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Comments 10

wings128 January 8 2014, 20:37:52 UTC
"Ok, Captain Energy, you can take your cape off"

"Hey, who's a happy little toaster?"

*snorts and giggles*


tempertemper January 10 2014, 20:43:45 UTC
Hee! Loved John's reaction to Dorian's little freak outs.

'Oh, disco face?'


wings128 January 10 2014, 22:25:50 UTC
Yes :) I'm just loving the developing and cementing of a buddy relationship that is absolutely going to carry this show - provided the writers continue the way they've started and keep it evolving.


tempertemper January 11 2014, 14:33:34 UTC
absolutely going to carry this show

Agree, that's totally key.


quirky_thoughts January 8 2014, 20:55:36 UTC
Just watched it. I really enjoyed it.

First thing I thought was how could Dorian get away with smacking whatisname in the face...and no one hardly even twitched at that! Weird! Maybe everyone thought he deserved it! lol

Undercharged Dorian was interesting though.
“Dorian, will you stop punching things!”

John was the chatty one in the car this episode...and Dorian the shouty one. XD

“Roll the window down!” I laughed at that...with John getting his ears blasted by Dorian at full vloume!

I found Simon and his need for approval via his viewers a nice little stab at reality TV shows and some of the more crazy, disturbed people out there in the world! Nothing new really for cop shows but nicely done. The idea of reality shows going a step darker than we already have is standard scifi fare....so I’m not surprised to see it in an episode.

Oh poor Dorian...he so wants to live with John! That look he shot over his shoulder to John as he was being swamped with Rudy. Give it time Dorian, give it time! XD


tempertemper January 10 2014, 20:45:12 UTC
First thing I thought was how could Dorian get away with smacking whatisname in the face...and no one hardly even twitched at that! Weird! Maybe everyone thought he deserved it! lol

I thought same!

And ITA re: living with John, he'll get there ;)


caitri January 8 2014, 21:20:01 UTC
So first off, can I nominate "The Dark Net" as the name for the inevitable AH kink meme?

So the whole plot really struck me as a cheap shot at participatory culture, especially in light of Kurtzman and Orci's battles with online Trek fans this past summer.

Also, the DRNs/second-class treatment bit really walks the fine line between awesome and creepy. Did anyone else think it was interesting that when Dorian's lack of charge is brought up and Maldonado is all WTF everyone hushes down so as not to get Whasnames in trouble? I thought that made very little sense, either in terms of a social justice arc or in terms of characterization for anyone.


severinne January 9 2014, 02:36:07 UTC
can I nominate "The Dark Net" as the name for the inevitable AH kink meme

Seconded! Nice call *g*

I was a bit weirded out by the big hush-up around Maldonado and the charge priority thing too. I mean, Captain Energy pretty much made it sound like it was just police force policy to prioritize the MX models (though then again, why would there be a priority order rule when it seems like there's just a bunch of different MXs plus the one DRN?) so why would they be trying to keep Maldonado from asking about it? Why didn't Kennex or, hell, seeing as he's so impulsive when his charge is low, Dorian just come out and tell her what's going on? I suppose it gave off the impression of some discomfort around the DRN model and does suggest there's something second-class going on here, so maybe the squintiness of it is the point. Still... :/


caitri January 9 2014, 19:21:33 UTC
Yeah, I thought a major point was how all the DRNs but Dorian got shelved? Also, once Dorian ends up working on a (you'd think would be fairly high profile) case w time-bombs they'd pull out some more juice for him. Maybe the point was to not get Captain Energy in trouble so as to discourage more harassment (though that seems somewhat light of a term) later on? It really didn't make much sense.


severinne January 9 2014, 03:00:55 UTC
I just caught up with this episode last night and while the plot did nothing to blow me away with originality the John and Dorian was just so much fun that I still enjoyed the crap out of it. Dorian's emotional outbursts were delightful and even though John totally blanked him on the roommate issue (I sure hope Dorian doesn't let that one drop *g*), there were also nice beats throughout this one where you can tell how well the friendship has progressed - the significant glances between them when dealing with the bomb victims felt like a huge leap forward for John to be able to have that non-verbal communication with his android partner ( ... )


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