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Comments 16

daria234 February 4 2014, 02:07:03 UTC
A lot of really nice moments in this ep, I thought ( ... )


laguera25 February 4 2014, 02:14:58 UTC
If you had the disarticulated head of a robot that killed twenty-six police officers and was a one-man army, wouldn't you destroy it immediately instead of carting it off to the evidence lab that every nefarious criminal syndicate in the universe wants to get into? Barring that, wouldn't you keep it under heavy security away from the bulk of your bewilderingly incompetent police force ( ... )


severinne February 4 2014, 02:16:53 UTC
Okay, without any real critical reflection to offer, I just have to say that I REALLY enjoyed that one. That felt a lot more like the show I was hoping this would become, where there's some messy questions being asked about the creation of artificial life and once again, Michael Ealy was the beating heart at the centre of all that. I love that this show was able to show Dorian being so deeply touched in a nearly child-like way to meet his creator, and still have him pull out the BAMF moves all in the same episode. *g ( ... )


lindmere February 4 2014, 03:10:08 UTC
Like you, I am super confused about The Wall, although it sure explains where the 400% rise in crime. But if you've got MXs and drones and all kinds of technology, what could be over there that you couldn't control? Kaiju Refugees from some sort of environmental crisis, maybe?

I was cringing preemptively in anticipation of a lot of biobabble over the "synthetic soul," and while it wasn't as bad as I was afraid of...I'm pretty sure DNA is "what makes us laugh and cry." Still, it was pretty amazing to see Dorian literally meet his maker. Oh Humanity, when will you learn to stop building homicidal robots and then arming them to the teeth??

XRN/Dorian was TOTALLY hot, as was the XRN beating up John (I know, I"m a sick puppy.) And was the "I got the pin to your grenade" a Star Trek shoutout, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?


severinne February 4 2014, 03:50:25 UTC
as was the XRN beating up John (I know, I"m a sick puppy.)

Hehe, if you're a sick puppy then so am I *g* SO HOT :D

And yeah, I'm pretty sure "I got the pin to your grenade" was a touch Trek-flavoured - even if it wasn't intentional, you can tell Karl Urban enjoyed the crap out of it *g*


tempertemper February 4 2014, 16:17:23 UTC
I was totally reminded of 'I got your gun' ngl!


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lindmere February 4 2014, 03:23:02 UTC
That's a great question, and I don't think we can answer it without knowing more about Vaughn. He said that he was "in a dark place" when he made Danica, so it's quite possible that she was executing his plan all along. In that case, though, I'm not sure where the extraneous violence came from. She seemed to really enjoy killing and to make her own choices about it, like when the little girl complimented her.

Gina Carano was great! Action stars don't need to be great actors, they just need to have steely jaws and be able to punch stuff, and she can do that big time! Her fighting is so convincing because...she actually knows how to fight. Hats off to Karl and Michael for being able to keep up with her; that must have been a bit scary.


renegadewriter8 February 4 2014, 03:38:33 UTC
WHAT IS THE WALL DAMN IT!? I knew it had to be something big but the guys didn't refer to it as something simply separating, I don't know, criminals or the unwanted part of society. They were genuinely f*cking scare of it. I mean, even Nigel was like, oh my God please don't let me die. Wow, this intrigues me so much.

Loved the bromance in this eps.

Although, I know there has to be a funny character, comedy relief and all, but they are taking Rudy too far. Give the guy more awesome, badass moments please.


pattrose February 4 2014, 04:55:16 UTC
I wanted Rudy to have better lines in this episode, too. He could do so much more. I hope that they use him better in the coming episodes.

Loved all the John and Dorian moments. They were great together. :)


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renegadewriter8 February 4 2014, 22:17:34 UTC
Oh without doubt. Rudy is awesome, he's one of my fav characters. But I feel like sometimes they make him saying many inappropriate things and such, you know what I mean? But yeah I love Rudy, hope to see more eps with him and the guys =)


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