You're A Stranger I Know Well [4/?]

Oct 28, 2010 01:24

Title: You're A Stranger I Know Well [4/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack Barakat was one of the least popular kids at Dulaney High. Alex Gaskarth on the other hand was one of the most popular. They weren't friends, they weren't enemies.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Academy Is...
Author's Notes: I don't like this chapter. There's a lot of dialogue. The next one should be better. Thank you for the amazing comments! XD

Previous Chapters

It was about 7:30 that evening and Jack was curled up on the sofa watching re-runs of The Simpsons while his parents were out shopping. He was glad that school decided to have their first day back on a Friday, just so he had the weekend to get his head around what had happened earlier that day. He still couldn’t really believe that he had been talking to Alex for the most of this year.

Never found out why you left him, but this answer begs a question. Too blind to see tomorrow, too broke to beg or borrow.

Jumping when he heard his phone ringing from somewhere in the room, he quickly turned off the TV and listened, shuffling around the room as he tried to locate the noise. He finally found it buried down the side of the sofa and quickly answered, not looking to see who it was.

“Hello?” He said down the speaker.

“Hey,” the voice on the other end replied. “Is it okay if I call you?”

“Yeah, Alex. It’s fine.” He nodded even though Alex couldn’t see him.

“Awesome. How are you?”

“I’m good. Tired though,” He answered, holding back a yawn.

“Jack, it’s 7:30.” Alex laughed. Jack could hear him closing a door in the background and then the sound of cars driving past.

“I know, but I didn’t do enough today for me to be awake.” Jack replied, knowing he wasn’t making any sense.

“Right, okay.” He sounded confused, and Jack felt a small blush creep onto his cheeks. “What are you doing now?”

“Watching The Simpsons. At least I was until you called. Why?”

“Just wondered if you fancied coming over? I mean, I know it’s only been a few hours but hey. What have we got to lose?” He sounded upbeat. Jack liked that he was always seemed happy. He’d noticed it all the time at school. Most of the people Jack noticed, would have ‘off’ days, but Alex never did.

“Y-yeah, sure. I erm, I don’t know where you live though.” Jack told him, sitting back down on the sofa.

“I know,” Alex laughed. “Which is why you’re going to meet me at the park. Then we’ll walk back to my place.”

“Oh, right. Okay, erm, I’ll be there in like, 5 minutes?” Jack suggested, looking up at the clock.

“Awesome. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Putting his phone in his pocket, Jack stood up making his way to the front door and putting on his shoes, before writing a quite note to let his parents know where he is.

- - - - - -

The walk to the park didn’t take long seeing as it was only at the end of the road, but Jack was nervous the whole way there. He knew he had no reason to be. Alex told him that he still wanted to talk to him and that he didn’t care that Jack wasn’t popular. Only he didn’t use those words; he was nicer about it.

Jack could see the older boy sat on a bench as he turned the corner and he stood up when he saw Jack walking towards him.

“Hey, you alright?” he asked again, despite having done so less than 10 minutes before.

Jack nodded, about to reply before Alex spoke again.

“Great. Let’s go,” He said as he started walking, Jack tagging along behind him.

The conversation was easy as the two boys walked to Alex’s house. Jack decides that the next time they do this, he doesn’t need to be so worried about it. He knows that nothing bad is going to happen.

“This is it,” Alex said, turning left into one of the bigger houses of the town.

Alex lived nearer to Jack than he thought which in a way was helpful, you know, for future reference. He’s still nervous though, only because of who it is he’s with. He feels stupid; he knows that if Alex didn’t want to hang out with him then he wouldn’t have phoned him. If he was honest, Jack didn’t know why he was as nervous because really, he didn’t have a legitimate reason to be.

“It’s nice,” Jack told him, taking note of how neat everything.

“Thanks,” Alex grinned, before offering Jack a drink before going to get some Coke out of the fridge. “Let’s go to my room.”

Jack followed him up the stairs looking at the pictures hanging on the wall of Alex and other family members.

Jack was surprised by what he saw when he walked into Alex’s room. He expected it to be tidy, spotless even, just like the rest of the house, but it wasn’t at all. There were posters stuck on the wall, clothes strewn over the floor and an untidy stack of CDs on a desk.

“Sorry about the mess,” Alex muttered rubbing the back of his neck. “I meant to clean it earlier...” He trailed off as he saw he didn’t have Jack’s attention.

“Jack?” he waved a hand in his friends face causing him to blink a few times before looking ahead at Alex.

“Hmm?” His eyes wide as he realised he’d been staring at a picture of Alex at the beach. At the beach in just shorts.

“What were you staring at?” Alex asked, looking in the direction Jack had been.

“The.. The poster! The poster of blink. I don’t think I’ve seen it before.” He lied, staring at the poster this time.

“Oh, right. They sell it at the mall if you want it,” he shrugged walking to his bed and taking a seat. “Sit,” he smiled, patting the space beside him, handing Jack a can of Coke on his way over.

Alex began flicking through the TV, stopping no longer than a second. Jack hated when people did that, so he stopped watching and looked around Alex’s room. There were loads of pictures of Alex and his friends all over the place. It reminded Jack of Zack. He was always sticking pictures of the two of them on his walls.

“This okay?” Alex asked, finally setting for some cartoon.

“Yeah. It’s cool.” Jack’s nerves still present and growing when he felt Alex’s eyes on him.

“You don’t have to be nervous Jack.” He said, trying to reassure the younger boy.

“I know! I’ve been telling myself that since I left my house!” Jack exclaimed, biting his lip when he realised how stupid he must have seemed to the boy on his right.

“Really, you don’t need to be. It’s not like I’m going to kill you or anything.” Alex joked, only Jack didn’t find it funny. “Sorry.” He said, eyes narrowing.

“I just, I need some time to get used to this. To you being my friend, I suppose. It’ll go soon.” Jack nodded.

“If you’re sure,” Alex didn’t really sound too convinced by Jack’s words.

“Positive,” Jack smiled. “I just need to get to know you as you and not TakingDown.”

Alex nodded before he spoke.

“I’d like to get to know you too,” Jack noticed that he blushed at his admission, even though it probably meant nothing. “Just, you don’t need to worry okay? I like you, Jack.”

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