Title: Get Up and Kill (Part 7:To The End)
Summary: Pete's still sitting with Gabe, he has cards laid out and keeps asking, "Got any 8s?" You think Gabe's winning.
Warnings: Profanity, Gore, Character Death (bring tissues guys)
Disclaimer: I'm not famous or rich enough to claim any of this as my own.
funke_starr ,
@pantanamo, and everyone else who ever encouraged zombies and creative writing into my life.
Part the First Part B The 3rd in Series Part 4: A Continuation Numero Cinco (Part 6) As it turns out having drunk people make/find weapons wasn't the best idea. Already two people have possibly sprained wrists, and there's talk of someone having a concussion. Mikey just shrugs as he walks around talking to people, reminding them that 'head shots are preferred, but if you can take out their legs, at least they can't chase you.'
Pete's still sitting with Gabe, he has cards laid out and keeps asking, "Got any 8s?" Gerard thinks Gabe's winning. If he listens closely to the bar, the faint groans and occasionally knocking can be heard near the door. Gerard notices how fast he's tapping his foot against the chair leg, and it just makes him want nicotine more. He just keeps tapping and ignores the want, now isn't the time to be thinking about cigarettes...not really.
He sees Pete, who's now standing near Patrick and talking. He's shooting furtive glances towards the door and back to Patrick. There's laughter somewhere in the place, and it seems too out of place as a particularly loud bang emits against the entry door of the bar. it makes the chain lock jiggle and slip out of it's socket. Pete walks over and puts it back, when he turned around his eyes grew in size.
Following his line of sight Gerard sees a couple of guys standing in front of Gabe. Taunting him, and laughing about how hard he tried to reach them to bite. One would reach their arm as close as they dared, and before he even got his mouth opened, they'd pull back and watch him struggle. It was almost sickening to watch.
"Stop that!" Pete yelled out advancing on the men. They just looked at him, one continued to tease Gabe as the other stood. He was at least a foot taller than Pete, but what Pete lacked in stature he made up in loudness among other obnoxious things Gerard had noticed.
"Why should I? It's hilarious." The man laughed again looking at his friend, who continued messing with Gabe.
"You should stop becasue this is my damn bar, and I can have you thrown out." Pete replied cockily. Just as the other guy prepared his argumentative statement a yell sounded through-out the room. Gabe was finally fast enough. In the panic Pete's mumble of 'had it coming' went mostly unnoticed.
Mostly no one rushed forward immediately to help the guy, everyone just stared as Gabe's jaw twitched causing more blood to drip onto the floor and to cause his target to scream out louder. The man scrambled back, his friend finally trying to help pull him away from Gabe. They successfully detached the guy, but he left a small chunk of his arm behind and he passed out at the sight of it.
Gabe wasn't finished though by any means, even with his mouth running red with spilled blood. He yanked harder than before at his cuffed wrists, a crack sounded as he snarled in attempts to break free. One of his wrists hung more loosely than the other now, and Gerard grabbed his own and rubbed it in empathy. Gabe tugged again, harder, the bottom of the bolted in bar stool lifter slightly on one side. Mikey's eyes widened in shock, he had mentioned something about how he 'hoped these weren't those super-strength/fast moving zombies...because zombies shouldn't run.'
Another couple of tugs and a few extra odd growling noises, the stool pulled completely off the floor. Gabe fell forward, attempting to stand, but failing due to the fact his hands were still cuffed around the stool. Gerard had a faint feeling this has happened to Gabe before, when he was alive.
There's another heavy bang at the door, the chain lock falls out again as the door shudders and shakes the frame even. Gabe propels himself forward somehow, everyone stumbles backward, Gerard's thankfully at a far enough distance to not be as worried. Another echoing slam at the door, another lock shakes slightly out of place. You see that Mikey's eyes are trained on the door as well and grab your bat in a tighter grip.
"Don't just stand there, do somethin'!" Someone yells out.
"Why don't you do something!" Another yells back. Another crash into the door, the top hinge bends slightly. Gabe looks almost comical as he squirms on the ground.
"I can't kill a man, man!" The first guy shouts back. Another resounding thud against the door, Gabe gets to his knees somehow.
"Just do it, you're closest!" Some girl shouts. Gabe thrashes to try and get standing, the same girl lets out a new scream. this time when the door is assaulted you can see light over the top of it for a second.
"Oh for fucks sake." Patrick's rolling his eyes as the girl scream again when Gabe falls over, desperately trying to reach her. Patrick's eyes widen and he raises the handgun and pulls the hammer back, Pete's jumping in a second. He tackles Patrick, the shot ricocheting behind the bar, shattering half empty liquor bottles.
"DON'T YOU DARE SHOOT HIM!" Pete grabs for the gun, Patrick sucker punches him in the jaw, effectively knocking Pete off of him. The same girl screams as chunkless-arm-Gabe-taunting-had-it-coming-guy slowly stands up.
"I was aiming for him, dickwad!" Patrick stands, waving the gun at the fresh corpse. Pete just grabs his jaw, still shocked from Patrick's hit. The guy walks quickly towards the shouty-girl, Gerard decides now is a good time to help. He walks across the room, careful to step around Gabe and the dog's body (which really should have been cleaned up), and call out for the other zombie in the room. He turns towards Gerard immediately, his nose crinkling in disgust for him as he swings the bat as hard as he can. It hits with a hard thwack into the side of his head, he goes down but he's not out.
Gerard raises the bat again and swings harder, Gerard hears the skull crack, sees the blood spill. The girl screams again as she tries to look away. Gerard swings again, and again, he loses count until Mikey's pulling at his right arm. He looks a little shocked, possibly worried as well. The carnage Gerard left behind barely resembles a human's head anymore. Now it's just a blood stain on the concrete. Gerard hadn't even realized how hard his heart was beating, or the adrenaline rushing through his veins.
Standing in a slight stupor as he observes the remains, Gerard sees the door's last lock finally gives in. The light blinds at first, only seeing the outlines of figures. Dark shadows and nothing more. As they come into focus Gerard realizes he's not as prepared as he'd hoped. Some people stand with their blunt objects, other's drop theirs and breakdown or just stand horrified. Before Mikey grabs Gerard's arm he notices that Bert made it...well, sort of.
Mikey pulls his brother behind the bar, one look at him tells Gerard he wasn't as prepared either. Shit. Both of them are ducked down behind the bar, and Gerard feels like a coward. He looks up over the counter at the scene. For some reason his brain puts on a running commentary to go with the the chaos.
'Zombies vs. Drunkards, Who Will Win!?'
'Well Vince, it looks like the zombies have the advantage here, both are similarly tipsy. BUT! It appears the Zombies don't care about getting hurt.'
'I see what you mean Dick, the Zombies are getting smacked and whacked and cracked, like Rhianna when she dated Chris Brown!'
'OOOHHH, Zing!'
'Oh, will you look at that! It appears that young man just made a dinner for two!'
'You can say that again!'
"Yes, yes I could!'
"Pete, what the hell are you doing!?" Patrick snaps Gerard back to real reality, he sees Pete trying to push past the wall of defense into the slowly growing crowd of undead.
"I can't let Gabe get hurt Patrick, he's always been there for me, I just-" Pete's pushes as hard as he can on some guys who are swinging chair legs, Patrick starts pushing too. Gerard can almost make out Gabe wandering in the opposite direction of the rest of the zombie herd and out of the door, still hand-cuffed and carrying a bar stool behind him. That's when one of them grabs onto Pete, pulling him into their mass. Patrick aims and pulls the trigger, the gun clicks.
"ONE BULLET PETE! REALLY?" Patrick's far from mad at Pete in all actuality though.
"PATRICK!" Pete reaches out as Patrick throws the useless gun across the room. Pete's screams fill in with the rest of the bar's, it's the most horrendous song Gerard's ever heard. Patrick shoves one last person and jumps into the hungry group, it almost looks like crowd surfing, as he grabs onto Pete. Gerard sees a slight smile tug on the corners of their mouths as Patrick tightens his grip on Pete's hand and they disappear in the commotion. It's one of the most hauntingly semi-sweet things Gerard's seen in his short life.
Someone's flung over the bar, a zombie reaching after and Gerard grips his bat before noticing they were both zombies. The one of the ground gabs onto Gerard's ankle as the other pulls at his arm, he screams out as the bat slips to the ground. Mikey, fires off two shots, they both let go.
Mikey grabs Gerard's arm, slinging it around his shoulder as he tries to steady himself. "Come on, there's a backroom." Gerard does his best to stop shaking and follow along, forgetting his bat behind the bar.
They both push their way through the people left standing, which to be honest aren't that many. Just as Mikey pulls open a door Gerard had been wondering about one of them grabs onto your arm. Before anything, Gerard notices it's Bert...a sharp pain shoots through his arm as another gun shot blasts into his skull, and Gerard quickly follows Mikey into the room. He slams the door as Gerard tries to push an old couch that's sitting in the room against it, Mikey joins in. When it's in place they both just sit on it, not sure what to do.
"You know, I always wondered what zombies did after everyone turns into a zombie, or dies...like, what they would feed on."
"Yeah" Gerard responds a little blankly, 'What DID they do then?'
Mikey's weak laughter stutters and fades almost immediately. "Gerard....Gee...What's..tell me that's.."
Gerard looks down at his hand where he's pointing, teeth marks are etched in blood. He supposes Bert always was a biter, the thought makes him giggle a little.
"Did you just laugh!? Gee, you...you're gonna..you can't!" Mikey looks like someone just kicked his favorite puppy, or you know, like his brother just got infected with the T-Virus. Gerard flexes his hand, and it hurts, too stiff. It shoots a pain through his nerve endings and up his spine, he winces.
Mikey's shaking Gerard noticed, and upon further inspection he's crying...Gerard's surprised he isn't as well. He's not even flexing his hand anymore, but it's still causing Gerard's arm, his whole right side to ache. The hand itself feels numb, dead.
"Mikey, Wheezy...come on...look, I'll...I'll be fine. I'll be in heaven with Elena, and-"
"Mikey...that was pretend...the real thing is always harder-"
"FUCK THAT! YOU CAN'T DIE, IT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!" Mikey's face is manic, tear stained. Gerard closes his eyes and bite his lip when a burning sensation sets in. The hoard outside pushes against the hiding spot's door, it shifts the couch a fraction of an inch. Gerard looks at the gun clutched tightly in Mikey's right hand.
He follows Gerard's line of sight, "No, NO...Gerard..I can't..not you..." Gerard grimaces as a migraine starts in, causing him to see nothing but a bright light in front of his right eye.
"Mikey, you gotta do it, I can't hurt you." He's quiet, the couch is shoved another half an inch.
"I've only got one bullet left." He says it without looking back at Gerard. "Look, I can't...alright...I wouldn't want to be alive if...I could just.."
Gerard realizes what he's trying to say now, he can't shoot his brother...but he can shoot himself. "Mikey! Don't think like that, if anyone can make it out of this it's you."
He looks up at Gerard, smiling sadly, and nods his head, but looks back down at the gun anyway. It's getting harder to breathe with each inhale. Things are starting to feel cloudy.
The couch gets shoved at least two inches, Gerard falls forward unable to catch himself. Mikey lunges forward and asks if Gerard's okay, he tries to answer but it doesn't work right. The pulsing pain is getting more intense, Gerard feels Mikey's arms under his neck and it vaguely registers as a goodbye hug. Just as Gerard sees the door fly open, he sees Mikey look at the gun in his hand and close his eyes. A whisper of 'I love you' and something else Gerard doesn't quite catch from Mikey, and the world fades to black just like all of the best horror movies.