Title: Get Up and Kill (Part 6)
Summary: Pete starts walking towards Gabe slowly, Patrick looks at him with an expression of 'oh god, you've finally lost your mind...it's gone and there's nothing I can do.'
Warnings: Cussing, Slight gore...surprisingly no character death
Disclaimer: I'm not famous or rich enough to claim any of this as my own.
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Comments 2
I'm such a violent person. Anyways, even though this had no blood it was a great update to the story. I really hope Mikey kills some more! So, was he a little tipsy or did he purposely miss the shot? I still don't know. Hehe. There was one sentence that bothered me: "Gabe you realize looks like he's hugging Pete. Hugging."
I would have like commas between Gabe and you & realize and looks. I literally stared at the sentence fir three minutes confused. Anyways, awesome update! Are you really going to just make this a 7 chapter fic?
and I'd say it was that he was tipsy and he didn't want to also hit Pete...or whatever....
and yes, I think there will be more killin' in the next chapteeer
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