At a loss

Jun 06, 2011 01:54

I am absolutely at a loss for words. But I have to say something somewhere so I guess my LJ will have to be that place. I'm just stunned. I went to Facebook earlier and was reading through my friends' updates. A girl I was good friends with all the way through school (from Pre-K through graduation) just welcomed her first child two days ago ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

bodleian June 6 2011, 06:46:18 UTC
Some people really disgust me. That's all I can say, I think.


justinlovesart June 6 2011, 08:43:18 UTC

I'm afraid for their daughter, actually. What if a "new princess" comes along and does cause some anxiety?


indifferenthues June 6 2011, 19:03:11 UTC
I'm afraid for their daughter, actually. What if a "new princess" comes along and does cause some anxiety?

I agree. This sounds like very over controlling people. It does not show good judgment, good parenting skills or an ability to roll with life's punches at all. I hope close friends/relations keep an eye on that child in case things go off track with her too.


brennye June 6 2011, 10:33:25 UTC
I would be irate too. Actually, I am. People get really stupid with dogs and they don't deserve it. Meaning.. the dog doesn't deserve the treatment and the humans don't deserve the dog, who adores them anyways.



shadownyc June 6 2011, 10:42:33 UTC
I am so saddened to read this. I truly don't understand it. I can only hope there is much more depth than appears on Facebook.


sweetiejelly June 6 2011, 12:28:38 UTC
Oh my gosh. That's terrible. :( How can they do that? And 8 years old? Seriously? Those are no best friends of dogs. :/


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