towel to the side and messes with Jongin’s hair with his hands.

“Baekhyun hyung…” Jongin grabs the older boy’s hands. Meeting resistance, he uses one arm to pull Baekhyun into his chest, locking him tight.

“We’re still going for a walk, right?”

“Yes. What’s this got to with that?” Baekhyun realizes that Jongin is still topless and feels his cheeks burning.

“If you keep on doing this, I can’t guarantee that we can still take a walk normally.” Jongin says in a low voice next to his ear.

Baekhyun punches him.

“Baekhyun hyung, you’ve become especially irritable lately, have you noticed?” Jongin still wants to continue teasing Baekhyun verbally, as he tightens the hold of his arm around the older boy’s waist. The latter pouts unconsciously.

With the older boy’s rosy and tender lips look so inviting, Jongin doesn’t resist and presses his mouth on them. Not minding whether or not Baekhyun is willing, he coaxes the older boy’s mouth open and finds his tongue, lapping at it hungrily.

When the two end their very long kiss, the sky has become even darker.

“Are we still going to take a walk?” Jongin probes, seeing Baekhyun’s swollen lips.

They still end up taking that walk after all.

Because of the strong wind, Baekhyun grabs a jacket from Jongin’s suitcase and puts it on. Although it’s a little big, it has a slight scent that’s distinctively Kim Jongin’s.

Baekhyun hides his hands inside the sleeves, inhaling as he shrugs his shoulders, filling his nose with that scent he loves so much.

Jongin knows Baekhyun’s afraid of the cold so he puts an arm around the latter’s shoulders, pulling him closer to his chest.

The hotel they’re staying in is close to the ocean. Although it’s already dark outside, there are still a lot of people taking walks, eating and talking on the beach. The cool wind blows on their faces, feeling slightly moist.

“It’s so lively.” Jongin comments to himself.

“There are so many couples around.” Baekhyun looks around. As expected from the holy land of honeymoons, there are romantic couples everywhere.

“It’s a good place.” Jongin’s not sure why he feels especially happy hearing Baekhyun’s observation.

Baekhyun elbows him.

Jongin pretends to hide, his arm falling down to Baekhyun’s waist and locking him in closer.

Baekhyun doesn’t mind him. The two of them take a stroll along the shore. When they reach a barbeque stall, the owner calls them enthusiastically: “Do you want to try our barbeque special? It’s very cheap and is good for two. Couples get a discount.”

Baekhyun runs over happily and Jongin follows quickly, feeling very happy at hearing ‘couples’.

They find a table and sit down. Baekhyun takes the tongs and starts to grill the meat eagerly. Jongin wants to help but the older boy blocks him. He can only watch from the side with his chin down in frustration, worrying that the sizzling oil and the sparks might hurt Baekhyun’s hand.

The leaping flames light up Baekhyun’s face, the details of which Jongin would never forget even with his eyes closed - bright eyes and beaming smile. It all seems like yesterday.

Suddenly, a lot of memories surface in Jongin’s heart.

On that fine day almost three years ago, Baekhyun singing a love song, hand on his chest and face full of emotion, barged into Jongin’s world hastily and had since then never managed to leave.

At that time, Jongin carried a gentle but sorrowful heart, liking Baekhyun quietly from afar. The thought that a day like this would come had never crossed his mind - that they would be sitting across each other, grilling barbeque in Jeju Island; that the person in front of him, smiling beautifully, would also feel the same way about him.

Kim Jongin, you’re probably the luckiest person in the world.

“They’re ready!” Baekhyun announces cheerily, placing a piece of meat on Jongin’s plate. The dancer breaks from his trance and raises his eyes, seeing Baekhyun on his feet, peering at him curiously with tongs in hand.

“Hurry up and eat.” Baekhyun says as he waves his hand.

Jongin stands up abruptly. Under Baekhyun’s confused eyes, the younger boy bows slightly to give him a kiss across the table.

While Baekhyun is still dazed from the sudden kiss, Jongin puts the meat Baekhyun lovingly grilled into his mouth.

Then he spits it out. “Baekhyun hyung! This meat isn’t done yet!”

“I did it on purpose.” Baekhyun says triumphantly. As Jongin wipes his mouth with a napkin, Baekhyun feels a wave of warmth and tenderness. Seeing this young boy staring at him with adoring eyes despite feeling helpless, Baekhyun is transported back to the day he first saw him, looking so lost and sleepy. Baekhyun thinks the world moves in extraordinary ways.

When Jongin puts down the napkin, Baekhyun bends down and gives him a quick kiss as well.

Thank you for appearing in my world.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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