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severinne January 9 2014, 03:00:55 UTC
I just caught up with this episode last night and while the plot did nothing to blow me away with originality the John and Dorian was just so much fun that I still enjoyed the crap out of it. Dorian's emotional outbursts were delightful and even though John totally blanked him on the roommate issue (I sure hope Dorian doesn't let that one drop *g*), there were also nice beats throughout this one where you can tell how well the friendship has progressed - the significant glances between them when dealing with the bomb victims felt like a huge leap forward for John to be able to have that non-verbal communication with his android partner.

Other random likes:

- "happy little toaster", especially with Alessandro Juliani guesting in this episode (who also did a great job before he got blown up)
- group hug! the happy was ridiculously infectious and weird :D
- Captain Energy getting snarky with his MX partner. Good to know John and Dorian aren't the only human/android old married couple on the force *g*
- Kennex and Maldonado having a drink and a chat at the end; I still really like how these two interact, and it seemed to give Kennex a rare opportunity to reveal a hint of vulnerability
- conversely, Kennex defusing his own bomb was kinda awesome. Highly improbable, maybe, but it was a good moment to see how his character responds to high-pressure, gonna-die threats, i.e. by being cool, competent and more than a little sarcastic. Nice :)

Less Good:
- again, not a terribly inventive concept and very little about it that wouldn't have played the same way in a crime procedural set in 2013. The actor playing Simon was very good and the tension was there for the first two victims but still feels like something out of a grab bag
- Simon going after Kennex was broadcast too strongly. It seemed painfully obvious that he would go after him once he became a player with the first two victims, such that when he gets the call to go check in with the bomb guy (or whatever the reason was that he wandered off alone) I just threw up my hands and yelled at the screen.
- This could be an episode-out-of-sequence symptom (I have no idea what the original air order for this one was) but if they wanted to hint at some Kennex/Stahl potential, you'd think Stahl might have, I don't know, actually reacted when she saw footage of Kennex rigged up to go boom? Not crazy-emotional or anything trite because she's still a cop and a professional, but even so it seemed about the same reaction she'd have seeing any old civilian in danger.


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