A Matter of Perception

May 13, 2004 08:58

I wrote this ficlet for snoopypez's Ron ficathon. It's Ron/Padma (and you don't know how weird it is for me to have a story I can't submit to SQ) and I hope you enjoy!

Feel free to Britpick or point out typos. I'm all sorts of nervous about this story...it's so different from what I usually write.

Title: A Matter of Perception
Pairing: Fluffy Ron/Padma
Rating: Maybe PG for a little innuendo
Written for: crimsonsnitch. I hope you enjoy!

My sister was the one who told me Ron wanted to invite me to the Yule Ball. He'd been too shy before, she explained. I understood perfectly--Harry had been too shy to ask Parvati, and he and Ron did everything together in those days.

Their shyness left little time for Parvati and me to be ready, though. Fortunately, we planned ahead. I once heard Michael Corner call me the most gorgeous girl in school, so we knew we'd be asked.

We did wind up having to switch robes, though. Pink would have clashed horribly with Ron's hair. A girl has to think of these things, you know. Parvati had to find a new pair of shoes, actually, to make sure she wasn't taller than Harry. It's a simple charm to make them change color, but still an inconvenience.

The day of the ball...what a day. Ravenclaw was in a tizzy. We were so prominent--the captain of our Quidditch team was accompanying one champion, our Seeker another. Ron wasn't a champion, but he was a champion's best friend.

The boys were all banished from the common room, and the girls took it over. Only Penelope Clearwater was excused--she was assigned to watch over Roger Davies and make sure he was presentable. He had been in a daze ever since Fleur agreed to go with him.

I was thrilled when I looked in the mirror. My robes fit perfectly and the silver jewelry my parents sent was the perfect complement. Mandy Brocklehurst had taken the silver chain from around my neck and weaved it through my braid. Penelope had stopped in after she was sure Roger was ready and went through and performed any last minute charms.

"We look wonderful," Penelope said. "Have a great time, everyone."

Parvati found me in the Entrance Hall and brought me over to Ron and Harry. Ron, I noticed, was wearing robes that had a classic look. Very chic. And he was so tall and handsome, and his robes fit him so well.

It really was fortuitous that Parvati and I had switched--Harry was in green and Ron in a dark, rich red. I raised an eyebrow at her and knew she was thinking the same thing.

After everyone had gathered, Professor McGonagall called for the champions to move towards the front. They were going to make a grand entrance after the rest of us were seated.

Ron seemed distracted at first--though he did offer me his arm--but after we had walked past the champions, he looked right at me. "You look nice," he told me.

"Thank you," I said, patting at my hair as if Mandy's charms weren't going to hold.

"Prettier than anyone else here," he added.

"Well, don't let Parvati hear you say that," I teased as we sat.

"Yeah." The champions entered here, and we all clapped for them. It was thrilling, seeing my sister up there with all those officials. Ron watched closely as well. He was always so concerned for his best friend.

"Did you have a happy Christmas?" I asked him as we waited for our food to be served.

"Suppose so...gave a house-elf a pair of socks."

"Oh. That's...nice."

"He liked them."

"Wasn't the house-elf...I mean, when you give them clothes, they're free."

"Dobby's already free--Dumbledore hired him to work here, though."

"Hired? As in, pay?"

He grinned at me. "I know, isn't it bizarre? Hermione thinks that's what all the house-elves secretly want. So secretly, they don't even know it." He looked at the menu. "I'm surprised she's not having kittens at how much extra work they have to do tonight. Roast beef."

I placed my own order. Ron was a bit preoccupied with watching the champions, so I talked mostly with Lavender. Seamus tended to dominate her conversation, though. By the time the dancing started, I was anxious to go out.

We didn't dance the first dance--the champions started the dancing and then Harry and Parvati came to sit next to us. After a moment, a boy from Beauxbatons came over and asked Parvati to dance.

Ron started a spirited discussion, but I actually wanted to dance as well. Parvati gestured for me to come over and Ron indicated that he didn't mind, so I joined my sister.

I had a wonderful night--dancing almost every song. Ron was watching very closely, though at one point, he and Harry wandered outside for some air. Boys will be boys--there are very few males who actually enjoy dancing.

Would you believe that at the end of the night, I was so caught up, I didn't even say good night to Ron? It's the truth, though. I just had so much on my mind, and I was the only Ravenclaw in the group. They headed back to their Tower and I walked back to Ravenclaw, unable to stop thinking about the night and Ron.

"And that was your first date with Daddy?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, beti, that was our first date. Wasn't it romantic?" Padma answered.

"I hope I have a date like that when I get to Hogwarts," Indali said sleepily.

Ron was standing at the door. He raised an eyebrow at his wife. "I'm sure your first date with be with someone much better than your old man, Indali."

She giggled and snuggled into her pillow. "Thanks for the story, Mummy."

Padma kissed her daughter. "You're welcome. Sleep well."

Ron knelt next to her bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night, Indali."

They shut the door behind them and Ron looked at his wife. "That's not exactly how I remember the Yule Ball."

"And I don't remember 'Weasley is Our King' starting as a compliment." Padma grinned. "You tell your stories, and I'll tell mine."

"Fair enough." He kissed her lightly. "Now, if we're reminiscing tonight, how about I tell you about how I remember our honeymoon?" He picked her up and carried her towards the bedroom.

She blushed. "Ronald Weasley!"

"Yeah, you were shouting, but not with that tone," he said and pushed the door shut.


If it's not obvious (but I hope it is), Padma is pretty much lying through her teeth about how the Ball went. "Classic look" and "spirited discussion" indeed.

fic, fic: harry potter, fandom: harry potter

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