At a loss

Jun 06, 2011 01:54

I am absolutely at a loss for words. But I have to say something somewhere so I guess my LJ will have to be that place. I'm just stunned. I went to Facebook earlier and was reading through my friends' updates. A girl I was good friends with all the way through school (from Pre-K through graduation) just welcomed her first child two days ago after years of trying and multiple miscarriages. I'll call her A for purposes of this post. A and baby are both doing wonderfully and everyone who knows their family has been just overjoyed for A, her husband, her twin sister J, and the rest of their family. When I saw a post from J saying that A's dog died today, I was really upset for her. To lose your beloved dog on the day your bring your long-awaited first child home from the hospital would be really hard. But then I read on and realized THEY HAD THE DOG PUT DOWN BECAUSE OF THE BABY! I am IRATE. J posted that "It just wasn't working out with the new princess. They tried but Boston had too many anxiety issues and couldn't go to a shelter. He was 8." I am sick to my stomach. How could they do such a thing? Without even trying to rehome him! They tried?!? The baby was home for less than 6 hours!!! I am just shocked and appalled that someone I know and have always considered to be a nice person could do such a barbaric and heartless thing. My heart weeps for that poor innocent dog who thought he was loved only to be betrayed in the worst possible way by the people he trusted to be his guardians.

I don't understand how people can be so cruel.
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