Title: Get Up and Kill (Part 4: A Continuation)
Summary: There's something coming after you, it's a zombie. It's Mikey. You try and scream out as he catches up and grabs for you.
Warnings: Cussing, Slight gore..and Character Death (Consider that a re-occurring theme)
Disclaimer: I'm not famous or rich enough to claim any of this as my own.
Part the First Part B The 3rd in Series click →
here← to see me making light of the subject.
In the dark you could see the spark ignited in that split second, pushing the bullet through the chamber into it's target. Gerard can hear his heart beating against his ringing eardrums as well as the echo of the gun. Thankfully(?) the apparent zombie fell to the ground, leaving the other shaking in place.
"I think I just shit my pants." Was the person's reply, it hung in the air almost comically. "I probably did that earlier though." That's when Gerard realizes the voice is familiar, he really hopes he's wrong.
Mikey walks forward and appears to try and open the car before he notices he doesn't have the keys. Gerard pulls them out and unlocks the door, when it's pulled open it casts light into the small square of parking garage. It was who Gerard thought, and no it doesn't really surprise him as much as it should.
"Fuck, I think you killed Quinn. Bitch had it comin', he tried to bite me without taking me for dinner first." The man then kicked the corpse's head and laughed to himself.
Mikey pushes his brother aside to get into the car, he glares up at Gerard as he fits the key into the ignition, the 'door ajar' ping sounds through the air. The man finally looks up to see who he'd encountered.
"Well fuck a pigeon up the ass, never thought I'd see your goddamed face again...well, besides shitty magazines that are reserved for sell-outs. Oh well, what brings you to the zombie apocalypse?" His voice is starting to make Gerard cringe already, and he ignores his question as and walks around the car to open the passenger door. "Oh come on sweetie, don't be a prick." Bert's cacklinglaughter fills the quiet car park.
Gerard slides into the seat, hearing the sound of the back door's handle being tugged at, Mikey presses the unlock button. Gerard glares over to his brother and whispers, "He's not coming with us."
Mikey doesn't respond, and Gerard knows as well as he does that they'd regret leaving him to die, Gerard was always too good for Bert. Gerard closes his door as Bert slides into the backseat, slamming his loudly, he smells like 2004. It makes Gerard wish he hadn't left the last three cigarettes behind.
Mikey may or may not have run over part of Quinn backing out. He drove silently to the exit, the toll booth was empty and the bar was down. Mikey sighed looking around before backing up the car a good 20 feet and mumbling, 'This better work, or I am going to be so angry at Bruce Willis.' He presses his foot down and grips the wheel tight, Gerard realizes just in time it would be a good idea to hold on.
The car broke through the barrier easily enough, and Gerard couldn't help but smile at how bad ass it was and the thud of Bert being jostled from lack of seat belt. As the car turned onto the road Bert had to remind everyone of his presence rudely, smiles fading quickly.
"So who's this? You're new boyfriend, finally coming outta the closet?" He was leaning on Gerard's seat, his breath ghosting right into Gerard's face making his nose wrinkle.
"It's Mikey, my brother." Bert laughs out his sharp guffaw.
"Whatever floats your fuckin' boat my friend." Out of the corner of Gerard's eye Mikey's grip tightened on the wheel. Gerard was going to tell Bert that he was wrong, but A) He wouldn't care and B) there was a person standing suddenly 8 FEET IN FRONT OF THE CAR. There was no time to stop, the dent they put in the car was hopefully worth it, chances being they weren't really alive anymore anyway.
Bert leans obnoxiously over the seats to mess with the radio stations, all of them are different frequencies of static. Mikey silently presses the CD button, and bats his hands away. The neon numbers in the dashboard say it's 3:34, in the a.m.
"It'll be about 30 minutes before we get there." Mikey says.
"Get where? Don't you live around here?" Bert asks, obnoxiously tugging on a piece of Gerard's hair.
"Angels and Kings, and yeah we did." At this point Gerard hopes answering Bert's questions will make him shut up.
"What the fuck is Angels and Kings? You got any cigarettes or you quit that shit too?"
"It's a friend's place, and I left the last of my pack back at the apartment."
"Why don't we just stop by a gas station and loot the place, I mean, 's not like they'll give a fuck when they're dead right?" Switching tactics Gerard ignores him. He reaches forward and turns up the volume as the car turns to get on the on ramp to the highway. Gerard had yet to see another person, but there are cars scattered here and there along the deserted roads.
It's times like these Gerard thanks himself for mostly being a recluse and therefore not having been around outside to be attacked and turned. One car in the far left lane has it's hazard lights still flashing, and another farther down the road has it's front windshield busted out. It looks like a large car accident spread out along the entire highway, and Gerard's grateful it wasn't rush hour when shit went down.
The song playing is one Mikey selected for this particular mix CD, Livin' On a Prayer. Bert starts singing along in the backseat, drumming his hands on the back of the seats. Somewhere between the first and second chorus Gerard nods off.
The sky is dark gray and the streets go on until they dissolve into it. You're running quickly toward a Super Target, the red on the sign the brightest color. There's something coming after you, it's a zombie. It's Mikey. You try and scream out as he catches up and grabs for you. You feel a swooping in the pit of your stomach as you fall to the ground.
Gerard jerks awake with Mikey shaking him. "We're here Gee, better hurry up, after we got into New York we started seeing more..of them." Gerard reaches forward and hugs his brother for not being dead.
"Look at that one....dumbshit." In the back, Bert's perched in the seat looking out of the back window. Looking past his head a zombie is lilting slowly in their direction. Letting go of Mikey's sleeve, not even realizing he was still holding on, Gerard grabs the bat that's been sitting next to his feet.
"Come on then." Mikey mutters. Bert turns around to see the brothers open the car doors, (shutting them quietly to not attract anymore unwanted attention) and running(prancing) quickly to the door. Mikey bangs on it after finding it locked. Behind you both Bert slams his door.
"Fuck you two, I bet you'd just love it if I died!" He just stood by the door, the undead person getting closer. A small space of the door opens a infinitesimal amount, held by a chain lock.
"Are you dead!?" A voice calls out, "What's the password!?"
"No, and there's no password Pete just let us in."
"See, this dumbshit's like.... 5 feet away, and you're not even trying to save me now!" Bert calls their attention again, he's right about the distance, maybe a little closer than five feet even.
"Bert, dammit this isn't the time to pull this shit!" Gerard finally yells back.
"Yeah okay, but how do I know you're not dead?" The voice behind the door asks again.
"Because if I was dead I'd be trying to bite you instead of trying not to beat the shit out of you." Mikey answers boredly. Gerard looks back to Bert, he's taken the next two steps to be face to face with the corpse.
"Just fucking bite me bitch, no one fucking cares about my life!" Bert says this while throwing his arm out in front of the creature.
"Goddammit Bert!" Gerard takes off running towards him, ready to swing. The zombie groans and stumbles forward trying to grab onto Bert's arm but failing. It then reaches out and practically falls onto Gerard, and he swings the bat as best he can pushing it away with his other arm.
"See, ain't that some shit? They always choose you, fuck I wish I were still drunk." Gerard gets a successful hit in, the clank-thud noise making him grimace.
"Bert, just...just come inside they've got alcohol!" Mikey shouts from the door, which is now open a bit wider, enough so to see the short man standing behind it.
"Fuck that shit." Gerard looks back to Bert as the words leave his mouth. Another zombie is behind him now, eyes widening Gerard raises the bat as it staggers forward and latches onto Bert's neck. His eyes grow wide too, it was unexpected for him to get what he wanted.
"Gerard, ankle biter!" Mikey yells out just in time for Gerard to see the first zombie trying to push itself up, and he hits it's head as hard as he can. The bat's side effectively crushing in it's skull. Gerars raises it again ready to fight off the other when Mikey yells his name again. There are lots more coming from most directions, brought in by the commotion and fresh food.
Gerard gives a last grimace at Bert, who's been taken to the ground by his attacker, and is being eaten one torn ligament at a time, losing too much blood to be conscious. His own song on that matter flits through his brain as he turns and hightails it back to the door, being ushered inside. After the locks have been replaced and Mikey has wandered off with Pete, Gerard looks through the peep hole. There's a swarm around where you left Bert, what's left of Bert. Through the buildings he can almost see the sun begin to rise.
Part 5