I want it on a shirt. I shall wear it. Though I wouldn't want people to think I hated gays or anything?
I LOVE SUPERNATURAL. I knew there was a reason I hadn't given up on it yet. Besides the fact that I'm too in love with Dean Winchester to not care.
I'm a real boy now! )
Comments 16
This reminds me SO much of the latest Modern Family episode. lmao
But I agree. The episode was great and funny and I loved it. Man it feels so good to love an episode again! :D
RIIIIIIIGHT? I have like a sense of relief. I liked last week's a lot, and I don't usually like the comedy-only/filler-esque ones like this week, but GODDAMN SHOWWWWWW *HUGS IT*
I liked the ep! And lol, Dean totally got probed and had to service Oberon. It's canon in my head.
I think the opening was enough of an homage to The X-Files (and Kim Manners!) without being boring. I liked it. Did Mark Snow do the music for it?
I have never read Deathly Hallows and I have no intention of doing so. Rowling started losing me as a fan when she killed off Sirius, moreso when she offed Dumbledore and once I found out Snape died? Oh... shit got real. Aside from Sirius, Snape was always my favorite character. Alas, I always hoped he'd end up being a triple-agent, either actually working for Voldemort or on his own side. >:[
eta: I will go see the movies though. I can't NOT!
I did love the opening, but the captions said "X-FILES THEME" and it clearly was not DOOOO DOOO DOOO DOOO doooo dooo, you know?
Deathly Hallows is SOOOOO depressing, completely different tone from 1-5. And yeah, 6 is terrible because Dumbledore dies. I love the series as a whole but I've only read 5-7 once each. Or...twice, for 6, but not the whole thing. Harry Potter's one of those things that I don't understand HOW people can avoid. Kinda like Twilight but with better intentions. Even if you don't like it or haven't read the books, you learn.
And who's to say that cornfield had to be anywhere near Elwood, anyway. They could've gone about their merry way for a bit before stopping for some brewski. :)
also i am pretending that you didn't write anything about harry potter because i haven't seen it yet and that makes me a sad panda.
Soulless Sam is amaziing. Especially when he sleeps with random hippie chicks and is shirtless and then awkwardly puts his hands all over dean on Dean's thigh.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT HOW HAVE YOU NOT SEEN IT YET GOOOOOOOOOOOO. Valerie said BSU rented out an entire theater for students. YOU COULD'VE GONE. Though I suppose you would've run into YOUR students which might've been awkward...
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