I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy? [28/30]

Nov 10, 2010 19:20

Title: I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Jack did the usual, went to some party and fucked some guy but something about this guy was special and now he needs to find him.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: i hate this chapter.

Masterpost :)

"I've come to visit you kid" I answered positively. Nate reluctantly allowed me in and I was stunned by his room. It reminded me of my room when I was his age. Covered in posters, socks and underwear everywhere, homework all over the desk, cups under the bed and what not.

"This looks like my room when I was your age" I informed him. I stared at the huge Blink 182 poster and smiled. I then looked back at Nate who look worried.

"How did you know I was here?" He asked me quietly.

"You remember your neighbour Zack Merrick?"

"Of course" He replied with a smile.

"Jack's best friend, kid" I informed him. He chuckled.

"No wonder Jack looked kinda familiar" Nate told me.

"Well yeah he told me what happened and stuff...I'm really sorry Nate" I said quietly. His eyes became warm and a smile touched his lips. He now took a seat on his bed and crossed his legs. I sat close beside him.

"It's okay I'm dealing with it. It's a been a while..." He told me simply. He looked so honest.

"Can I ask erm...how? You're so strong but so young..." I asked curiously. He shrugged his shoulders.

"An end can bring a great beginning. I believe everything happens for a reason and that they're better off where they are now" He answered simply. I grinned.

"I can't believe how strong you are" I admitted. He chuckled lightly.

"I just believe there are better things to come you know.Hopefully some couple will come and love everything about me and you know...care" Nate confided. He stayed silent for a while and gazed at me. A tear slipped down his cheek.

"I just want someone to care" He whispered,  his bottom lip juttered and I immediately wrapped my arms around his shoulders, bringing him close.

"I care Nate...I care" I whispered into his golden hair. He sniffed and wiped his slightly teary eyes.

"I'll always care, you're a great kid and any couple would be lucky to have a son like you"  I told him. I honestly meant it.

"You mean it?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Of course I fucking mean it" I told him sternly. He laughed and now shuffled in his seat. His big blue eyes were glistening. So healthy, so strong. A crazy idea poppeed into my mind and I jumped from the bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked quickly.

"Just gonna speak with Jack" I told him simply. He nodded and I opened the door to see Jack standing there, talking to a woman. His eyes were wide and intrigued. I smiled at how happy he looked. Once the woman walked away I walked over to him. He turned to me excitedly.

"I was just asking the woman about adoptions and stuff. The process takes a tad longer for gay couples, go figure. There are rules like we must have a civil partnership blah blah blah. So we might have to wait longer than I hoped" He told me quickly. He was so cute when he was excited. His eyes were filled with englighment and he shot me his cheesy smile.

"Why would it take long?" I asked curiously. Teasing him.

"Cause we have to get married and we haven't been together for long and you might not want to get married and stuff so yeah" He answered quietly looking at his feet. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Who says I don't want to get married?" I teased. His eyes lit up now and he grinned largely.

"Not right now because we need time but..." I told him. His grinned stayed there and he threw his arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. He pulled back to press his lips to mine.

"I love you so much Alex" He said in between kisses.

"I love you too Jack and if we're gonna get married and adopt and all...can I just...give an idea?" I asked quietly. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Nate? Would you consider...?" I started off he smiled.

"Are you in my mind Gaskarth? Nate was the first kid I thought of, I didn't even think of looking into others" Jack admitted. I grinned and pressed my lips to his again.

"This is gonna be so great, us and hopefully Nate but oh my god. We'd have to like...raise him sort of. How weird" Jack said with a chuckle. I laughed and cupped his cheek.

"We'll get used to it" I told him. He nodded and pressed his lips to mine again for a second.

"Let's go hang with Nate but don't tell him about this, I want it to be a surprise" I told Jack. He nodded and linked our hands together as we walked to Nate's room now knocking on the door.

"Come in" Nate yelled. I opened the door and dragged Jack behind me.

"Jack, hey!" Nate called. Jack looked around his room.

"Awesome room" Jack complimented. Nate smiled and signalled for Jack to sit beside him, so he did. I sat on the chair by his desk.

"Hey Nate, wanna come to dinner tonight? I was gonna take Alex to a pizza parlour. You should join us" Jack randomly spat out. I smiled.

"How cute" I said sarcastically. He stuck out his tongue.

"Atleast I'm taking you somewhere" He replied. I laughed.

"Sure I just gotta ask first" Nate answered. Jack shook his head.

"Already did, just needed your confirmation" Jack said. Nate smiled.

"Great, sure then!" He said excitedly. Jack chuckled. Nate run a hand through his hair.

"I just got decide what to wear. I suck at doing that...my mom used to do it for me. I was such a baby when it came to dressing up nice" Nate recalled. I smiled and Jack did too. Jack now jumped off the bed and headed for his closet. Opening it and biting his lip as his eyes scanned the closet. He now picked out a blue plaid shirt and grey jeans.

"Wear this" Jack said simply. Nate looked at them approvingly.

"What are you my dad?" Nate teased. Jack grinned.

"Not yet" I said under my breath. Nate now held his clothes in his hands.

"I need to shower and stuff" He said quietly. Jack nodded.

"So do we, shall we pick you up in like an hour or so?" Jack asked. Nate nodded and we walked to the door now going out. I smiled when the door closed.

"Nice one dad" I teased. Jack grinned cheesily and we now headed for the stairs.

Before we actually got out of the orphanage, the woman named Mary now stopped us and looked at Jack.

"Were you serious about before? You know about the adopting?" She asked. Jack squeezed my hand.

"Yep" He answered simply. I smiled.

"Would you like to...sit down and speak about this all?" She asked politely. Jack looked at me and I nodded and we walked through.

"So we've agreed you are applying to become legal parents of Nate Pearce, correct?" She asked for the last time.

"Yes" We both answered, now squeezing our hands tight.

"And you both agree to get a civil partnership before he moves into your house?" She asked. We nodded.

"Okay so like I've said this will take atleast a year to go over now when would you like to meet Nate and confront him about this?" She asked simply.

"In erm...3 weeks?" I suggested. She nodded and passed papers to us.

"Sign here and it will be official" She told us. We both took a deep breath and smiled at each other reassuringly before signing. I grinned when our signatures were both next to each others.

"Okay we'll inform him that there are parents willing to meet him, thank you" She said officially now showing us the way out. We exited normally and once we were out. Jack and I wrapped our arms around each other.

"I can't even explain how happy I am right now" I told him honestly. He kissed me passionately infront of our car and I was completely content.

Sure, everything is happening quick but I loves Jack and he loves me. We're happy and that's all that matters.
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