Screw you sci-fi wire and you're untagged spoilers.
So I think, "okay, just check my flist after work, boring news, boring news, oh hey look, something on Ghost Whisperer. The show that is my dirty little secret in my heart. And oh look, spoiler (
Comments 16
Sci-fi wire, clearly not so smart.
I find wiki's pretty bad for it, especially American shows, they seem to not care of forget that the rest of the world's behind them and they don't put a spoiler warning in. By the time you realise it's not there, hell, it's too late.
Real life is the worst though, friends who won't shut up. When I was a kid, two of my friends saw Jumanji the day before I did and wouldn't stop talking about it even when I asked them too. Made sure they outlined every twist and turn the movie took. Little bastards!
And all this does beg the age old question, when do things stop being spoiled? I always think of the Penny Arcade 'King Kong' joke, is it okay to talk spoilers 70 years after the original? At what point is it okay to assume, reasonable, that everybody in the room who intends to read/watch has had a chance to do some. Fools_Game suggested waiting until the DVD is released, and I guess thats as good a milestone as any. Or should it be a month after the DVD's released, just for all those poeple playing at home? :D
I dunno, it's tricky business. Most of the Who fandom seems to wait about a week (especially with Sarah Jane Adventures), although some factions still tag anything past Doomsday as spoilerific.
In 1975 People Magazine printed a week ahead of time that Henry Blake was going to die on M*A*S*H.
I guess while there's been things to spoil, there have been people and companies to make money spoiling them.
It does make me wonder how fans reacted back in 1975 though? That would have been something to see, but I guess it would have been pretty spread out, the internet has the great ability to centralise the craziness of fandom.
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