Left Side, Strong Side (1)

Dec 25, 2010 11:23

Title: Left Side, Strong Side(1)
Author: Jess>>>> bangxbangxdie7
Pairing: Zack Merrick/ OMC
Alex Gaskarth/Surprise
Rating: Very NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: Riley is abused by someone close to him and unfortunately turns to drugs and screws up his life. Zack comes around to help him clean up.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't copy.
Warning: This story contains adult material including: sexual abuse, language, drug use and sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Authors Note: Please comment and tell me what you think?
P.S Zack will show up in either chapter 2 or 3.

Riley closed his eyes and turned his head to the side as the person on top of him began to rock their hips back and forth. Riley didn't try to fight it anymore, he learned a long time ago that fighting only made things worse. Riley tried not to cry, but it was inevitable and he couldn't help it; he always cried. Riley hated that this happened to him, he hated that someone this close to him would want to hurt him in the worse way possible.

Riley wondered why this person would want to do this; they had a spouse of their own who was fully capable of giving them what they sought for. Riley was just a boy. He was thirteen, he couldn't really understand anything about what was happening to him. All he knew was that as he got older the trips into his bedroom at night became more and more frequent. And he was terrified.

A firm hand squeezed his jaw, and he yelped. The same hand then covered his mouth, muffling his screams.

It was all over after a few more minutes, even though it seemed like hours- days even.

"Such a handsome boy you are Riley," the voice cooed, as they trailed a finger down his smooth chest.

Riley whimpered and blinked slowly, his dark gray eyes stinging with tears.

"Goodnight my son," Their warm lips kissed Riley's forehead and he shuddered.

As soon as he heard his door close quietly, he curled up into a ball and sobbed until he fell asleep. He felt so disgusting. So destroyed inside. Nothing could ever make the terrible feeling go away- he was ruined for life.

The worst part about it wasn't the actual abuse, it was the fact that no one would believe him. It would sound so profound that no one would even want to believe it. He didn't blame them. He didn't want to believe it either. But he had no choice, it was happening to him and he was forced into painful reality.

*Three years later*

Riley looked inside his wallet and realized he was broke. He was down to his last five dollars and that wasn't going to score him anything except for a cheap box of cigarettes. He didn't have a job, he wasn't 'allowed' to while he was in school because his parents thought him having a job would affect his grades.

He was glad he was out of school for the summer; he wanted a job. But he didn't want a regular job- he wanted a job that would pay him very well. He needed a job that would pay him good. The problem was that 16 year olds didn't really have jobs that paid more than minimum wage unless they worked off the books. Riley had a better idea.

He walked a couple miles down the road from his house, down into the 'bad' area of his neighborhood. He lived in a really nice town, in a very nice house, but in fifteen minutes walking distance it was a whole different scene.

The brunette knocked on the back door of a strip-club. He knew they would ask for I.D at the front, and they wouldn't let him in.

A tall man answered the door, opening it only an inch. "What do you want kid? You know you're not supposed to be 'round here."

Riley sniffed and wiped his pointer under his nose. "I know. Need a job. Just lemme in. Swear it'll only take a minute. Promise."

The man sighed and pulled the small boy in by his shirt. "Go down to the last door on your left. Gilly's in there. But I'm telling you, by the looks of you? Your chances aren't good. Don't even try to blow him- won't work. Seen it before."

Riley huffed and trucked his way down the hall. He made sure he wore the sluttiest outfit he could come up with, a tight shirt and skinny jeans. He'd have worn a trashy jacket if it weren't so hot out.

"Gilly." He knocked three times. "Gilly, open up."

Riley had heard of the club owner, Gilly. No one knew his real name, everyone only knew he wanted to be called Gilly. Gilly was attractive, and successful- but most importantly Gilly was useful to Riley. He could give him a job.

The door opened and again Riley was tugged in. He looked at the young boy up and down. "You might as well just leave now, I can tell you're not 18. You're pretty, I'll give you that. But not the age I need."

Riley scratched his arm. "If I'm pretty, you'll hire me."

Gilly smirked. "Tell me, stranger, what is your name and how old are you?"

"Phoenix. 19."

Gilly shook his head. "If I'm giving you a job you have to be honest with me. Better start now." He folded his arms.

Riley was getting frustrated. He was starting to think this wasn't going to work. "Riley Steffens. I'll be 17 next month. July 14th. Swear to god I won't say a word-"

"Riley, 16, really? L-"

"I can make you lots of money, Gilly. I look great in my underwear. I'll strip every night, all night. Put me in a cage, on the pole, I don't care! I need money bad- I'll do whatever I can to get it."

Gilly gave him another look-over and could tell this boy was obviously hooked- severely hooked. "Been that long since you had a fix, huh?"

He could tell by the outline of Riley's cheek-bones, how they were so thin and defined. He could also tell by the droopiness of his eyes and how he couldn't stand still. He was so fidgety.

The small boy nodded. "About 1...1 hour ago, last. Last of it. Can't..." he rubbed his nose. "...gotta give me a job, Gil."

The teenager took off his shirt and started to slide down his pants.

"Hey- stop. Pull your pants up. You know you're too young to strip, Riley. I'd love to see what you have to offer me," he winked suggestively. "But you've got to be at least 17. I'll make you a deal. You can wait some tables until your birthday comes around, then maybe I'll move you up. That's the best I can do."

Riley smiled and got his clothes back onto his body. "Thanks Gilly. Thanks so much. When...when do I start?"

The older man looked on his desk at a huge calender. "Tomorrow looks like a good day. Tomorrow. Start at 10."

Riley couldn't wait until he got his first 'paycheck' mainly because he couldn't wait to buy new drugs to put into his system to numb him from everything that happened to him in the past.

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