
Aug 11, 2013 15:35

You know what has always been tough for me? Finding a healthy balance in things ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

azewewish August 11 2013, 21:11:11 UTC
Well, basically, a lot of it is just listing the priorities, and trying to combine things or find shortcuts when you can. Like, for me, I do all of my cooking on Sunday morning & that way, after a full day of work & a 2 hour commute (1 hour each way) & going to the gym after, I'm not worried about what I'm going to eat or cooking, because I have meals in the freezer. So it becomes easier. And, also, it helps with lunch, too, because I make all of my salads for the week on Sunday & just grab them from the fridge. I do the same with my breakfast - like, I measure my oatmeal & put it in baggies, that sort of thing ( ... )


alwayseven August 11 2013, 22:09:58 UTC
I was thinking of you when I wrote this because you're the model for me of what it means to be an adult (you and my sister Sarah :)), I never had it when I was growing up and then learning to live on my own, my mom just wasn't good for that.

I appreciate what you shared with me, especially about preparing meals in advance.

Thank you :)


azewewish August 11 2013, 22:53:26 UTC
Well, thank you. I'm amused that I'm anyone's role model in anything, however. :DDD


geneli4 August 14 2013, 21:34:43 UTC
for me, my daily walk (one hour, that's it, just one hour!) seems to be the first thing to go whenever i get busy. every time it happens, when i finally get back on track i swear the next time i'm going to find a way to keep my walking routine no matter what, but thus far i haven't been successful. case in point: this week has been ridiculously busy, and i've only walked one day so far. BUT. on that day i walked because i had plans to do so with a friend, so even though i was busy i showed up. and as a bonus, i got to spend an hour with my friend! (as a side-note, i have similar plans with another friend tomorrow, so i know i will exercise at least twice this week.) maybe you and your bestie could plan to walk together, or whatever your workout of choice is, so you get two things done at once. :)


ext_4257888 September 30 2018, 09:45:10 UTC
Hi, my name is Marie. It might be presumptuous of me to ask you a favour on your personal blog when you apparently don’t use it anymore but I’m trying my luck and hoping your LJ is still connected to you email address and hopefully you will see my email?

I’m coming from twitter, my @ is @glowingcy on twitter. I am a fan of an artist whose nickname is loey and if you do not use this app anymore I would love to get your username ? I hope it’s not too much to ask. I saw that the last tweets were from 2011 ;-; and I would love to have this username. Haha 😂

If you saw this coment...Thank you for your time! I hope you will think about it and accept! It would make me the happiest person and I would forever be grateful ><

Thank you!



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