Title: Get Up and Kill (Part 6)
Summary: Pete starts walking towards Gabe slowly, Patrick looks at him with an expression of 'oh god, you've finally lost your mind...it's gone and there's nothing I can do.'
Warnings: Cussing, Slight gore...surprisingly no character death
Disclaimer: I'm not famous or rich enough to claim any of this as my own.
Part the First Part B The 3rd in Series Part 4: A Continuation Numero Cinco The shot doesn't completely miss, but it doesn't hit it's intended target either. It's slightly down and to the left of Gabe's shoulder, but it distracts him none-the-less. He gets to his feet slowly, the entire bar is still silent, and stuck in their spots. Gabe as a zombie moves a lot like Gabe when he's drunk. Stumbling, bumping into the knocked over chair, slow and unbalanced.
Mikey stands shocked, and a little dazed, gun still raised as he watches. Every step Gabe takes closer to the few people crowded in the bar, a careful back-step is taken by the people. It's like watching life in slow motion. Soon the people had no where to go, hitting a wall. Gerard notices the bat he'd brought with yhim, leaning on a chair near a young guy. He looks like he used fake ID to get into the bar last night. He's looking around panicked and his eyes land on Gerard, they're glazed over but still register fear. Gerard points silently to the bat, the guy looks and sort of nods.
He takes a look back at Gabe, who's closing in at a snails pace, before reaching out for the implement. As soon as he moves, Gabe turns slightly toward him as he inches forward. The kid is shaking now, he raises the bat the best he can standing pressed against the wall, and closes his eyes as Gabe gets close enough.
"STOP!" Everyone's eyes shift to Pete, even Gabe starts to turn around. "He's still Gabe guys! Just a little worse for the wear."
"Pete, he's not-"
"He's STILL Gabe." Pete cuts Patrick off. Pete starts walking towards Gabe slowly, Patrick looks at him with an expression of 'oh god, you've finally lost your mind...it's gone and there's nothing I can do.' Pete cautiously reaches a hand out as he nears Gabe, who in turn groans at him and snaps his teeth. Pete drops his arm, looking sad. "Gabe? Gabey baby? You're still in there right?"
Gabe stops, staring down at Pete with blank eyes and drooling slightly. "Come on Gabe, you're still there. Remember the Cobra? Fangs Up!"
Gerard notes the odd hand gesture Pete makes, Gabe teeters slightly closer to Pete. Onlookers gasp. Patrick looks to Gerard, who hopes his expression says, 'I'm sorry, I can't save him for you.' It will always bother Gerard that he can't save them all, that he's not a super hero...he's not even really a plain hero, but he likes ot think he tries.
"Come on Gabey, please..." Pete sounds close to tears, everything grows quiet again, still. Gerard notices that Mikey has somehow silently found his way to stand by Gerard's side. Looking back to the scene, Gabe falls forward onto Pete. Many people scream, some yelling out for Pete's safety as he stumbles backwards with Gabe.
Gabe and Pete still their stumbling, not before Pete's back hits a table behind him. Gabe is still holding on and so is Pete, who now appears to be crying very openly. Gabe, you realize, looks like he's hugging Pete. Hugging. Not biting, or clawing....hugging. The young kid from earlier drops Gerard's bat to the ground, the metal clinking on concrete. Patrick's mouth is hanging open in awe.
Pete steps out from around Gabe smiling, and wiping his eyes. "I told you he's still Gabe!" As soon as the words leave his mouth Gabe turns and lunges into Pete, his mouth open and snarling. Pete loses balance again and they both go tumbling to the ground, Patrick rushes forward and before Gerard can stop him, so does Mikey. They both grab one of Gabe's arms and drag him off of Pete. His body convulsing as they try and keep their hold. Pete jumps up quickly and pulls something from his back pocket.
"Get him near the bar!" He shouts, Patrick and Mikey try their best, Gabe's quieted down some. There's a metallic clicking noise, and then Pete tells Patrick and Mikey to let go. When they step away, Gabe's been hand-cuffed around the bottom of a built in bar stool.
"Why do you have hand-cuffs?" Someone asks.
"Boy scouts are always prepared." Pete replies with a quirked brow.
"You weren't a boy scout." Patrick muttered, Pete ignores him. Gabe groans out, trying to pull his arms from behind him and failing. He's seems mostly okay where he is however. As soon as relief washes over everyone, it's gone when there's a thud at the door.
Patrick walks to the door, standing on slightly on his toes, looks through the peep hole. Pete walks after him, and looks out too. "Are there any of them out there?" Some girl asks.
"You know that scene in Shaun of the Dead, where they ask him that, and he says 'lots' in his little accent? ...Well it's kinda like that but without the accent." Pete replies.
"What Pete's trying to say, is that there...are a few short of a full orchestra out there." Patrick sums up. There's another couple thuds on the door, and if you listen closely, some groaning too.
"Look, we'll be fine...I mean, we've got-"
"We can't keep them out forever." Mikey speaks this time. Pete looks to Mikey, and then away at Gabe. "We've gotta be prepared. Yeah, we have a door, with locks and concrete walls, but what happens if they find a new way in. What happens when the locks break?" Everyone looks silently at Mikey, except for Pete, who sits in front of Gabe with his back to him.
"We have to fight, or I mean...you could not fight...but that's if you want to end up like Gabe." he gestures in his direction, Gabe's still drooling and groans when Pete tries to offer him a drink of whatever it is he has. "Or you could end up worse, like our friend Bert...If you want that, if you want to be someone's brunch, then you don't have to listen or fight. If you're not afraid to keep on living, If you want to fight, I suggest you put down your drinks, and pick up some blunt objects, or if you have them, guns." Mikey's pause is punctuated by a louder bang at the door.
Everyone looks to the door, then back at Mikey. Gerard looks on smiling before walking across the room and picking up his bat. "I'm in."
Patrick nods before walking behind the bar, after he bends down he comes back with a handgun clutched tightly, he shrugs, "Me too."
Soon the crowd disperses, looking for more good weapons, breaking chairs if need be. Pete just sits and talks to Gabe, ignoring the preparation for the inevitable battle.
Part 7