[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 87 and 88)

Mar 26, 2013 00:18

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 87 and 88)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 87

When Jongin suggests that they go bungee jumping, Baekhyun refuses adamantly, making lame excuses.

“It’s so hot. We’ll get sunburned.”

Jongin watches Baekhyun wordlessly, the latter pretending to be calm even when fear is written all over his face. He debates whether he should expose the older boy’s secret but decides it would be best to keep silent. He opens his mouth after a pause: “Umm, hyung, I think you’ve mentioned before that the most exciting thing you’ve done is… being flicked on the forehead?”

Baekhyun’s cheeks become red all of a sudden. “This has nothing to do with that!”

“Fine, it has nothing to do with that.” Jongin coaxes him as he tries to lead Baekhyun towards the bungee’s platform. “Baekhyun hyung, just try it. I’ve done it a lot of times in the city. It’s very fun. I swear! Even Zitao says it’s thrilling.”

“Of course!” Zitao loves the Big Shot at Las Vegas so much. He’s not normal, okay?” Would normal people study wushu for more than ten years and still not be tired of it?”

Jongin gives Baekhyun a look. The older boy pouts and says: “He told me about it. He went to Las Vegas in first year.”

“Baekhyun hyung, don’t be afraid. It’s fine.”

“No!” Baekhyun plants his feet firmly on the ground. Jongin has to literally half-drag, half-carry him forward. Finally, he manages to get the struggling Baekhyun on the platform.

Seeing the view below and hearing the loud roaring of the wind, Baekhyun feels his legs turn into jelly.

“You would never know how much fun it is if you don’t try it.” Jongin notices that the short boy is weak in the knees and finds it amusing, deciding that they must jump together no matter what.

“There’s a couple bungee wherein two people can do it together. It’s fine.” Baekhyun tries to hold onto the railings desperately while Jongin pulls him by the shoulders. The two of them push and shove until the ahjusshi in charge of gearing them up finally cannot take it any longer.

“Are you two doing it together or separately?”



Jongin and Baekhyun answer at the same time.

Their eyes meet and Baekhyun loses his temper. “I don’t want to cling to you like a girl!”

Jongin answers with a blank face: “But hyung, you’re afraid to jump on your own right? How about I cling to you instead?”

Baekhyun considers this but gives up in the end. “Never mind, let’s do it together then.”

When the ahjusshi helps them with the necessary gears, Baekhyun’s knees start to shake. He has no choice but to lean on Jongin, threatening him in the process: “I’m telling you. If you so much as let go during the jump, I’m gonna…”

“I won’t let you go.” Jongin answers him seriously.

Baekhyun looks at him dubiously.

Slowly wrapping his arms around the older boy, Jongin lowers his head to whisper in Baekhyun’s ear: “I promise. I won’t let go.”

I will never let go of you.

As they walk closer to the edge of the platform, Baekhyun hugs Jongin tightly. He remembers the ahjusshi watching them from the side and tries to resist from burying his head into Jongin’s chest.

However, when the ahjusshi starts counting down, the terror overwhelms him and he sinks into Jongin’s chest, closing his eyes shut.

As the feeling of weightlessness rises from his chest, he screams out loud, subconsciously climbing into Jongin’s body.

At first, Jongin holds his breath as the exhilaration takes over every cell of his body. Although he’s not afraid, it still makes him shout of our reflex. At the same time, he feels Baekhyun clinging to him completely.

Right now, there’s only Baekhyun by his side, the only Baekhyun.

Plus the hoarse screams from Baekhyun’s excellently trained vocal chords that linger in his ears for days.

“So what everyone says is true - bungee jumping really is most suitable for couples to do.” When they return to the ground, Baekhyun is still holding on to Jongin tightly, not yet recovered from the shock. Jongin lets him and tries to move the two of them forward.

“Hmm?” Baekhyun’s voice is louder than the usual, like he’s still hearing the loud whistling of the wind.

“Nothing…” Jongin sees the little head of dark hair nuzzling his neck and feels his heart melt. “Do you want to go back to the hotel and rest?”

“I’m okay.” Baekhyun forces a smile, but doesn’t move from his spot. “It’s just that my legs aren’t following my instructions. This is different from what I've intended.”

“Right… Different…”

Agreeing so as to pacify him, Jongin suddenly lifts Baekhyun in his arms.

Still feeling like one confused mess, Baekhyun leans closer to Jongin. At first, he intends to protest against the younger boy carrying him bridal style, but he really doesn’t have the strength to talk anymore. He can only let Jongin take the lead, bringing them back to the hotel and into his bedroom.

Jongin places him gently on the bed, covering him with a blanket. He then brings over a platter of fruit, feeding it to Baekhyun piece by piece.

After several bites of apple, Baekhyun feels his energy return. Pausing to think, he reaches out his arm to Jongin. “Come here.”

Jongin obeys and the older boy hugs his neck, becoming coy all of a sudden. “Jongin…”

What is going on? Why is Baekhyun acting cute without any warning whatsoever? This is unacceptable. I am not prepared for this! Jongin’s face doesn’t betray the turmoil that’s going on in his head.

Baekhyun continues. “Jongin-ah, you tricked me into doing the bungee jump, causing me to feel uncomfortable all over. Shouldn’t you make it up to me?”

Jongin thinks: Even if I didn’t trick you into doing the bungee jump with me, if you want the moon, I would still find a way to get it for you. Do you even need an excuse? But now that I think about it, why should I admit that I did trick you into doing it with me because I wanted to make the jump with you? Although that’s really what happened…

“Jongin-ah, to compensate me for my troubles, can I put eyeliner on you?”

This stuns Jongin. “Ha?” What?”

“I’ll just put eye make-up on you. Jongin, you know we won’t have many opportunities to do this.” Baekhyun tries to convince him. “Think about it. In order to match with you, I have to put eyeliner on every time we have a joint stage. That’s not fair to me.”

“But hyung, you don’t know how to do it, right?” Jongin tries to change the topic. “You’re still in shock. You should rest now. I’ll buy you something to eat. Tomorrow, we can…”

“Jongin… Jongin…”

That tone again! That expression again - eyes curved, hands clasped together in front of his chest, pleading expression revealing his row of perfect teeth. Jongin realizes he has absolutely no defense against that kind of look.

“Okay, I understand. I’m willing to do whatever you want, hyung.” Jongin raises his hands in surrender, thinking that Baekhyun will always be his weakness and that he will never win.

Chaper 88

When Baekhyun takes out a black eyeliner pencil from his bag, Jongin is dumbfounded.

“Hyung! Hyung! I can’t believe you’ve brought that with you!” This scares Jongin. Did Baekhyun really bring it to apply on himself? Does Baekhyun have a fetish for eyeliner? Could it be that…

All sorts of strange ideas mill back and forth in his head, overwhelming him into silence.

“The noona who applied make-up on us last time left this and I happened to keep it in this bag. What are you thinking? Do I look like someone who would apply eyeliner to everyone out of leisure?” Baekhyun figures out what Jongin is thinking from the look in his eyes and feels annoyed.

“That’s not…” Jongin tries to explain but he realizes that’s exactly what he’s thinking, so he keeps quiet wisely.

Baekhyun glares at him suspiciously and then approaches him.

Jongin doesn’t break from their eye contact.

“Can you close your eyes?” With Jongin’s dark round eyes staring at him, Baekhyun can’t find it in him to start. Jongin glances at the pencil in the older boy’s hand dubiously, but still obeys.

Baekhyun’s hand trembles as he moves closer to pull on Jongin’s eyelid.

Jongin feels the older boy’s hand shaking slightly at the contact of skin on skin. When something pointy pokes his eyelid gently, he shrinks back quickly, frightened. Taking a moment to calm himself, he leans in again hesitantly.

He strongly believes that there’s a high possibility that he’ll be poked blind by this thing, but he knows that if he opens his eyes, Baekhyun would surely get angry. At the same time, if he doesn’t open his eyes, he might possibly not be able to see Baekhyun with his own eyes anymore.

Jongin finds himself stuck in his dilemma.

After what feels like hours, Baekhyun holds Jongin’s head in place. The dancer feels his eyelid being lifted roughly and traced with a pointy cold object. Fortunately, there isn’t much force to it, like Baekhyun is intentionally being more gentle so as to not hurt Jongin and this makes the latter exhale in relief.

Baekhyun is like a small animal rustling around him restlessly. Finally, Jongin hears Baekhyun announce that he’s done. Opening his eyes tentatively, Jongin sees Baekhyun standing in front of him, eyeliner pencil in hand, expression stern.

Jongin’s reflex is to bury his face in his hands.

Baekhyun removes his hands forcibly and moves closer to inspect. Jongin sees the older boy’s face magnified and notices his little movements up close - Baekhyun titling his head, scrunching his nose, blinking, pouting… Jongin gulps and resists the urge to just pounce and kiss him, trying to calm himself down for Baekhyun to check.

After a close inspection, Baekhyun feels unhappy.

“Why are your eyebrows and eyes so dark? I’ve spent so much time applying eyeliner on you but it looks like it’s barely there!”

“I’m sorry…” Jongin has no idea why he’s apologizing but he feels this is the best way to go.

Baekhyun touches his forehead and pouts out of frustration. He gives his order. “Close your eyes again.”

Jongin is quick to obey.

Baekhyun works on Jongin’s eyes for a long time. He seems to be more satisfied with his work the second time around. He rummages through his bag and takes out a mirror that looks like it has seen better days. When Jongin takes it, he decides it would be better not to wonder why Baekhyun carries around a mirror as well.

One look at himself through the mirror and Jongin shuts his eyes silently. Then he scrunches his face.

He raises his hands to cover his face.

“Don’t! You’ll ruin it!” Baekhyun shouts. “I’ve spent so much effort in applying it heavily!”

Jongin can only put his hands down, staring helplessly at the excited Baekhyun with his darkly circled eyes. He thinks it’s really peculiar that Baekhyun has this hobby that only girls would normally like.

“I think it’s not bad! What do you think?” Baekhyun asks happily.

“I…” Jongin bites on his lower lip, wondering if he should tell the truth or lie. But after debating about it back and forth in his mind, he still hasn’t decided how to answer so he closes his mouth.

“Silence means yes?” Baekhyun misinterprets.

Jongin lowers his head dejectedly.

He really can’t accept the obviously smoky circles around his eyes, but if he admits it and Baekhyun snaps, the situation will become very hard to fix.

Not coming up with a good solution, Jongin pulls Baekhyun close, deciding to seal his lips and divert his attention for now.

Baekhyun is caught by surprise at first, but when faced up close with Jongin’s eyes that have become eerily larger because of the heavy make-up, he can’t help but burst out laughing.

Jongin’s face darkens and he puts Baekhyun in a headlock, ruffling his hair vindictively. Seeing the older boy still laughing, Jongin puffs his cheeks angrily.

“Baekhyun hyung!”

Baekhyun buries his face in his hands. “Jongin, I realize now that I’ve wronged you somehow.”

Jongin stares at him, not talking.

“But it’s fine. I can wipe it off.” Baekhyun grabs a napkin hurriedly and runs into the bathroom to get it wet.

Jongin finds Baekhyun’s franticness amusing. “Hyung, I can do it myself.”

“No, you won’t be able to get it all off on your own.” Baekhyun insists, pressing his hand on Jongin’s shoulder as he starts wiping off his masterpiece. The dancer holds his breath, feeling that his eyelashes would all be detached due to Baekhyun’s inexperience.

The two of them suffer for a long while because of the eyeliner. The area around Jongin’s eyes is already red and irritated because of Baekhyun’s vigorous cleaning efforts - an outcome of make-up being applied heavily yet with no make-up remover.

Jongin closes his eyes and smiles bitterly. Although this is Baekhyun’s request, he still feels a little frustrated.

Baekhyun looks at him with shame and guilt written all over his face as he bites on his lower lip.

Jongin’s heart melts at the older boy’s expression. Before he can say anything, Baekhyun cups his face in his hands and plants a kiss on the top of each eye.

Fine, I’m defenseless when it comes to you.

Jongin reaches out an arm to pull Baekhyun into his chest and sighs. Oh well. I’ll just count this as a bonding activity I guess.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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