(no subject)

Aug 11, 2013 15:35

You know what has always been tough for me? Finding a healthy balance in things.

Right now, I'm struggling with how to balance being a responsible, healthy adult (which involves things like showering daily, doing laundry, cooking healthy meals, grocery shopping, cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom), with working full time (which involves looking professional, being out of the house for ten hours) with having a personal life (my closest friend wants to see me all the time and there is NO time), with online stuff (like catching up on tumblr, blogging and livejournaling and facebooking). How do you DO IT?

I am feeling so overwhelmed. I haven't had a weekend at all. I worked all day Friday until 8:30, got home at 9, woke up at 7 on Saturday to go help my sister and her husband move (they sold their house and are renting for the next year), babysat from 2:30-6:30, then again for another family from 6:45-11:00, got home at 11:30, passed out, woke up this morning at 8, drove an hour to babysit from 10:00-2:30, drove to Hanover to work in the box office for two film shifts, 3:00-4:30 and 6:00-7:30. So when I drive the half hour home tonight, I'll have the work week ahead of me and will have not accomplished anything, like planning what I'm going to eat this week (not to mention grocery shopping). I have a sink full of dirty dishes, a messy bedroom and no time. I'm feeling so overwhelmed. I know I won't be able to keep this babysitting schedule in the future without going insane (and dropping the working out and Weight Watchers) but I really needed the money since I won't get paid until the end of August.

It takes effort to eat healthy and lose weight. It's easy to grab fast food or whatever if you're busy, but it takes thought and time and forethought. Not to mention how do you find the time and energy to exercise? I have a plan for tomorrow since my work schedule is 9:45-6:30 that involves going to the gym before work so that when the day is done I can go home and cook, but I mean, how do you do it?

I admire all of you who do and if you have advice, I am all ears, because I am serious about wanting to find a healthy balance for everything. My default reaction to feeling overwhelmed and stressed is to say "forget it" and not do anything at all, ignore laundry and dishes and cleaning and cooking and exercise and just be a blob on the sofa until bed. But I tried that and it eventually cost me my job and it doesn't make me feel good about myself and it doesn't make me happy. But it's a lot to juggle and I'm feeling just a little bit intimidated.

I'm going to spend the hour and a half break between shifts coming up with a schedule/plan for the week that will hopefully calm my stress a little.

(Just typing all of this out has helped me sort it a little, and that's something that I really need. That's why I love LJ.)
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