[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 89 and 90)

Mar 27, 2013 03:02

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 89 and 90)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 89

When Yixing arrives in a bicycle, Baekhyun’s temper flares.

“You told us to bring all our things in front of the school gate and that you’ll help us move our stuff. Yet you arrive in a bicycle?” He points at Yixing, sputtering angrily. “You’re joking, right? Is this even helpful? Where’s Wu Yifan?”

“Baekhyun, who has given you the right to refer to me by my full name?” Yifan appears behind Yixing, also in a bicycle. The image of Yifan, all 188 centimetres, trying to ride a small two-wheeled vehicle is very peculiar, his long legs stretched outward to maintain his balance.

“What are you two doing? Are you going on a Seoul day tour or something?” Sehun can’t help but to roll his eyes rudely.

“If not to help you guys out, we wouldn’t be willing to contribute our bicycles! Don’t you know how distressed exchange students in Korea are?” Yifan says coldly, getting off his vehicle. He starts picking up Baekhyun’s luggage and placing them on the backseat. After that, he gestures for Baekhyun to follow him and push the bicycle along.

Baekhyun thinks everything is just absurd, but he has no choice but to obey and hold on to his luggage, walking next to Yifan.

“Where is Luhan hyung?” Sehun ignores them. He turns to look at Yixing who’s trying to help Jongin with his things but failing miserably, the latter ending up having to lift everything on the backseat on his own.

Not long after that, Luhan arrives in a bicycle as well.

“Why do you all have a weird fondness for riding bicycles?” Baekhyun comments sarcastically. However, his partner-in-crime Oh Sehun has already abandoned him and has run over to Luhan with a big grin on his face. “Luhan hyung, you look so pre… I mean handsome in that bicycle!”

Luhan pats him on the head, smiling like an angel.

Six people and three bicycles shuttle in the school campus, creating a scene.

When Chanyeol appears out of nowhere and runs toward them, Jongin’s reflex is to release his hold on the bicycle to stop the taller boy from getting too close to Baekhyun.

“Kim Jongin, you little punk!”

Yixing falls to the ground along with the bicycle and the huge suitcases on top.

By this time, Chanyeol has already pounced on Baekhyun, causing the bicycle they’re holding to tip over because of the loss of balance.

Suitcases, bicycles, Yixing lying sprawled on the ground, Yifan helping him up, Sehun rolling his eyes, Luhan feeling helpless, Jongin looking annoyed, Baekhyun blinking, and the instigator who’s oblivious about the commotion he has caused - Park Chanyeol, still happily hugging Baekhyun.

“You went to Jeju Island? Why didn’t you tell me? I want to go too!”

Baekhyun pulls the hyperactive boy’s arm. “What would you have done there? Be our third wheel? Speaking of, where’s Kyungsoo?”

Chanyeol’s smile is replaced with the look of an abandoned puppy. “I don’t know what’s going on with him! He said he was coming earlier but I can’t find him anywhere. Why are you all leaving me behind?”

“Come here earlier? For what?” Baekhyun glances around, finally noticing that they have become a huge roadblock, earning whispers and looks from passers-by. The commotion they’ve caused is one reason, but it’s mostly because of the attention-grabbing presence they have as a group.

“So the three of you are used to having everyone’s eyes on you all the time? Don’t you feel like animals in the zoo?” Baekhyun asks.

Yifan answers calmly: “That’s why when I was a freshman, whenever I was out in public, I would always…”

“Act cool.” Yixing finishes his sentence.

Luhan nods in agreement. “Every time he walked around campus, I thought he was like a runway model in a fashion show or something. Yixing and I would always want to hide somewhere and pretend we didn’t know him.”

“He’s such a big flirt and a tease.” Yixing says, gritting his teeth. “I feel angry now that I think about it.”

When the gang approaches the bulletin board where the rooming assignments are posted, they see Kyungsoo coming out from the dorm building with Junmyeon.

Chanyeol cries out in anguish and leans on Baekhyun for support. “He abandoned me for Junmyeon hyung!”

“Why are the two of them together?” Sehun mutters to himself.

At this point, Jongin couldn’t care less about who’s together with whom because he’s focused on looking for his and Baekhyun’s names on the list.

“Have you found your names?” Yifan comes closer to ask. The younger boy shakes his head vaguely. After a few minutes, he finds Sehun’s name, and underneath it is his own name.

The student dormitory accommodates two people per room, so that means Sehun and Jongin are roommates.

Jongin turns his head to look hostilely at Sehun who’s talking to Junmyeon and Kyungsoo. The younger boy feels this instinctively glances in his direction. Seeing the bulletin board behind Jongin, Sehun catches on quickly.

“I don’t want to live with you.” They say in unison, glaring at each other. Jongin goes back to the list to check who gets to room with Baekhyun.

Under Baekhyun’s name, he sees in bold print - Park Chanyeol.

Seeing the smile that breaks out on Chanyeol’s face when he realizes this, Jongin feels like throwing something at him. “I’m not going to live in the dorms! I’m going to stay at home. Baekhyun hyung, you don’t need to live in the dorms as well. Come home with me!”

“All freshmen are required to stay in the dorms.” Luhan gives him a sympathetic look. “After the first year, you then have the choice to either move out like me or stay in the dorms like Yixing and Yifan.”

“Then I want to switch rooms.” Jongin continues his protest.

“That would be difficult too.” Junmyeon reminds kindly. “Last year, I had to live with a math major who liked listening to music in the middle of the night. It was torture.”

“So are you living outside the campus this year?” Baekhyun asks.

“No, I’m still living on campus. Kyungsoo and I are roommates actually.” Junmyeon replies with a smile.

Sehun and Jongin are both looking angrily at Junmyeon, jealous of his good fortune. Baekhyun doesn’t look like he cares who he lives with. He can’t help but laugh at the two kids’ expressions. “That’s enough, you two. It’s just a year…”

But he is forced to silence by the two’s bitter glares.

“How about this, Sehun? You won’t be able to live with your Luhan hyung anyway so just switch with Chanyeol. This way, Jongin can live with Baekhyun. You don’t mind living with Chanyeol, right?” Yixing tries to fix issue. “When the resident advisor makes her checks, you can just switch back temporarily. How does that sound?”

Chanyeol cries out. “Why am I the sacrificial lamb again? I want to live with Baekhyun too, okay?”

Chapter 90

“I want to room with Baekhyun.” Jongin stands in front of the resident advisor’s desk, speaking forcefully without any trace of courtesy.

“The rooming assignments have been posted.”

“Then I still want to live with Byun Baekhyun in one room.” Jongin repeats in anger. “Didn’t you just randomly assign the rooming assignments anyway? Why can’t you make slight adjustments before they’re official?”

“If everyone starts requesting for changes, it’ll become too complicated.”

“It’s just a slight change. The two parties have agreed. I don’t understand why you can’t change it.”

“I can’t make the final decision on that.”

“Then tell me who can make the final decision.”

Seeing that the resident advisor is becoming annoyed, Baekhyun enters quickly and pulls Jongin’s arm. “Jongin… Jongin, look at you. You can’t get angry at the teacher…”

Jongin tries to speak but Baekhyun drags him all the way outside.

“Baekhyun hyung…” Jongin feels like the world is against him. “I…”

Baekhyun doesn’t stop. “Even if you want to switch rooms, you shouldn’t get into an argument with someone.”

Jongin feels like crying. “What should I do then, hyung? I want to live with you.”

“We live right across the hall. If you want to live with hyung in one room, just switch with Chanyeol.”

“But I want it to be official.”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes at the younger boy. “What do you think this is? Marriage? It’s enough that we have a place to stay. Hurry, everyone’s waiting for us at the cafeteria now. Stop looking so sad. Come with hyung.”

Jongin bites his lower lip, following Baekhyun reluctantly with a dark cloud over his head. After a few minutes, Baekhyun turns his head and finds himself amused at Jongin’s expression. “Hey. You’re still mad? Jongin, tell me. Why does it matter so much? What’s the difference?”

Jongin gives him a look, deciding it would be best not to tell him exactly how huge of a difference it would make.

“Such as he can steal a kiss from you when you’re asleep; He can sit by your bed side and watch you sleep with a goofy smile on his face; He can also do things to you that are inappropriate for minors when you’re asleep; You’ll be the first thing he sees in the morning and the last thing he sees at night. You’ll be together forever and never part!”

This is Chanyeol’s explanation after listening to Baekhyun’s frustration.

They are currently at the school cafeteria. Jongin, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Junmyeon, Yifan, Yixing, Luhan and Sehun - all nine of them taking up a huge round table, attracting the attention of everyone including the lunch ladies.

“You’ve exposed Jongin’s inner desires just like that. Aren’t you scared he’ll beat you up?” Yifan smiles calmly.

“Jongin’s right here, you guys.” Baekhyun replies, eyes landing on Jongin who looks incredibly guilty. “Jongin doesn’t have those ideas at all, right?”

Jongin neither confirms nor denies, thinking that Baekhyun is asking a question he knows the answer to already. The shorter boy thinks his expression is funny and wants to think of other ways to torment him. But then Luhan asks: “Oh, Jongin. Did you talk to the resident advisor already?”

Jongin’s face falls in an instant.

“Don’t mention it anymore, Luhan hyung. He almost got into an argument with her.” Baekhyun feels a head ache coming on. “Everyone else is trying to get on her good side while Jongin here antagonizes her on his first day, one step away from threatening her. What do you think we should do? She would surely remember him. What if she starts making things difficult for him?”

“Jongin, your love for your Baekhyun hyung is so deep.” Junmyeon expresses in awe, realizing in the one year that he has missed, these two have become even more outrageous than before.

Jongin picks up his food and eats bitterly.

“What should we do now?” Yixing feels especially happy, taking pleasure in others’ misery.

“How about we change the list? The resident advisor refers to that list anyway. No one would know if we change it secretly.” Chanyeol gives one of his rare good ideas.

“Although the list on the bulletin board has already been torn and thrown in the trash, the master list is locked in her drawer and every room has a label showing the occupants’ names.” Kyungsoo speaks up, earning a harsh glare from Chanyeol who feels abandoned once again.

“Then steal it. Steal the list, see what it looks like, and make a new copy.” Sehun suggests carelessly. He doesn’t mind whether he lives with Chanyeol or Jongin since he won’t be able to live with Luhan in his first year anyway.

Baekhyun is just about to comment on what a dumb idea it is when he sees Jongin’s eyes light up.

“Hey, you’re not seriously considering it, are you?” Sehun starts to feel uneasy as well. If he gets into trouble, Luhan would get angry at him for sure.

Jongin doesn’t answer, eating with his head lowered.

The more the dancer continues being like this, the more the people around him frets. Yifan knocks on the table with his chopsticks. “Kim Jongin, I’m warning you. The resident advisor isn’t someone you can mess with. If you get caught, you’ll get punished. It’s not worth it.”

“I agree. It’s just one year. After one year, you can rent somewhere with your Baekhyun hyung and you two can build your love nest. Can’t you bear through one year?” Yixing continues.

Jongin focuses on his meal, keeping his silence.

Everyone looks at him worriedly, afraid that he’ll really do something, except Sehun. The light-haired boy has a bad and ominous feeling.

If Jongin really plans to steal that list, Sehun would probably be involved as well.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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