LJ Idol Season 8 - Week 14: Pining for Your Love

Feb 13, 2012 19:45

This is my entry this week for therealljidol. I invite you to read and vote for the many fine entries. This week's topic is "twitterpate."

Sprawled on a piece of scrap paper. )

kung fu panda, luke, lj idol, parenting, animals

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Comments 53

n3m3sis42 February 14 2012, 01:00:35 UTC
Oh, man. My poor kitty has been having the same exact problem.


alycewilson February 14 2012, 01:21:58 UTC
There ought to be a support group or something!

I actually had to set an alarm for every two weeks on my phone so that I'd remember to trim his claws.


lawchicky February 14 2012, 02:54:06 UTC
Aww, poor kitty!


alycewilson February 14 2012, 02:59:15 UTC
It really is very pathetic. I try to make up for it by petting him whenever I'm able.


medleymisty February 14 2012, 02:56:51 UTC
I love this! But then I love cats, so of course I would. :)

I like the phrase "human kitten".


alycewilson February 14 2012, 02:58:19 UTC
My husband and I think that's what Luke thinks of our little one. He's got to have figured out that he's not like a "normal" human.


roina_arwen February 14 2012, 06:00:42 UTC
Awww, what a sweet kitteh! We have four of them, and one of ours is the "self petting" type - just hold you hand up, at whatever height, and he will try to leap up and arch his back into your hand. It's very adorable.

Give Luke extra lovings from me!


alycewilson February 14 2012, 08:13:01 UTC
I will. He is a very affectionate kitty, which is why it's so hard for him. It seems I've always either got my son in my lap or the cat!


halfshellvenus February 14 2012, 07:20:54 UTC
I feel for your kitty-- I think ours were rather neglected when our human babies were new. But they hung in there, and eventually got more hands to pet them and more laps to sit in. :)


alycewilson February 14 2012, 08:11:52 UTC
I think that will be the case with our family. Our little guy adores the kitty, and we've been teaching him to be gentle. Occasionally, Luke even allows him to pet him (though only if I'm there, supervising).


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