Keep Calm and Fight the Fairies!

Nov 19, 2010 22:32

I want it on a shirt. I shall wear it. Though I wouldn't want people to think I hated gays or anything?

I LOVE SUPERNATURAL. I knew there was a reason I hadn't given up on it yet. Besides the fact that I'm too in love with Dean Winchester to not care.

THEY DID RESEARCH! Elwood, Indiana IS in Tipton County! I think I know people from Elwood. Sam pronounced everything properly! Unlike Samhain! How he knows HOW to, I'd like to know, not like it's a very phonetic language, but eh, whatever. THERE WERE CORNFIELDS. That end scene totally looked like a road I drive every time I go to Brett's, except it was brown dirt instead of white gravel. And the green cooler! THE GREEN, "WE'RE HAVING AN EMOTIONAL MOMENT" COOLER! And as my mom pointed out, the impala was dirty. Emotional distress, emotional distress of Dean!

Sam with the hippie chick was AMAZING and funny. And I have no idea what happened in the rest of that scene because Jared's arm muscles are DISTRACTING.

Also Sam was wearing that hideous yellow striped shirt again, bleck.

FAIRIES! And the book about the shoemaker, I still own it, I know it by heart! And fairies have to count every grain! I was always told they had to clean it up because it's messy and they're all very neat, but I suppose that's kind of the same idea.


GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOMMMMMMMMMM. okay so I don't like Bowie all that much (I know, I know. It's more lack of exposure than outright hatred. Just not on my list of to-dos) But they picked like...the greatest song ever for that.

I hate Pinocchio but the comparison does fit well, I suppose.

That was so not the X-Files theme at the beginning but it was still really cool. It made me think of Kim Manners.

Oberon! And of course I thought of you, oberon_titania, how could I not. YOU MADE DEAN SERVICE YOU, DIDN'T YOU? I'm comparing Oberon to Alastair right now, there perhaps may be a story written this evening, a short one, at least.
EDIT: So I have 2100 words of Dean/Oberon with an underlying Dean/Alastair but IDK the proper procedure for spoiler pairings, so I'll just wait till tomorrow afternoon to post, at least...

So my dad yelled FIGHT THE FAIRIES on the commercial break after Dean did, and Della FREAKED out. Started barking and growling at him. She NEVER growls. It was funny at first but then I was all, "Does she see them?" LOL. Dogs don't like fairies.

And about Harry Potter... I fucking loved it. I haven't been that fond of most of the movies, that whole book-to-movie ruins it snob thing, though the last one was good as a movie but not as a book adaptation. I think I made a smart choice by NOT re-reading Deathly Hallows though, because I wasn't comparing every minute and just...enjoyed. And cried a lot.

DOBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ;________; I AM STILL UPSET. I teared up first when Hedwig died actually, but then I was fine. And then Dobby appeared and I mean, he was all happy and everyone clapped and laughed and here I was going HE'S GONNA DIE EVENTUALLY, trying to prepare myself and failing.

Dobby is my favorite character after Ron. I honestly think that Harry is like, the character I care about the least, lol. I care about Draco and Snape more than Harry. Movie Harry, at least. Plus Rupert Grint is fucking attractive. (Not that I didn't totally ogle Danrad in the scene with many Harry's at the beginning.)

Oh! And the bit about what the Deathly Hallows ARE, I absolutely LOVED how they'd animated it. It reminded me of the shadow puppets from Buffy.

Um yeah, I loved it. I can't really compare to the book because I haven't read it since it came out, but I wasn't bored like I heard some people say. And it was fun to go to the midnight show. I think had I not gone with Christina I would've gotten a little more into the cheering and the people dressed up, scattered as they were. I did start singing the Mysterious Ticking Noise when Snape first appeared on screen. Christina found it funny but the assholes behind use Shushed me, party poopers.

But yeah, A+ would see again in theater. Even though it feels like my childhood is ending.

I do not have a tag for Harry Potter. Oh well.

spn: in retrospect, literature

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