Stories Yet To Unfold [16/?]

Dec 02, 2010 22:25

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: LOOK WHO FINALLY UPDATED! I'm quite happy with this chapter, sorry for making you wait so long! And sorry it's kinda short!

masterpost :)

Alex went back home feeling completely content for that fact that he had just been invited to a party. He walked through his front door and saw no one was home. His house was tidier than he left it. The kitchen was untouched because his parents decided to get breakfast on the road, the pillow on the couch lay perfectly upright and the coffee table was stainless. His mom was a bit of a neat freak but he was okay with it. He slipped off his worn out shoes and run upstairs, he looked around his unorganized room and bit his lip as he had no idea what to do tonight.

He thought he might take the TV downstairs and watch Peter Pan or The Lion King. He was a sucker for Disney moves, he loved to laze around and just watch the cartoons on the TV. He was a kid at heart. His eyes scanned around the room for the movies and then focused on his phone. He almost leaped towards it and his stomach flipped when he saw '1 New Message' He grinned largely when he saw it was from Jack. He anxiously opened it.

Hey that's cool, don't worry :) And yeah sure, the new Jimmy Eat World CD is out tomorrow actually so we can go grab it?

Alex continued to grin as he replied.

Yeah sounds great! See you tomorrow, night :)

He texted rapidly and pressed send. Alex now lay back on his bed and took everything in, his stomach still uneasy. Why did Jack do this to him? Around a month ago, he hated his guts and it made him sick to see his smug face, he couldn't even hear his voice but now it was music to his ears and when he saw him, Alex's stomach did somersaults.

He thought he would never get along with Jack but now slowly reconnecting with him...he sort of likes him. He wonders if Jack feels the same way but he can't help but think he doesn't. He was very restricted when it came to the 3 times they had kissed. He only let Alex go to a certain limit. Maybe it's because he felt it was going too quick? Or maybe it's because he didn't exactly feel the same way? The second option made more sense to Alex.

He sighed and rolled off his bed onto his feet and walked out of his room and downstairs. He saw Peter Pan in the DVD closet and put it in the DVD player. Whilst the adverts ran, he grabbed a jar of nutella and then sat cross-legged on the couch as the movie rolled on.

Alex fell asleep half way through Peter Pan and woke up the next morning. The morning sun shone brightly, it warmed him up and forced him to crack his eyes open. He got up and stretched, run a hand over his cheek, feeling his pathetic teenage stubble come out. He dragged himself to his bathroom and decided a shower was good idea. In his shower he thought about how much he slept and how lazy he was.

Shortly after getting ready his phone rang and he enthusiastically.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey, we still up for today?" Jack now asked making Alex smile.

"Mhmm" He muttered.

"Cool, see you at my place soon" Jack replied before hanging up.

Alex couldn't get to Jack's house quick enough, he walked quickly through the morning breeze and soft morning sun. Just as he was only 2 streets away from Jack's house, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He stopped in his tracks and pulled it out of his pocket, flipping it open and putting it to his ear.

"Hello" He said.

"Hey it's Jack. Dan's just come over to my house, I suggest you head back to your till the coast is clear" He warned. Alex now slumped and put one hand in his pocket.

"Oh okay..." He replied quietly. He shuffled his feet.

"Sorry I didn't know he was coming round. I'll call you when he leaves okay? I gotta go now bye" Jack said quickly and then hang up. Alex now sighed and looked at the warm street around him.

As he slowly walked back to his house, he thought about it. Sneaking around wasn't fun when Dan got in the way. He wa kind of upset that Jack didn't just blow Dan off but he guesses it was difficult to do so.

When he got home, he looked around and had no idea what to do. Why had he come back home? He could have easily gone to the mall himself and bought the CD. He reached for his wallet which he had just set down and got the keys to his parents work car. It was a small SUV.

Alex didn't drive much, he was always afraid ever since the accident. Alex now began to think of this accident.

Before Alex walked the halls alone, he had one friend, Derek. Derek was just like Alex. Immature, quirky and one of a kind. Derek had been Alex's best friend ever since the Gaskarth's moved here. They bought the house right next to the Reilly's. Derek was possibly one of the only things that kept Alex going. His wide, crystal blue eyes, full of life, matching his permanent estatic grin. They way his long, brown, tangled hair played around his ears as he ran around, his scrony little body escaping Alex's paint covered hands. Alex reminsced his childhood memory and smiled but then quickly enough reminded himself...Derek was gone.

It happened around a year ago. Rian held a party and invited Derek considering they were cousins. Derek brought Alex along for the night seeing as no one would really want to hang out with Derek. They were as inseperable as best friends got. Alex remembered the day clearly now.

He walked over to Derek's house wearing board shorts and a yellow t-shirt, allowing it to soak up the hot summer sun. He got to the porch and could smell Mrs Reilly's cooking, which welcomed him enough to go in. The Reilly house atmosphere sure was special, comfortable and enlightening. Derek now  came down the stairs and high fived Alex.

"Ready to go bro?" He asked. Alex nodded and watched Dan wave the usual goodbye to his parents before they exited the household. Derek ran to his car like a fool, making Alex laugh.

"Run like that into the party and Rian's gonna send you out" Alex told him. Derek shook his head.

"He can't I'm his cousin. We're blood!" Derek exclaimed enthusiastically. Alex chuckled before getting into the car. It was already sort of dark as they were heading down the highway.

"So you excited?" Derek asked, turning to Alex. Alex shrugged.

"I guess so. I'm not one for parties you know?" Alex teased. Derek slapped his shoulder. Alex loved parties, it was a shame he wasn't invited to many. Alex now turned up the radio slightly to hear Dammit play and Derek now gasped and turned it to the loudest volume. They both began to headbang like idiots as they sped down the highway. Alex now looked up to see Derek not looking at the road and mindlessly shake his head to the music. Alex focused on th road infront of him and now saw a car from the neighbouring road swirve in before them. An earblasting honk filled the air and the headlights blinded him. Derek's worried face struck before hs eyes and Alex now flew forward, knocking out on the dashboard.

Alex stop thinking about it as the hospital was the worst bit. A warm tear slipped down his cheek and he now wiped it away. He really did miss Derek. He misses having someone there, he misses having a best friend. He misses entering the Reilly household and feeling it's welcoming atmosphere surround him. If he ever does go over now it feels dead, cold and untouched. Derek brought a comfortable feeling to everything and everyone. He had that effect.

Alex now opened his phone and went to his phonebook. He scrolled down to the D's and there it was. Derek's number. Alex had always kept it there because he promised himself one day he'd be able to listen to his voicemail and smile. Alex drew in a big breath and pressed the call buttom and leaned against the wall.

ring ring, ring ring, ring ring...


Hey It's Derek. I'm not picking up at the moment. You mad? Scream at my voicemail if you are!


Alex now sunk to the floor and began to cry. His breath became short and cheeks earned wet trails of tears.

"I miss you" Alex whispered.

Alex promised to himself one of these days he'd be able to listen to his voicemail and smile...but today wasn't that day.
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