Compatible Signs - S/A

Nov 21, 2010 14:55

Title: Compatible Signs, S/A
Author: Me, CherylMcMinorrr
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Gemini and Sagittarius are great friends, besides being well-matched lovers. They share a deep understanding and a very similar life view, based on a general, refreshing optimism and enthusiasm.
Disclaimer: All information on their zodiac signs comes from: while any information on star sign compatibility comes from: and is owned by whoever wrote it.
A/N: I’m really stuck on both of my chaptered stories at this moment in time, so much so that I’m considering putting them on hiatus… So I thought I’d try write a small stand alone or something in an attempt to continue writing and hopefully pull inspiration out of thin air. I don’t know, but this seems really roughly thrown together, hopefully someone will like it. I also really hope you can find the links between the information in italics and what I’ve wrote… If that makes sense.

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Alex Gaskarth. 14th December 1987.

Sagittarius. November 23rd - December 21st. Sagittarians are lucky by nature, so they usually display a cheerful and optimistic disposition. Their inherent curiosity keeps them more interested in what will happen tomorrow rather than focuses on the mistakes of today. A state of constant change is a delight for them. Sagittarians are extremely independent, truly free spirits and yet, they are the nicest of all the zodiac signs. Sagittarians are kind, openhearted souls who do not expect anything in return when helping a friend. There are no hidden secrets to a Sagittarius - what you see is what you get. Creative, clever, straightforward, congenial - all these traits describe Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are usually up for any adventure and love travelling to exotic destinations. That is because they are so curious about the world around them. Like Gemini's, they want to know about everything, but whereas a Gemini might learn a little about something and drop it, the Sagittarius can remain interested until the end. A Sagittarius's restlessness and distain for the mundane however, may be damaging to relationships.

Jack Barakat. 18th June 1988.

Gemini. May 22nd - June 21st. Gemini’s are well known for their dual nature. They seem to be constantly struggling to reconcile the two opposite and distinct parts of their personality. Because of their dual nature, they adapt well to new settings and make friends very easily. However, Gemini’s find it hard to have an opinion about a certain topic because they are very good at seeing and understanding both sides of any situation. This constant changeability causes many Gemini’s to be quite impulsive and impatient at times.

Gemini’s also love to talk. Because of this, and perhaps in part because of their impulsive behaviour, Gemini’s are usually the life of the party. They are lively and energetic as well as versatile and intellectual. Their minds are always working, which often results in them telling people what they are thinking. Their wit and humour attract people and because Gemini’s are such fun to be with, they are often surrounded by many loyal friends throughout their lives.


They were always the best of friends, since the day they’d first met they’d become practically inseparable. If Jack had a problem or idea, he always knew Alex would be there to listen and Alex knew likewise, except he was usually more hesitant to admit to needing the others’ help and usually the words would have to be pried from him by the younger boy, who held just the right amount of tact to get the other boy to talk to him.


When Jack suggested they start a band, Alex, despite having tried the whole ‘band’ thing before, with others, jumped at the idea and suddenly their jam sessions became more serious, having a motive behind them and the search for a drummer and even a bassist commenced. Soon, they had a full fledged band, had even gotten one of their other friends on board to be a manager, or tour manager as he’d later become. The search for a record deal, however, was faring harder than their search for a drummer and bassist, which after asking around and a bit of constant nagging on Jack’s part had fallen into place.

Looking back, they’d probably question how they even stuck around through all of Alex’s “Maybe tomorrow will be better”s and Jack’s “We’ve not tried these yet”s. Yet, it all paid off, they managed to tour before they’d even graduated high school, even got signed. Their careers became set in stone pretty quickly. And maybe they wouldn’t question how they stuck through the two boy’s perseverance after all, because the determination and shared dream still rung throughout all of their hearts as though they were still those high school kids on a mission to change the world.

The band soon became something big, they moved from the small mini van to an actual tour bus, could actually afford the take hotel nights. They went from releasing EP’s to albums. Went from a small, local following to having fans all around the world. And they honestly couldn’t feel more at home touring the world and experiencing the freedom that brings, the feeling of little responsibility, meeting new people, some who’ll they’ll just occasionally cross paths with and others who they’ll form lifelong friendships with, being able to party whenever they hell the want, just because they feel like it.

Yet living in a cramped bus can also have it’s down sides, sometimes arguments can break out just because there’s not enough space to call your own, it’s harder to take a break from people. Things can start to annoy you about people that you probably wouldn’t even notice if you were at home sleeping and eating in your respective houses, hell they probably wouldn’t annoy you if you lifestyle enabled you enough sleep or just alone time where you can sit and think undisturbed.

Arguments on the bus can be the worse, there’s nowhere to escape to, nowhere to go and they usually always fan out the same way. Jack will become impatient about something or someone, or just plain irritated or someone just won’t feel in the mood or be too hung over or Alex will become restless and bored and a personality clash or snappy conversation will ensue. Jack will usually refuse to take sides, Alex will take whoever’s side he believes to be right and as long as the actual argument isn’t between those two, Alex will eventually sway Jack to take his side, which the younger boy will do out of some kind of loyalty to his best friend.

- -

These two are extremely compatible; any rough spots they encounter during the course of a relationship are sure to be smoothed over with a minimum of effort. Gemini is quite able to provide pioneering, adventurous Sagittarius with the independence Sagittarius requires in a close relationship, because Gemini shares that same need. While Sagittarius needs physical independence, Gemini needs mental freedom, but the need is the same at base.

It hadn’t been an argument as such, one minute they’d been talking, revelling in the fact it was only the two of them on the bus for once because seriously, living in such a small bus with so many people can grate on you sometimes, the next, everyone had come back, talking and cheering, which had caused Alex’s mood to turn from content to just plain annoyed. Before anyone could even say anything, Alex was voicing his annoyance out loud and storming from the bus.

But he was back now, which yeah, he had to be because the bus was moving and leaving your lead singer at the last venue wouldn’t really be a smart tour move. Everyone was sleeping or in the pretence of sleeping except for Jack and Alex who were sitting at opposite ends of the sofa, attempting to watch the buses TV. Jack was giving Alex his space, waiting for the older boy to speak before he said anything to him which the older boy was grateful for, although his anger had long dispersed, he didn’t even understand what had caused it in the first place, but he was going to blame it on the fact that he needed some alone time, which he had done, kind of desperately, even though a more plausible explanation was sitting in the back of his mind, coated in years of denial.

“I just needed a break.”

“I know.”

And that was all it took for things to go back to normal, before Alex was being eloped in a hug while using all of his willpower to force the strong sensation of butterflies he was feeling away and burying his face in the crook of the younger’s neck.

Gemini and Sagittarius are great friends, besides being well-matched lovers. They share a deep understanding and a very similar life view, based on a general, refreshing optimism and enthusiasm. Sagittarius can sometimes be a bit too blunt, saying things without thinking beforehand about whether they'll hurt someone or not, but Gemini is a hardy sort and, like Sagittarius, can forgive and forget quickly. These two don't have time or the interest required to hold a grudge.

They’d both been excited for a night out when Matt suggested it, in fact the four of them had, because it felt like too long since they had had a break from playing shows every night and crashing in the bunk of a bus. A night off obviously called for more partying; alcohol fuelled memories were usually the best, that was if they could even remember at all. But now, Jack was pointing out some girl he’d just met to Alex and Alex was trying to pull anything from his vocabulary that didn’t hint at jealousy.

“She looks like a whore.”

At times like these he couldn’t help but question whether his brain was actually connected to his mouth at all. He silently hit his head off the bar in a mental *head desk* moment.

“Excuse me?”


“No, I heard.”

“I -”

He began to attempt some form of explanation, but the alcohol wasn’t really aiding him in being eloquent and words just wouldn’t seem to form. Jack was already laughing his comment off though, before taking another mouthful from the glass in his hand and shaking his head at him. He offered a small smile in return, his heart and head internally fighting each other as his friend began to walk away once more.


The younger boy turned on his heel, facing him once more. He placed his now empty glass now on the bar, wobbling towards him. He eventually caught his arm, attaching himself to Jack’s side.

“Stay with me for a bit? I feel really drunk.”

Jack just nodded, wrapping his arms around him as he buried his face against the younger boy‘s shoulder and inhaled his scent.


Studio time was when being in a band actually felt like real work. It involves a lot of disagreements with producers, a lot of correction and constructive criticism and a lot of time. Alex was becoming stressed with being inside the same four walls and if not those four walls, then the four walls of the rented house he got to spend less time in than the rest of his band mates. Everyone was really trying to stay out of his way, except the producer who usually just had more criticisms for his new lyrical masterpieces and Jack who was trying to offer a voice of reason, telling him to maybe just try it the producers way and see which would work out better.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury (Communication) and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Luck). Mercury lends Gemini their chatty, intellectual demeanour; Jupiter is about both luck and philosophy, and lends Sagittarius their constant questing for knowledge and truth. This is a great match -- Gemini comes up with a new idea and Sagittarius jumps right on, ready to explore it to its limits.

Another day in the studio and Jack was there for support more than having any guitar parts left to record and the current song they were working on. Well he at that moment he didn’t have any, seeing as the producer hadn’t asked him to change anything yet.

He was almost scared to approach Alex with the idea he had for the song he’d been asked to tone down, he was watching quietly as the older boy glared daggers at anyone who even dared to step too close to his seat in the corner, where his untouched notebook sat open on his lap. But at the end of the day, it was just Alex, his best friend, so he hoped for the best and made a beeline for him and seeing Alex not jumping from his chair and attacking him as a good sign he opened his mouth and began talking, the thing he did best.

When he was done, he was all but ready to flinch backwards as Alex jumped up from the chair, thinking the older boy was just about ready to attack him, but instead a pair of arms pulled him into an awkward hug and then his friend was telling him how amazing he was and kissing him on the cheek. Then he was instructed to pull up a chair, the excited grin never failing to leave Alex’s face, before they sat and wrote together for a good hour and a half and they were sure even the producer wouldn’t find fault with the new song they’d written.

Gemini is an Air Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. This is quite the active relationship! Air spreads Fire far and wide, helping it increase in power. Gemini and Sagittarius together have just this effect on one another. Theirs is a very fiery, passionate connection; there's always something going on. Sometimes what's going on escalates into a real argument and actually hurt feelings; these Signs are opposite one another in the Zodiac, which means they have quite a deep and complex connection. In other words, when it's good it's very, very good, but when it's bad it can be terrible. These two may fight most about who's in charge; they both have competitive streaks that can flare up at inopportune moments.

“He’s not talking to me.”

“You threw a guitar at him, I wouldn‘t talk to you if you did that to me.”

“It didn’t even hit him though.”

“I think it’s more what you said that pissed him off.”

“Thanks for that Zack.”

“Throwing instruments at people doesn’t help though.”

“Shut up Rian.”
“If you didn’t tell him it’s your band because apparently you do most of the work, he wouldn’t have completely flipped.”

Alex buried his head in his knees, he didn’t need his band mates stating the obvious.

“I didn’t even mean that. It’s all of our band. If he hadn’t said that what he says goes because he started the band then it wouldn’t have even slipped out.”

Rian let out an exasperated sigh.

“If you weren’t arguing with him to begin with.”

“He wasn’t being any help and I was trying to finish the song, in case you haven’t noticed this has to be finished soon.”

“Maybe you need a break.”

“No I don’t, I’m fine.”

“Whatever. Just talk to him for something.”

“I’m going to, I’m just giving him some space.”

“Or putting it off.”

“Shut up! He just makes me so angry sometimes, I don’t even know why, I just get really stressed and then he’ll say something and I’ll snap.”

Rian and Zack shared a glance before turning back to him.

“What now?”

Rian just shook his head, Zack’s eyes sparkled as though he knew something Alex didn’t.

“You should seriously go find him, he can only be somewhere in the studio or at the house.”

“Or in any bar within a 15 mile radius.”

Alex groaned.

“I’ll just… Start looking for him.”

The good thing is, although they may disagree often, their differences of opinion don't last long -- Gemini is too busy moving on to the next challenge to hold a grudge, and Sagittarius can forgive anything but a lack of respect from their Gemini lover.

“I’m sorry.”

Jack smiled, showing his teeth.

“Me too.”

“I didn’t mean it.”

“Me either. I had this idea…”

Alex cut him off by laughing loudly at the situation and the fact they can just move on from a fight so quickly, before moving in to hug the younger boy, sighing contentedly as he felt Jack bury his face in his hair. He couldn’t even deny the butterflies he felt when the younger boy pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head. He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever be able to tell Jack of those feelings.

Gemini and Sagittarius are both Mutable Signs and are thus extremely compatible. They're both flexible in the extreme, quite willing and able to adapt to change. This is a good thing; when Gemini changes their mind mid-thought, Sagittarius has no problem taking a 180-degree turn and keeping right up with their high-flying partner. When Sagittarius suddenly gets the travel bug, Gemini is very amiable about hopping in the car and going right along.

They’d taken a day off from the studio, Rian and Zack were both out god-knows-where and Alex was pacing the living room while Jack attempted to watch whatever film was on.

“I’m bored.” He whined, elongating the ‘or’ sound.

“I noticed.”

“Let’s go somewhere.”


“I don’t know, let’s explore, we’ve not had chance yet.”

He enthused, rocking on the balls of his feet.

“Fine.” Jack mumbled, standing up and turning off the TV. “It’s a good job I care about you.”

Alex smiled as Jack pressed a quick kiss to his cheek and began searching for his car keys, while he stood smiling stupidly at his friend.

One day he’d tell him. One day.

What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Sagittarius relationship? Their mutual interest in cultivating knowledge, utilizing intellect and turning it into action. They are well-matched in their enthusiasm, energy and drive. Common interests and similar personalities make them a compatible couple.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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