LJI Home Game Entry - Week 19 - Future Shock

Mar 23, 2010 17:22

This is my home-game entry for The Real LJ Idol. I am not competing this season but invite you to read the many fine submissions and the home-game entries. Topic number 19 is an open topic, which means we can write about anything.

Pondering parenting in the future. )

lj idol, college roomate, dad, gryphon, parenting, mom

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Comments 17

theafaye March 23 2010, 23:00:10 UTC
It's interesting watching your children be like you and yet be themselves at the same time. We had major squees the other day because our oldest daughter asked to watch "Doctor Ooo" and now reckons it's her favourite programme ever. She loves anything fantasy based and "Prince Caspian" was her favourite film (she saw it for her fourth birthday and sat through all two hours without a toilet break even though she needed to go). Our son reckons "Percy Jackson" is the best film on the other hand, which also faces parental approval ( ... )


alycewilson March 23 2010, 23:07:40 UTC
The comment about "molding him" to be like us was tongue-in-cheek, of course. There is a good chance, though, that growing up with us and being exposed to things we like will have an influence. I know that I discovered Monty Python and the Beatles because of my parents. But I also believe in letting a kid be the kid he's meant to be. Let him explore lots of activities and find the ones he likes!


theafaye March 23 2010, 23:20:21 UTC
I semi alluded to this in my Idol entry this week. There are some things that rub off on us as a consequence of our parents and sometimes we don't even realise it's happening. At the same time, I look at my brother and I and we're such different people despite having the same parents (I've got more in common with one of my brothers from a different mother). I'm sure if I knew him better, he'd also have echoes from his upbringing but they're very different to mine.

I was saying to my husband last night that it would be impossible for us to have a child who is "normal". Even if they're neuro-typical, it really would be impossible for us to have a child that didn't have their quirks, particularly because quirks are welcomed here and different is not an issue in our house. I've been thinking for a long time that we can't put something into a child that isn't there, all we can do is nurture the parts we want to see grow and hope for the best. So far it seems to be working out, but we're a long way off the teen years!


alycewilson March 23 2010, 23:30:37 UTC
Sounds like you and I have very similar ideas about parenting. Again, I credit my parents, who always let us try things we wanted to try and were open-minded about our likes and dislikes. In fact, I think that over the years, I've taught them as much about the arts as I learned from them. They're both eager to learn.

The more I hear about your family, the more I think it sounds similar to the way we want to raise our boy.


The Star Fleet onsie sounds adorable. k2rider78 March 24 2010, 00:59:31 UTC
I'm a newbie reader for lj idol. I enjoyed your entry and my own fifteen year old will agree that her parents are the weirdest. I wish You were running in the game you would get my vote. Anyway thanks for sharing in the home game.


Re: The Star Fleet onsie sounds adorable. alycewilson March 24 2010, 01:46:50 UTC
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy reading LJ Idol. There's a lot of good writers, both in the game and playing the home game.


creature_girl08 March 24 2010, 06:02:41 UTC
My parents were the kind who let us try anything we wanted to. Sounds like you guys are going to be great parents.

After reading this I imagine your son being the next babe ruth with a masters in television broadcasting. LOL! What a combo that would be.


mstrobel March 24 2010, 10:11:37 UTC
It's amusing because it's true XD


similiesslip March 24 2010, 20:21:19 UTC
Aww...the photo was cute but your imaginary conversations cracked me UP! Man!

We aren't jocks either and (so far) our kids aren't..though the funny thing is, my husband wants them to be, even though we aren't. I LOVED how you phrased that part though:)


alycewilson March 24 2010, 20:27:23 UTC
Glad you liked it! Yes, that conversation about the jocks was based on a real conversation we had, where we agreed that we would be most out of our element if our kids were more "normal" than we are!


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