now all of china knows you're here

Feb 19, 2010 10:30

1. FUCKING SHARK HELL WEEK, DAY THREE: Not really pissed. More like, resigned to futility. LOL. I said it aloud-LOL. YAY!

2. Pondering how some OTC medicines for already embarrassing ailments have even more embarrassing names: Beano, Gas-X, Preparation H (which I guess is not embarrassing unless you know what it is for).

Me: Me, seriously ( Read more... )

this is why we can't have nice things, viola, dexter, wtfery, i is tired, wank, the stupid--let me show you it, you suck internets, what the shit is this?, oh snap, crack, daleks are all up in my shit, tastes like burning, torchwood, nobody beats the wiz!, the crazy, i need a goddamn pop tart, damn the man, writing fanfic, global-thermal nuclear warfare, princess leia will fuck your shit up, and yet we have another problem, resident evil, blogging annat, woah, this will never stop being funny, your mom, cockblocked!, torchwood!, picking at scabs, personal wiggety-wack, shit people said to me, social commentary, srs bzns, i'm a meanie

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Comments 135

crescent_gaia February 19 2010, 15:43:40 UTC
Re #6 - Even the Horsemen? I might have to rewatch Highlander to notice this. So not a bad thing.

I'm in the same boat as you with the TARDIS big bang. It's a bit of a silly/stupid rule IMHO. Mostly due to the fact that I know I'll forget something and have to add a chapter. Also, they had the entire frakkery with the 30K but then coming back down to 20K.


amand_r February 19 2010, 15:53:15 UTC
They did have a Kronos. I think by the time they got to the...was that 5th season? I think they were aware of it. And dude, Tracey Scoggins had these long nails in the flashbacks, that I remember everyone was like, "LOOK AT SLAVE CASSANCRA AN DHER LEE PRESS ON NAILS." And the bad wigs. They did have a Caspian. Maybe they just switched to hard C sounds?

I get that they were trying to mix up the TBB, and that's their right. And I could do it, but I know my problems with submitting drafts, so for me, it's really just me not wanting to screw them over with my writing habits more than it's them being...wrong or something.


crescent_gaia February 19 2010, 15:58:08 UTC
Maybe that's it. I do remember Kronos - mostly because I heart Methos, but who doesn't? - and I think you might be right about the hard C.

I agree with you about the mods doing what they want - their sandbox, their rules. For me, it was a big jump up and a bit of a shock. I couldn't do it with 30K (I barely make 20K sometimes, eek) and then not editing....yeah. Might be best to leave it be for this year for me.


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:00:33 UTC
This is true. Methos hath felled many a fangirl.

You could always save yourself for the tw_bb, like saving yourself for marriage. :P


easilymused1956 February 19 2010, 15:53:33 UTC
Sweetie. That's life. Fuck it.



amand_r February 19 2010, 15:55:24 UTC



easilymused1956 February 19 2010, 17:16:44 UTC
After last week's bout of Congestive Heart Failure, I've adopted a new attitude on life: Fuck it.

I know that's harder to do when you have a kid to take care of. So in your case, it should be, 'Fuck the little shit.' Lalala

Thanks. I like my icon too!



amand_r February 19 2010, 17:18:10 UTC
Crap, Renee, take care of yourself.


dremiel February 19 2010, 16:05:18 UTC
It's your LJ; you can write about whatever you want and your flist can deal or fuck off. (Our FLIST flatpack bookshelves come in a range of colors and finishes!) And really, as much as I'm all about generosity of spirit being the currency of social media blah blah (and yeah, I do really believe that), answer comments, don't answer comments, turn comments off - whatever you need.

Also: Yay! POTTY! Been there, it's a big deal, why would you NOT write about it. (Mind you, if you start say tracking bowel movements in a nifty little chart I , for one, would appreciate a little LJ cut). This is going to sound weird but if there is anywhere around Pittsburgh with odd toilets I say seek them out! The Boy's bug success in potty-usage came from an all day slink around the Smithsonian Air & Space museum where they have toilets that flush when you step on a FOOT PEDAL. We flushed away the a good years worth of DC wastewater that day and spent more time in the loo than looking at exhibits but damned if it didn't work!


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:08:46 UTC
(Our FLIST flatpack bookshelves come in a range of colors and finishes!)

You know what's even better? FLISTSPAM. Tell me that's not available at IKEA right the fuck now.

OH LOL. I can't even keep track of what day it is. I mean really. I don't get people who track bowel movements unless they have a medical reason to. Or maybe that's how they get excited or impose order in chaos. I dunno. I can't bring myself to be that anal. No no wait, Anusol.

Haahahah poor kid. I have t sit her sideways on public toilets because she's so tiny. Then she's like, "IT'S COLD." and I'm all, "THIS IS LIFE, KIDDO. COLD POTTIES."


dremiel February 19 2010, 16:14:55 UTC
FLISTSPAM some assembly required, tools included.


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:23:30 UTC
allan key!


golden_d February 19 2010, 16:07:10 UTC
We used candy incentives to get my little sister potty-trained. One or two Smarties as a reward for a successful pee, but a whole freaking lollipop for a successful poop. As I recall, it worked pretty damn well.


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:09:04 UTC
Mmmmmm bribery.


golden_d February 19 2010, 16:12:01 UTC
I will take bribery over diaper-changing ANY DAY.


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:23:11 UTC
True. I'm torn, because part of me is like, that would work, and the other Republican part of my brain is like, "DON'T REWARD HER FOR DOING SOMETHING SHE SHOULD JUST DO."

We reward her with stickers, and sometimes she's interested, and sometimes she's like, "whatevs". when I say, "those are nice stickers, why did you get those?" she's all. "I dunno." And then I'm like I AM NOT REWARDING YOU WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S FOR.

Clearly I have to reevaluate this. :P


debitha February 19 2010, 16:08:07 UTC
I can't resist a numbered list. They just call out to me.

7. I have noticed people referring to things as 'Crack' that I would just call 'Humour'. I always thought the 'crack' designation was applied when a piece was deliberately ludicrous. But then, what do I know?

8. "someone stood up and said, 'You can't have decent character development when you're writing humour.'" For serious? This person is reading the wrong stuff, man. Character development with humour is like gold.

10. I quite liked Random Shoes. It was random and a bit pointless but, hello? Torchwood! Also, the title was kind of a clue. Rusty doesn't do subtlety in ep titles15. Sometimes commenting is hard. There are things I've read and loved, but I can't really articulate what I loved about it, so I'm left with saying something lame that doesn't even begin to articulate how a piece of writing made me feel. Gold Dust is one of those. It is still open in a tab - I have not yet despaired of finding something meaningful to say about it ( ... )


amand_r February 19 2010, 16:14:58 UTC
7 and 8: Yeah, I have too, and it's strange and huh. and I am not a good crack writer, actually.

10. That comic made me spit coffee.

15. Dude, you don't have to comment. Like, I have a whole thing about how I feel about feedback, and how it feels like it's part of the contractual fan fic reading experience and doesn't that feel tedious? And I was thinking of closing comments on my fics, but I haven't got there yet. It's not that I don't care what you think, but. I dunno. I'm glad that you liked it, you know? That's cool.

17. OMG when I get there I'll let you know. I loved Starkey's Elizabeth because it was fascinating, and it only covered her ascendancy to the throne. He takes his time and he's detailed. I just hit the chapter where I believe she's about to marry Henry. I think it's chapter 20, and like Rusty, he's titled it "Queen". so I think I'm on to something.


debitha February 19 2010, 16:46:30 UTC
10 - I am so glad that DoctorWhy is back. I love it. :o)

15 - No, see, I want to comment. That's the problem. I really want to say something about how great the characterisations were, and stuff. It's one of the things I like about fic on the net - that ability to discuss it, right there. I just can't actually make words right sometimes.

17 - I haven't read any Starkey. I have about two shelves of books To Read. I might have to add some Starkey, though. He seems interesting, and one of my big grudges about history in school was that they cut out all the interesting stuff that he seems to talk about.


amand_r February 19 2010, 17:05:27 UTC
17. I like him because he seems thorough. and I think he genuinely loves his subject, and sin't out to prove a point or something. I mean, in the end, I have no way to judge if what he is telling me is correct, but he's pretty damn annotated.


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