Title: When You Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG-13 A/N: Longest part yet! -pops the cheap champagne-
Title: When You Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Furture (lol furture) Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG for now A/N: SO SLEEPY...
Title: When you Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Furture (lol furture) Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG for now A/N: Woot Woot, writing stories fun fun...
Title: When you Wish Upon A Star Pairing: Furture (lol furture) Peterick Summary: Pete Wentz is a robot, it's the furture, Patrick Stump is a lonely music geek. Rated: PG for now A/N: am I really doing this?