This Beating Heart is all but worthy (1/?)

Dec 02, 2010 15:08

Title: This Beating Heart is all but worthy
Author: walexg
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Alex/Jack eventually
Disclaimer: Not real.
Author Notes: I'm obviously new here and decided to post my story up so love it/hate it! Warning: It's a bit dark.

Alex Gaskarth had no intentions of leaving his bed, he was far too ill, he couldn’t even open his eyes, he hoped his father would at least understand. He squeezed his eyes, curling into himself more, the thick blanket not providing any warmth to his frail shivering body; an ache went through his stomach leaving him gasping, tears falling through closed lids. It hurt so bad, he felt like he was dying, and this time he really wanted to, just to fall asleep and never wake up again, no one would miss him.

“God.” He rasped out, as another jolt of pain passed, leaving him weaker then ever before. No, he couldn’t go he couldn’t leave this spot.

“ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE.” His fathers booming voice suddenly rang from downstairs making him jump and cry from the pain of moving, he had to get up, he could kill him. The fresh bruises and broken ribs hadn’t had the chance to heal, he couldn’t go through more.

The 16 year old tried to move his legs over the bed but his tired limbs screamed in protest, he fell back, sobs racking through his sore chest. “Dad, please.” He croaked as he buried his head in his pillow, it instantly getting soaked from the salty substance.

“BOY, YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET NOT LISTENING TO ME.” His fathers heavy footsteps could be heard, getting closer and closer, until his door flew open, the hinges almost completely ripping off.

“What do you think you’re doing? You have school today; this is not some fucking vacation where you can sleep whenever the fuck you want. Now get up!” Mr. Gaskarth was at his boiling point.

It felt like his mouth was wired shut, he couldn’t say a word, and so he just laid there, tears still streaming down his bony face.

“You little imbecile!” He shouted, before grabbing the young boy’s arm and pulling him violently to the floor, “I told you to get the fuck up, and what do you do? You ignore me, now you have to deal with the consequences.”

Alex could feel the breath literally get taken away from him as his father threw him onto the floor, he crumpled up and tried to hide his tears, his father hated when he cried, it would make things so much more worse.

“You’re such a fucking fag, I wish you were never born. This family was better off without you, you’re brother would still be alive if it wasn’t because of you.” He snarled, making Alex’s heart hurt more than ever, he couldn’t take his father’s insults, it was like a knife being dug into his side, stabbing over, and over.

“Dad you don’t mean that.” He said, his voice filled with so much pain, he looked up at the once fatherly figure, until the day he confessed to his parents he was gay, until his brother committed suicide because of him and his big mouth.

“I fucking hate you, you’re a waste of space. If it wasn’t for your mother you would be dead.” He spat, kicking Alex in the stomach, making him throw up all over the old man’s shoes, his stomach not being able to handle the blow.

Alex’s eyes widened when he realized what he did, “Dad I’m so sorry, please let me clean it up.” He pleaded, sitting up, ignoring the pain in his chest.

“Get out! Get your back pack and get the fuck out of my house, if I hear that you’re not there or you’re late, there will be hell to pay.” He flung the shoes that had vomit on it onto Alex, spraying him with his own waste.

He didn’t have any time to take off his clothes and put on new ones, his father was already pushing him out the door, flinging him downstairs and into the cold December weather.

Alex tripped and flew into the snow, the ice pelting through his skin, with shaky knees he picked himself up, looking down he saw that he had a hoodie on, underneath it a plain blue shirt, he would have to deal with the freezing temperature.

Now with no warmth what so ever Alex slowly walked to school, it thankfully not being too far from his house.

By the time he got to Dulanely High School he was a shivering mess, his teeth chattered and his badly scarred arms had goose bumps, he folded them and fixated his stare on the ground as he moved towards his locker.
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