Left Side, Strong Side (2)

Dec 29, 2010 13:10

Title: Left Side, Strong Side(2)
Author: Jess>>>> bangxbangxdie7
Pairing: Zack Merrick/ OMC
Alex Gaskarth/Surprise
Rating: Very NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: Riley is abused by someone close to him and unfortunately turns to drugs and screws up his life. Zack comes around to help him clean up.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't copy.
Warning: This story contains adult material including: sexual abuse, language, drug use and sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Authors Note: Please comment and tell me what you think?
P.S Zack will show up in chapter 3.


Riley was thankful for his job at The Lucky Sevyn. He was thankful because it put a nice chunk of change in his pocket. It wasn't much at the start, but once he turned 17 everything changed. He made a ton of money stripping. Of course Riley didn't get to keep every bill that was thrown at him or pinned in his underwear- Gilly took about fifteen percent of it, but the teenager didn't mind. On some weekends alone he made almost 300 dollars.

300 dollars was more than enough to feed him, clothe him, and put drugs in his system; the latter being top priority. He didn't need to have new clothes or eat if he wasn't fucked up. It wasn't worth it to him.

As long as the young boy was high he didn't mind his job- because he'd never go in sober. The thought of taking his clothes off for money bothered him while he wasn't fucked up on cocaine, but then again he usually was so it didn't matter much.

"Silver...what's it mean when a guy nods his head at you, like, more than twice? I ask because someone did that to me 'bout ten minutes ago. I wasn't sure so I ignored him."

Riley didn't have 'friends' at the strip club, but he did have conversations with the boys who also worked there. Everyone had made up fake names to protect their privacy and Riley was encouraged to do the same. He couldn't really think of a good name, so he sort of copped out and picked River. It sounded close enough his real name so that he'd be more likely to respond to it if needed.

Silver laughed at him. "You've got so much to learn. You're so fucking young," the buff man shook his head. "But to not be a dick and answer your question- it means they want to take you to the back. You know; to get blown or something. It's fucking gross, but the upside is that Gilly can't take that money from you. Whatever you can make them give you is yours."

Riley blinked several times. The man who had nodded his head at him looked about triple his age. Riley didn't think a guy that old could even get it up anymore.

"Wait... so if I go to the back room and suck someone off I can keep all the cash? How...how does that even work. Gilly can't be that nice? I mean- he's been good to me, really he has but...that doesn't make sense to me. If I were him I'd want the same percentage as stripping. If not more. You get more cash if you do that sort of shit, yeah?"

Riley may have been young and a little bit naive but he was not stupid. He understood how business worked. Too well.

"Look," Silver straightened up his tool belt, which was part of the cheesy outfit he was required to wear for that particular night. "Gilly is a nice guy- for owning a club like this. He takes some of your money when you strip- he owns a strip club. But believe it or not Gilly doesn't like to know what goes on behind the scenes. The less he knows, the better. Besides, some guys rack in serious doe, Gil knows that if he tried to take it that it wouldn't be fair. We're like his family in a strange way. Just the way it is. Don't try to understand, 'cause you won't."

Riley bit his lip and thought inside his head. His thought process wasn't working so well for him, but he tried to think hard about the pros and cons of obliging to the older man from before.

"Wait, Silver, before you go-" Riley peeped up before the man turned to leave. "...Do we have to do it, or is it our choice?"

Silver sighed. "No, you don't have to. Although sometimes these guys give you offers you can't refuse. So be careful, and more importantly, don't be stupid. Once you go back there and they close the door? It's scary shit. If you're not comfortable with that then don't do it."

The teen lifted his shoulders and looked at the tattooed man with puppy dog eyes. "Have you? I mean...you don't have to tell me but I'm curious. I- don't know if I should."

Silver didn't wait too long to answer Riley. "Yea, I've done it. Plenty of times. Not proud of it. But then again, I've been a stripper for almost ten years now so it's not surprising," he half-smiled. "Just think about it long and hard before you say yes or no. Try not to let the coke get in the way."

He pat Riley on the back of the neck and went out to the stage to perform his show with four or five other guys.

At first the teen was angry at Silver for mentioning his 'habit' but he then realized he didn't have the right to be mad. He was a drug addict- he had a problem. And it did cloud his judgment many times.

It certainly clouded his judgment that day. Riley thought for about 2.8 seconds and decided that if he could keep 100% of the money he was going to earn, he damn well was going to do it.

He found the man, approached him, and went with him into one of the secluded areas off in the back end of the club. The man said nothing. No name, no instructions, no nothing. He only took a fifty dollar bill out of his wallet and helped Riley onto his knees.

The thought of his mouth being around a 60+ year old dick was enough to make Riley vomit, but the new money in his back pocket was his goal to stay focused on.

He tried not to let himself feel the mans' fingers grip his hair, and he also tried hard not to hear his moans and grunts of approval. It was difficult, but it did not stop the young teen from doing his 'job'. In fact, he did it often. He spent most of his nights at the club stripping as well as following more and more 'clients' into the back. After a while he sort of became used to it.

Riley slept at the club as much as he could. The sexual abuse he had endured in the past stopped somewhere along the lines. He believed it stopped because Riley was finally too big for them to hold down. The teen tried to push them off of him when he was younger, but he had been too small and weak. Every time he tried to resist he only got slapped, hit, or he had nails dug into his chest. So he stopped resisting and just let it happen.

Even though he wasn’t being touched anymore, he still didn’t want to sleep in his bed. That bed was where unwanted hands and skin made contact with his body so many nights. Riley thought about it all the time, and it made him want to die.

The cot in The Lucky Sevyn’s upstairs room wasn’t too shabby. Gilly was kind enough to let Riley stay there- but he was to keep quiet about it. Gilly wasn’t allowed to have favorites. Gilly knew that. Riley wasn’t his favorite per say, he just felt bad for the boy. After all, he begged him for a job that nobody actually wants.

The least Gilly could do was give him a place to stay. Riley never told Gilly the real reason why he wanted to stay at the club at night, he just lied and said he was homeless, and he literally had no place to go. The truth of the matter was that Riley would rather sleep on the street or under a bridge before he wanted to sleep at home.

Riley eventually had to go home, if he didn’t then questions would come up and he couldn’t have that. He still had face his abuser every day, and it sickened him, but he hid his animosity towards them for the sake of his their marriage. He would love for them to have divorced because of what that horrible person did to him.

But deep down he knew that it would never happen.

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