Opposites Always Attract. [05/??]

Oct 27, 2010 21:09

Title: Opposites Always Attract.
Author: smilekid_xx 
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Rating: NC-17 Overall
POV:Third Person
Summary: In New York City in 1893, two certain boys attempted to change the view of the world as people knew it back then. Back in a time when it was only acceptable for a man and a woman to fall in love and get married, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat (who were at completely opposite ends of the social class chain) fell in love.
Disclaimer: never happened! title belongs to you me at six.
Author's Notes: so, i felt horrible about the shortness of chapter four, so here's chapter five. i really like thos chapter, and i hope you do too! :)

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Jack stood up straight, dropping his broom to the floor. He gritted his teeth upon hearing his name being called again. And again. And again.

"Yes, Mister Alexander?" he called back in a disgustingly polite tone.

"Have you made my tea yet?" Alex's voice sounded as if it were coming closer and closer, until finally, Jack saw him leaning in the doorway of the kitchen.

Jack shook his head.

"No, not yet, sir."

"But Lillian and I have been waiting!" As Alex whined, Lillian hurried through the kitchen, putting her coat on as she walked. She gave Jack a sympathetic look as she reached for the door knob. "I have nothing to do with this."

"Where are you going?" Alex asked, taking his attention away from Jack.

"A lunch date with Robert."

"Rian," Alex corrected.

"Robert," she snapped back before quickly rushing out the door.

It was silent for a half a second before Alex turned back to the other boy, raising both his eyebrows. "Now, about that tea..."

"Sorry, sir, your father told me to finish these chores first."

Alex rolled his eyes. "My father isn't even here right now. Besides, would you want me to tell him about how horrible our new butler is?"

Jack's eyes lowered into slits, glaring at Alex menacingly. Alex just kept his face composed, still keeping that cocky smirk as he crossed his arms.

They both kept up their staring contest for close to a minute before Jack's facial expression softened and he sighed in defeat.

" apologize, sir. Your tea will be served to you shortly."


It went like that for days; Alex asking Jack to perform ridiculous tasks and Jack being forced to do them.

"Jack, will you brush my hair for me?"
"Jack, you poured my tea in the wrong cup."
"Jack, you folded my clothes all wrong. Unfold everything and start over."
"Jack, I could really use a foot massage right now."

Jack was so close to the point of pulling out his own hair. He was so sick of taking orders from his boss's son. He was so sick of his name being called every five minutes just to hear Alex complain.

In fact, Alex had been taking up so much of Jack's time that he barely ever got to finish the chores that his actual boss, Peter Gaskarth, assigned to him every morning. And when Mr. Gaskarth came home from work each night and inspect the cleanliness of his house, Jack could just see the disappointment in his face.

Even though the older man didn't voice it, Jack knew that it would only be a matter of time before he was.fired.

Jack needed to do something about the situation with Alex. He needed something to hold over the older boy's head.

It took another three days of Jack having to deal with Alex before he could even think of his plan again. Three days of constant orders and snarky remarks from Alex.

On that fourth day, though, Alex mentioned something about going out that night. He also mentioned something about wanting his room to be spotless, but Jack stopped listening at that point.

His plan to blackmail Alexander Gaskarth was quickly coming together nicely. Knowing Alex, there was something that he had to be hiding. And Jack wouldn't stop searching until he found it.


"We're leaving, Jack! Don't forget my room!" Alex called out, followed by Lillian saying, "Oh, Alex, you're horrible!"

As soon as Jack heard the click of closing door, he sprinted up the stairs to Alex's room, the smirk never leaving his face. Tiny thrills shot through him, the adrenaline practically seeping from his pores. This was so out of character for Jack, but there was something about this new and improved Jack that he really liked.

There were only a few places that Alex could hide something, places that his father wouldn't think of looking. The back of his closet, his drawers, and under his mattress. First the closet.

After only finding a half-empty bottle of liquor, he decided to move to Alex's drawers. Jack wasn't expecting much, seeing as he was the one to usually fold Alex's clothes and put them away. And, just as he expected, he found nothing. There was only one place left to look: under the mattress.

Jack knelt down, lifting up one side of the mattress with one arm and feeling around under the mattress with the other. When his hand made contact with an object, Jack smirked, pulling it out and running his fingers over the wording on the top of the book he found hidden under the mattress.

The Diary of Alexander William Gaskarth.
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