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severinne February 4 2014, 02:16:53 UTC
Okay, without any real critical reflection to offer, I just have to say that I REALLY enjoyed that one. That felt a lot more like the show I was hoping this would become, where there's some messy questions being asked about the creation of artificial life and once again, Michael Ealy was the beating heart at the centre of all that. I love that this show was able to show Dorian being so deeply touched in a nearly child-like way to meet his creator, and still have him pull out the BAMF moves all in the same episode. *g*

Continuity-wise, no idea where this was originally slated but it does have the feel of a more mature relationship between John and Dorian where John's less questioning of his own concern for Dorian and a lot more proactive about his welfare (the quiet aside near the end was really nicely done, I thought). Sadly no time for silly car dialogue but the field trip opener was another instant classic - these two are just too fucking cute for words sometimes, and I freakin' love it when John is being inappropriate *g*

I love that we're also seeing some world-building and continuity happening at last, even if all these references to "The Wall" are kinda throwing me off for how late they're coming in the game. It sure sounds like a Big Fucking Deal if there's a literal wall separate civilization from some unchecked wasteland of horrific proportions (meaning it'll likely turn out to be a kinda-okay place with different laws or something) and while I'll be eager to learn more, I'm also wondering how the hell this hasn't come up before now. I'm actually just really confused the more I think about it - there does seem to be a literal Wall for Nigel to go scurrying up at the end of the episode but if Tokyo is considered civilized it can't just be EVERYTHING OUTSIDE LA that's fucked up. Maybe each major city has a Wall? But how far must the Wall go if you can still drive out to a cabin in the woods? *brainsplode*

Okay, enough of the world-building stuff. Anyone else think XRN/Dorian would be really hot? Bonus points if they bring in John to play?


lindmere February 4 2014, 03:10:08 UTC
Like you, I am super confused about The Wall, although it sure explains where the 400% rise in crime. But if you've got MXs and drones and all kinds of technology, what could be over there that you couldn't control? Kaiju Refugees from some sort of environmental crisis, maybe?

I was cringing preemptively in anticipation of a lot of biobabble over the "synthetic soul," and while it wasn't as bad as I was afraid of...I'm pretty sure DNA is "what makes us laugh and cry." Still, it was pretty amazing to see Dorian literally meet his maker. Oh Humanity, when will you learn to stop building homicidal robots and then arming them to the teeth??

XRN/Dorian was TOTALLY hot, as was the XRN beating up John (I know, I"m a sick puppy.) And was the "I got the pin to your grenade" a Star Trek shoutout, or is that just wishful thinking on my part?


severinne February 4 2014, 03:50:25 UTC
as was the XRN beating up John (I know, I"m a sick puppy.)

Hehe, if you're a sick puppy then so am I *g* SO HOT :D

And yeah, I'm pretty sure "I got the pin to your grenade" was a touch Trek-flavoured - even if it wasn't intentional, you can tell Karl Urban enjoyed the crap out of it *g*


tempertemper February 4 2014, 16:17:23 UTC
I was totally reminded of 'I got your gun' ngl!


renegadewriter8 February 4 2014, 03:43:45 UTC
Actually, they mention the wall since the pilot. But they do it subtle like: "he's interrogating some people that went over the wall." (pilot), "there was an incident over the wall" or in the last ep. "Please stay on the east side of the wall." The show is brilliant, they give you tiny hints and makes you wonder, what the hell is the wall? Obviously it is keeping something out, but what? And with this eps it was just... omg there might be zombies on the other side, or I don't know. But the amount of fear they showed to the prospect about going over the wall, and the fact that Nigel was incredibly scared about what he was going to do? Wow, I can't wait and at the same time I'm afraid, very afraid! O.o


severinne February 4 2014, 03:53:25 UTC
Wow, good eye (ears?) on you! I never noticed any of those comments about the wall in earlier episodes - oh good, another excuse for a rewatch :)

There was definitely no failure to notice the wall this time around - the fear of it was pretty intense. I'm really hoping for some sort of bio-freakshow zombie times *g*


renegadewriter8 February 4 2014, 04:15:46 UTC
XD Just being able to see Karl is enough to re-watch XP Argh now one more week till next ep noooo! Though from the city view at the beginning of the ep the other side mainly looks really deteriorated and poor. Oh yes maybe we get to see something like Raccoon City from Resident Evil. Either way, it's going to be awesome.


tempertemper February 4 2014, 16:18:21 UTC
I second the wow good ear. I don't know how I didn't notice these before!


bm_shipper February 4 2014, 08:31:30 UTC
Haven't seen the episode, but that was supposed to be Episode 9, so the only one that was showed at the "right time", but it's still confusing and probably would have felt differently with the actual 8th episode before that one!



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