[Translation] I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 91 and 92)

Mar 29, 2013 14:18

Title I Hear You're In Love With Me (Chapters 91 and 92)
Length: Chaptered
Pairing: Kai/Baekhyun, side Sehun/Luhan
Characters: All 12 EXO members
Rating: PG-13
Genre: High School AU, Fluff
Note: This is a translation of a Chinese Kaibaek fanfic titled 听说你暗恋我 by hi_foggyeye. It consists of 100 chapters. This is my first time translating a fic so comments are very welcome! Unbeta-ed for now. Thank you to all who have been following and commenting!

Chapter 91

Sehun’s gut feel is right.

Since school hasn’t officially started, Jongin and Sehun hang out leisurely by the field next to the school dormitories, the latter looking very stern, like he’s about to make a lifelong commitment.

“So here’s my plan. You distract the resident advisor while I switch the list.”

Sehun smirks. “Ah, this plan is so simple. It doesn’t require much thought at all!”

“Although that is true, executing it is going to be challenging since she’s hard to distract. Sehun, I know you’re smart. You’ve always been the gang’s strategist so you’ll come up with a good idea for sure. Even if you don’t, just sacrifice your charms or something…” Jongin is obviously nervous, blabbering nonsense.

Sehun wants to smack his head. “Charms? Are you kidding me? My charms are for my Luhan hyung alone.”

“It’s not like Luhan doesn’t have enough beauty on his own accord. He won’t be missing yours.” Jongin tries to convince him. “Think of a plan to make the resident advisor leave her post for five minutes. I promise I can make the switch in the allotted time. This way I can live with Baekhyun hyung…”

“You’re too naïve.” Sehun feels like shaking Jongin by the shoulders and denounce how obsessive he is. “It’s not that easy…”

Jongin looks at the younger boy with earnest eyes but the latter turns away, pretending not to have seen.

Jongin continues to stare at Sehun.

The light-haired boy finally snaps: “Fine! I promise to help you! The fact that I’m friends with you really is the biggest mistake of my life.”

Jongin pats his shoulder. “You’re a good friend.”

When Sehun is about to roll his eyes in response, they hear a deep voice from behind them. “What are you doing?”

The two turn their heads at the same time and see Park Chanyeol squatting behind, peering at them with wide and curious eyes, a wide smile breaking out on his face.

A light bulb flashes in Sehun’s head and he smiles, pulling closer. “Him! He’s very charming! Use him to distract the resident advisor. I’ll be your look out!”

Chanyeol’s head moves back and forth between the two, not understanding what’s going on but his grin widens. “I don’t get what you’re talking about, but it sounds like fun so count me in!”

The taller boy has no idea how to use his charms as a distraction but he joins them happily. Sehun and Jongin hide by the corridor beside the resident advisor’s office, watching Chanyeol walk alongside the advisor and saying hello with a bright smile.

“What a coincidence, ahjumma! You’re here too!”

Being obnoxiously loud, Jongin and Sehun have no problem hearing what’s going on.

Both of them bury their faces in their hands, wanting to disown this idiot. This is the resident advisor’s office. Of course she’ll be there, you moron! Where else would she be?

However, the advisor seems to be susceptible to the handsome boy’s charming smile. She looks up from the pile of papers on her table, welcoming him with a smile and engaging in a conversation.

Chanyeol responds accordingly, arms flailing as he talked, his eyes wide and bright.

From afar, the two can’t hear what’s going on inside the office anymore, but after a few minutes, they see Chanyeol exiting with the resident advisor, heading towards the opposite direction.

Before Jongin can wonder about how Chanyeol has succeeded so easily, Sehun pushes his back and says: “Go!”

The two come out of their hiding place in lightning speed, entering the resident advisor’s office. Although at first Sehun insists on just being the look out, he eventually decides to accompany Jongin inside.

The two of them scramble around the room in search of the rooming assignment list, finally finding it at the bottom drawer.

Because of it had been posted on the bulletin board before and Jongin had purposely memorized it for some reason, he has prepared an exact copy of the page with their names, except with the interchanged assignments. After they make the switch, they rush out of the room like wild horses, not forgetting to shut the door behind them.

They run all the way to the field they had been sitting at earlier, trying to catch their breath.

“I can’t believe it went easier than I had imagined…” Jongin mutters.

“That’s because we suddenly had a magical helper. How did Chanyeol hyung manage to get the resident advisor out of her office that effortlessly? The office is never left unattended. Even during lunchtime, she’d have someone take over for her.” Sehun feels incredulous.

“Baekhyun hyung once told me that Chanyeol hyung has a nickname.” Jongin says, remembering something.

“What nickname?”

“Park Social.” Jongin finds it a little amusing. “Baekhyun hyung says Chanyeol can make friends with anybody regardless of age, gender and personality.”

“I’m sure you quoted Baekhyun hyung word for word.” Sehun laughs. “That sounds exactly like how Baekhyun hyung would say it.”

Chanyeol finally returns to their meeting place, a lollipop in one hand and a cup of bubble tea in the other.

“Chanyeol hyung, how did you do it?” Sehun thinks: Before you showed up, I tried to come up with possible reasons and excuses but I still think it shouldn’t have been that easy. What master strategy did you use?

“Ah, I didn’t really say anything brilliant, just that I’m a freshman and I don’t know the way to the cafeteria. I suck at directions so I want to ask ahjumma to bring me there. In the end she not only treated me to a slice of cake, but she also bought me this lollipop and bubble tea. It’s strawberry flavoured!”

“Wow.” The same time that Sehun expresses his awe at Chanyeol’s powerful social skills, Jongin says: “Ah…”

“What’s up with you?” Sehun finds Jongin’s reaction strange.

“Strawberry is Baekhyun hyung’s favourite flavour.” Jongin mutters.

“Luhan hyung likes taro-flavoured bubble tea the most.” Sehun’s mind drifts off as he smiles goofily.

Sipping his bubble tea, Chanyeol feels like kneeling in front of these two lovesick puppies.

“Oh!” Jongin jumps, running towards the dormitories. “I almost forgot!”

“What?” Sehun stands up, eyes following Jongin’s retreating back.

“I have to go change the labels on the rooms!”

Chapter 92

Jongin happily moves his belongings into the room that used to be Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s, and then moves Chanyeol’s things to his original room as a form of compensation for the taller boy.

He goes back and forth between the two rooms without any complaints. Sehun observes him coldly from the bed, taking notice of his friend’s rare enthusiasm.

“Are you getting married? Is the wedding tomorrow? Has your child been born? Is the baptism tomorrow?” Sehun can’t help but comment sarcastically.

“Baekhyun and I are going to be living together.” Jongin’s immunity to Sehun’s quips is very strong. He moves Chanyeol’s drum set closer to the window, smiling goofily.

“You’re just living together. You’re not sleeping on the same bed. Nothing’s going to happen. What’s there to be happy about?” Sehun continues raining on Jongin’s parade.

“How do you know nothing’s going to happen? Besides, it’s not like you and Luhan hyung are any better off.” Jongin doesn’t want to mind him.

Sehun has smart comeback for that.

Across the hall, Chanyeol is trying to act out a tearful goodbye scene with Baekhyun.

“It is with deepest sorrow that I bid thee farewell. May the gods be with you in your quest, Lord Baekhyun!”

Baekhyun’s hands are in Chanyeol’s as he replies happily: “My king! I will be on my way. Please banish all worries and take care.”

“My dear husband! How can you abandon me? How will I live?”

“Father! Please forgive me that I may no longer stay at home to serve you. Please remember that from loving son to honoured father, my heart will always be with you.”

The two of them clasp their hands together, fake tears streaming down their faces. Their audience looks confused, except for Kyungsoo who is calmly seated on the bed, staring at them.

When Jongin enters the room, he sees the duo getting ready to do an encore. Without any hesitation, he grabs onto Chanyeol’s collar and pulls him back, placing a huge distance between him and Baekhyun. His eyes sweep the room and he asks: “Why are you all here?”

“Why can’t we be here? My room is just next door.” Kyungsoo replies calmly.

“I’m just here for the entertainment. Ignore me.” Junmyeon expresses his innocence.

“I thought you needed our help in moving. Who would have thought you’d be this enthusiastic?” Taemin answers.

“So now we can only sit around and stare at each other.” Zitao says with a warm smile.

“We’re senior high school students, you know. Busy ones, actually.” Moonkyu emphasizes.

“Then you can all go home now.”

Jongin wraps his arms around Baekhyun, looking menacingly at the onlookers. However, the crowd pretends not to hear Jongin as they loiter around the room, admiring the facilities - bed, book shelves, air-conditioner, balcony, bathroom and kitchen.

With the air-conditioning on full blast, who wouldn’t want to stay?

These so-called friends only leave when night has fallen. As soon as the last one shuts the door behind him, Jongin flops on the bed, exhausted.

Baekhyun takes out a change of clothes happily, preparing to shower. When he steps into the bathroom, Jongin sits up from the bed restlessly.

As he hears the sound of water running and Baekhyun singing, Jongin feels puzzled. How come Baekhyun doesn’t feel that he’s in any form of danger? Do I look that harmless?

When Baekhyun walks out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist, this thought reaches its peak.

“Go take a shower.” Baekhyun says merrily, grabbing the towel on the bed to dry his hair. Jongin holds his nose in defeat as he walks, thinking bitterly: Yes, I really am that harmless.

When Jongin is done with his shower, Baekhyun has already worn a loose tank top and shorts, a white towel slung over his shoulder, his pale tender arms fully exposed for Jongin to see.

It looks like Baekhyun has already finished organizing his desk. He’s thinking about where to place the flowerpot when Jongin walks over to his side.

Jongin glances at the desk, eyes landing on the photo frames on display.

There are four frames in total.

The first is a photo of Baekhyun with his parents and the second is the group photo Jongin has seen in Baekhyun’s room before.

The last two photos are of Jongin and Baekhyun, the first one taken in Baekhyun’s room while the second one taken at the airport on their way to Jeju Island.

In both photos, Baekhyun looks adorable with a wide smile while Jongin looks confused and lost.

Although he’s thrilled that he occupies 50% of Baekhyun’s brain, Jongin isn’t satisfied with his expressions in both of these photos. “Baekhyun hyung, I look so ugly in these.”

“What are you talking about? You look nice.” Baekhyun disagrees.

“I look dumb.” Jongin grumbles.

“Oh… I guess I see what you mean. You weren’t ready when I took the photos, so…” Baekhyun blinks. “Yes, maybe a little dumb…”

Jongin frowns at him.

This makes Baekhyun laugh. “It’s fine, Jongin. Although your expressions are dumb, I really like that about you.” Baekhyun plants a kiss on the dancer’s neck boldly and then turns around to observe his little flowerpot again.

Jongin’s expression brightens instantly.

He looks at his messy desk, too lazy to organize but knowing he has to.

Just when he’s about to think of an excuse to procrastinate, Baekhyun turns to him: “It’s getting late. Let’s go to bed?”

Jongin isn’t sure if he should feel fortunate about this or not. Baekhyun’s words are so ambiguous that he doesn’t know how to respond.

The lights are turned off and the whole room plunges into darkness. Hearing the rustle of the sheets as Baekhyun gets into bed, Jongin burrows into his blanket, listening attentively to the sound of the older boy turning over on his bed, his light breathing, his puppy-like whimpers, and then silence…

Is he asleep?

Jongin imagines Baekhyun’s sleeping face and feels the corner of his lips lift up in a smile, overwhelmed with happiness.

Good night then, Baekhyun hyung.



length: chaptered, pairing: sehun/luhan, pairing: kai/baekhyun, rating: pg-13, translation, fanfic

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