Title: When you Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Furture (lol furture) Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG for now A/N: Woot Woot, writing stories fun fun...
Title: When you Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Furture (lol furture) Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG for now A/N: am I really doing this?
Title: All our moves make up for the silence (aka, anything I name this is cliche and irrelevant) Pairing: Peterick Rated: NC-17 Summary: Patrick comes over to hang with Pete, things get fun. A/N: RPS (roleplay story, first ever omgz) Written for//with/and because of Kelsey
Title: To Whom It May Concern (Call it a love letter) POV:Pete's Pairing: Whomever you want it to be (mostly thought peterick or petexmikey) Summary: Pete writes a short 'Dear John' letter
Title: Looking Out On The day Of Another Dream POV: 2nd person, You=Pete Pairing: Mostly one-sided peterick Disclaimer: I don't own the Gorillaz or their song On Melancholy Hill