Fic: A wing can cover all sorts of things (Ianto, R, sin-fest)

Feb 09, 2010 16:44

Title: A wing can cover all sorts of things
Author: amand_r
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Ianto (Jack, Lisa)
Rating: R
Wordcount: 835
Author's Notes: Written for tw_lucky_7, first sin on the board: Pride. Chosen character: Ianto Jones. Thanks to troygirl68 for totes turning me on to this comm. Also, this thing is laced with lines from the Flobots' "Handlebars". Laced ( Read more... )

fanfic, torchwood, lisa is the biggest badass ever, ianto jones is gay for you, jack harkness's cock

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Comments 79

joanwilder February 9 2010, 21:53:52 UTC
I really liked this. Esp how he dreams of the day when he'll take her up to the atrium and prove that it's because of him and how he did the little things that she'll be standing there.


amand_r February 9 2010, 21:58:55 UTC
Yeah, too bad she tries to kill them all! OH NOES!

I am glad you liked it! :D


wiredblowfish February 9 2010, 21:56:04 UTC
Brilliant and sad and funny!

Mars bars and BJs! And cherry stems;)

So f-ing great!


amand_r February 9 2010, 21:58:22 UTC
Thank you!


alba17 February 9 2010, 22:15:25 UTC
This is great. Ugh, changing the crotch plate cuz it rusted. Yes, a perfect ending, tra la la!


amand_r February 9 2010, 22:34:36 UTC


nancybrown February 9 2010, 22:25:50 UTC
Awesomesauce. Your Ianto is always that perfect pitch of batshit crazy that works for me, and the little fantasy at the end? Priceless.


amand_r February 9 2010, 22:36:01 UTC
You think he's always batshit? Awwww, poor Ianto. Perennially batshit.


neifile7 February 9 2010, 22:26:27 UTC
Oh, I like this. I like that Lisa is both more human than usually seen in canon (shit and all) and also less, because Ianto is literally holding the strings. What a perfect (and perfectly sinister) puppet-master he makes; what the Cybermen failed to do, he's on his way to doing. Pride goeth indeed.

He's just bettering himself really, with the suits and the coffee and the independent study.

That is an absolute gut-kicking, sucker-punching line, and perfectly placed.


amand_r February 9 2010, 22:38:05 UTC
Ha ha! You liked it! Oh Ianto, you are in denial.


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