Over the past 6 months or so, I have experienced pattern shifts. Very subtle at first, then, the more I became aware of them, the greater they manifested.
I have had certain quirks my entire life. Some may be Aspie related. Some may just be personal quirks. I have a terrible time remembering names. Names of people I meet. Names of books I have read. Names of movies. Names of streets.
My skill at remembering names is greatly elevated these days. And keeps getting better. Very spooky.
I also have poor skills at remembering faces. A compensatory skill has begun to arise. I remember the way a person walks. I remember their body language. I remember their voice. I am learning skills which most people seem to master before they become a pre-teen.
I do repetitive tasks exactly the same way.
azaz_al pointed this out to me as an Aspie trait many years ago (before I ever considered I might be an Aspie). I very slowly (over the years) modify how I pack up my work set-up. However, I have made more changes to my packing up routine over the past several months than I had done over the previous decade.
When I get an interesting client at work, my reading is less stilted, less hurried, and far more relaxed. Seems to me that my skills at doing reading has vastly improved - far more than the slow gradual improvements which has been going on continuously over the entire 19-1/4 years I have been working out on Jackson Square.
I am also perceiving different people as connected. Not that they know one another, or the challenges they face are similar. More like me learning to assist each one of them is connected to skills I am learning with other clients. I am acquiring a network of skills I have not heretofore been able to perceive as being related. I'll write more about 2 of them (Al's adopted Aspie son Josh, and my long term bi-polar "project" who is slowly getting it together) at another time. Time for bed soon.
It is very slow out on the Square these days, so plenty of time to contemplate all the above shifts and changes. My life seems to be speeding up. The mysterious multiverse is somehow becoming more accessible to me. It is like unto sitting before Pandora's Box with the lid open, and watching while the contents shift, squirm, and re-arrange themselves into more meaningful patterns. Chaos becomes meaningful. That which used to terrify (or bore) me are now becoming aspects of an ever expanding fascinating puzzle.
Trippy Man! But not in an overwhelming psychedelic sort of way.
Very difficult to know for sure, but it seems to me that the shifts I am perceiving are related to my newer supplement regime which is designed to increase Human Growth Hormone, increase glutathione levels, and reverse the changes brought about by getting older and more ossified.
My body also continues to heal and stabilize. I still feel very cautious when I stand up, but my balance and stability is growing day by day.
It feels like my consciousness is altering and growing to new levels.
If this trend continues, I probably should take a new IQ test in a year or so.