LJI Home-Game Entry - Topic 3 - Bonobo Humor

Nov 18, 2010 16:09

This is my home-game entry this week for therealljidol. I am not competing this season but invite you to read and vote for the many excellent entries. This week's topic is "It's a Trap!"

Monkeys are smarter than you think. )

lj idol, animals, humor

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Comments 7

millysdaughter November 19 2010, 01:06:26 UTC
If he had simply admitted from the start that the monkey was smarter than him, he could have saved himself all the embarrassment.


alycewilson November 19 2010, 01:27:43 UTC
Who knows? Maybe the bonobos are really researching the researcher. :)


joeymichaels November 19 2010, 02:31:47 UTC
I wish so much that this is actually what happened. Hilarious. Love the bunny suit pictures, though.


alycewilson November 19 2010, 02:55:05 UTC
It would have been pretty amazing, since it's absolutely true that Anderson refuses to dance, even when he subs for Regis on "Regis & Kelly." This is why Anderson is my favorite CNN anchor: who else would wear a bunny suit for a story?


creature_girl08 November 19 2010, 02:46:48 UTC
Lol, I could just picture the guy hopping, dancing, and even singing. Loved this.


alycewilson November 19 2010, 02:56:19 UTC
Thanks! I was thinking, "I need an idea, because I have to write it Thursday, since Friday is when Philcon begins." Transcribing AC 360 last night, I saw the original story and was inspired.


puppetmaker40 November 19 2010, 22:16:48 UTC
That's great. I missed this story but it is interesting if for nothing else showing us that humor is universal.


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