Stories Yet To Unfold [15/?]

Nov 21, 2010 15:42

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: This chapter's kind of a...passing chapter you could say? Nothing too interesting. Do you guys like this fic? Cause I've got a feeling not many people do. Also I'm sorry my chapter's aren't as long as other fics but I don't know, I don't like to give too much in one chapter :3

masterpost :)

He kept his eyes focused on the couch he was walking towards and didn't say a word. He sat down and Jack slowly followed, sitting down carefully on the other side.

"What the fuck is wrong Jack?" Dan asked sternly. Jack bit his lip and shook his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Jack lied. Dan rolled his eyes and slammed his hand down on the arm rest.

"Don't fucking give me that shit Jack! You've been avoiding me all fucking week! Now I see you and you have a fucked up nose! What the fuck is going on?!" Dan yelled furiously. His fist clenched and jaw set. His big brown eyes were burning into Jack's eyes.

"Nothing! I haven't been avoiding you! I just have seen you around is all" Jack lied sternly. Dan hissed and got closer to Jack.

"Don't bullshit me, I'm gonna ask you again...why have you been avoiding me?" His muscles tightened up and he gritted his teeth. Jack's breath hitched as he tried to think of an excuse. He let out a breath.

"I haven't been avoiding you" Jack said. Dan slammed the armrest again.

"Jack for fuck sake! Just tell me why! I'm your friend bro!" Dan exclaimed. Jack laughed in his mind. Right friend. He knew what kind of guy Dan was since Alex sort of opened his eyes to the reality of their friendship.

What could Jack say? "I'm secretly friends with your brother which you hate and we're getting along really well and I've sort of started to hate you so I don't really wanna hang around with you. Oh and P.S Im gay" That would go down so well. Dan would probably leave him fucking dead on his front room floor. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat and began to speak.

"I've been having trouble with...maths and have had to go for...private classes..." Jack lied slowly. His eyes pleading. Hoping that Dan would believe him. Dan's expression now softened and he looked and Jack's thoughtfully.

He pulled back and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh...sorry bro...I didn't know" Dan apologized softly. Scratching the back of his neck he looked at Jack who was relieved Dan believed him. Jack gave him a small smile.

"Well now you do" Jack replied simply.

"How's it going?" Dan asked, trying to sound interested. Jack wish he would stop pretending to care.

"Great but I still need loads of classes to go if I really wanna improve" Jack lied. He felt terrible but this was Dan. He was innocent either.

"Oh right I see" Dan said uncomfortably.

"So if it seems like I'm avoiding you I'm really not it's just it takes up a lot of my time" Jack told him nervously. Dan nodded and run a hand through his short hair. He now stood up and Jack copied.

"That's all you wanted to talk about?" Jack asked shockingly. Dan nodded.

"Unless you have something to tell me?" Dan questioned firmly. Jack shook his head quickly.

"Good" Dan said. They now walked to the front door. Jack let out a breath as Dan turned the doorknob. He turned around to face Jack.

"By the way, Sam Easter is throwing a party next friday, you're coming right?" Dan asked. Jack bit his lip nervously. Dan scoffed.

"Come on, you're always up for a party man!" Dan encouraged. Jack was under a lot of pressure and continued to chew on his lip. He sighed and gave in. With a simple nod, Dan grinned.

"Cool, I'll text you the details. See you later bro" Dan yelled as he walked down to his car. Jack shut the door and leaned against it.

What the fuck has he gotten himself into.

Earlier on

As Alex was walking back home contently, he realized he was passing Rian's house. He smiled knowing Rian wasn't there as he was having some spending time with his girlfriend Kara. She was a really sweet girl, perfect for Rian.

Before he could even carry on walking, he saw some kid walk up Rian's front lawn. He was skinny and his hair was cut short, jet black and sort of greasy. It was funny but Alex didn't focus on it too much. He wsa pale and had shocking green eyes which were searching the place for any sign of the Dawson's being home.

Alex walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around immediately and his emerald eyes widened at Alex's appearance.

"Hello..." The boy murmured. Alex smiled.

"Rian isn't here if that's who you're looking for. Neither are the rest of the Dawson's. They're away for the weekend. He nodded and gave Alex a nervous smile.

"Oh right, no wonder" He mumbled. Alex kept a little smile on his face and reached his hand out.

"Alex" He introduced himself. The boy's eyes darted down to Alex's hand which he now shook.

"Zack" He replied quietly. Alex raised his eyebrows at that. He was surprised he had never seen this kid before.

"So how come you've come here?" Alex asked casually. He began to walk and Zack followed beside him.

"Oh I just came to ask Rian something" Zack answered quietly. Alex nodded.

"So how come I've never seen you at Dulaney?" Alex asked simply. Zack chuckled softly.

"I don't go to Dulaney. I go to a school outside of Towson actually. My parents don't exactly approve of Dulaney. They're a bit funny" Zack admitted with a smile. Alex chuckled and nodded in understandement.

"I don't blame them. How do you know Rian then?" Alex asked curiously. Zack looked at Alex now. His eyes a bit more settled into Alex warm caramel ones.

"I know him through my friend Ben Warsely" Zack told him. Alex tried to think if he knew the guy but he didn't.

"What about you?" Zack asked.

"I go to school with him. We've got music class together. We jam to Blink a lot of the time" Alex replied now grinning. Zack raised his eyebrows.

"Oh you like Blink?" Zack asked. Alex nodded enthusiastically.

"I like them too. I'm more of a Third Eye Blind kinda guy though" Zack admitted. Alex noded in approval.

"I like them too but I still listen to Incubus and Bob Marley though" Alex revealed. Zack laughed aloud.

"That's weird but you're cool anyways" Zack told him. Alex smiled looking down at his feet. Zack turned to him as they got to the end of a street.

"This is my stop" Zack said. Alex nodded and now stood infront of Zack.

"Well it was nice meeting you" Alex said politely. Zack nodded in agreement.

"Yeah it was. I wonder why Rian has never introduced us before" Zack wondered. Alex shrugged.

"I'm not too sociable so..." Alex admitted nervously. Zack chuckled.

"Well look, my friend Sam is holding a party next friday, you can come if you like" Zack said invitingly. Alex bit his lip nervously. He didn't wanna be mean and turn down the offer so he simply nodded. Zack grinned.

"Great, Rian's probably coming too. There will be drinks, good, dancing and lots of girls" Zack listed smoothly. Alex chuckled, he figured Zack was straight anyways. Not that he had interest in him anyways, he wasn't his type.

"Sounds great. I'll ask Rian for the details?" Alex asked. Zack nodded quickly and waved goodbye as he headed to his house.

Alex was invited to a party. He couldn't believe it.

Later that night, Jack was eating dinner alone as he wasn't hungry earlier when his whole family ate. His mom was cleaning up the other dishes.

"So how did you hurt your big old nose?" She teased. Jack chuckled with food still in his mouth.

"Fell over and banged it on a bench" Jack lied. She chuckled and shook her head.

"Typical Jack" She said. Jack rolled his eyes and she laughed at him now sitting opposite him. Her big brown eyes stared into Jack's almost identical ones. Jack raised an eyebrow as he continued to chew on his burger.

"Yes..." He questioned. She sighed.

"You're a weird kid" She stated. Jack laughed.

"She's right Jacko!" May shouted from the frontroom. Jack reached for the chair pillow beside it and aimed it at her, she managed to dodge it and stuck her tongue out between her thin lips.

"You still love me though right?" Jack teased, still eating. She giggled and got up from her seat and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, now kissing his temple.

"I'll love you no matter what Jack. Whether you're weird, normal, crazy, depressed, high or even an alien. I'll still love you" She told him honestly. Jack smiled at his mother's kind words and continued to eat contently.

After dinner Jack was full so he went upstairs and shut himself in his room. Thinking over today's earlier events. He smiled remembering the time he spent with Alex as he slowly passed his hand over his full stomach. He felt sort of pregnant.

He sure was tired but wasn't in the mood to go to sleep so as he went to reach for his phone there was a timid knock at his door.

"It's May" A sweet voice said. Jack smiled.

"Come in" He announced and she now unlocked the door and entered the room, slowly shutting the door behind her. Jack now changed from his position and sat up against the wall, May walked over and sat beside him.

"What's up?" Jack asked casually. May played with the sleeves of her pyjama top and looked down. Her eyes focused on her slim thighs.

"I wanted to ask you something..." She announced quietly. Jack nodded and stared at her. She finally looked up and lockeder very similar eyes on his. She relaxed her shoulders which her long almost black hair rested upon.

"I saw you today...with Alex" She told him nervously. Jack eyes froze and so did his rising chest. A lump rose in his throat and he began to panic a bit.

"That's crazy May...I don't-" He began but she cut him off.

"You were in the park with him and he jumped on your back. You fell. That's how you hurt your nose" She teased. Jack scratched his neck nervously. Not denying it as she had clearly seen them.

"How did you see us?" Jack asked, not looking at her big brown eyes.

"I was at Ellie's house. You know, the one that lives opposite the park" She stated. Jack chuckled and finally looked up. Swishing the blonde and black hair out of his eyes.

"Oh right" He replied quietly. He bit his lip.

"How come you're hanging around with him? I thought you didn't like him" She questioned, confused. Jack sighed and really didn't know how to answer that.

"I don't really know. I'm still trying to figure out why..." Jack answered truthfully. He really couldn't think of a reason. He just knew it made him happy.

"Do you regret it though?" She asked, raising her thin eyebrows. A side of Jack's mouth stretched up into a smile.

"No...not at all" He replied. She smiled her sweet smile and got off his bed now, heading to the door.

"Hit me up when you find out when and also...don't mess it up" She advised him. Jack grinned and assured her he wouldn't. She said goodnight and closed the door behind her.

Jack now lay on his back and stared at his ceiling again trying to clear his mind.

Suddenly his phone on his bedside table vibrated. He almost jumped to get it and opened the text, only to see it was the details of the party. He rolled his eyes and was about to put the phone back until it vibrated again. The number was unknown and Jack was kinda scared to open the text, once he did, he grinned largely.

Hey it's Alex. This might be creepy but I got your number from my brother's phone. I just wanted to know if you were up to hang out tomorrow? You don't have to say yes I just thought it would be nice. Yeah so just text back to this number.

Jack grinned at his phone. Alex was adorable and made him happy. No matter how wrong it was somehow right.

A/N: This is funny cause I'm telling you to read the A/N at the top :3

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