Can't Take That Away [s/a]

Oct 26, 2010 22:20

 Title: Can't Take That Away
Author: xvegas_skies
Rating: PG-13
POV: Zack
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: i just wish it didn't feel like a kick in the gut.
Title belongs to: The Friday Night Boys
Disclaimer: Untrue.
A/N: This is really short, and well i don't think it's that great, but i wrote it randomly and thought i'd post it :)

Jack and Alex were curled up together on the sofa, Alex’s leg over Jack’s waist as his head rested in the crook of Jack’s neck and Home Alone was blaring from the tour bus TV (Jack always insisted it be twice as loud as it needed to be even though he knew every line word for word). Home Alone always had Jack’s full attention. Well, almost always. The one exception being when he had Alex in his arms. He couldn’t help but stare at the older boy with what could only be described as adoration whenever they were close. Alex had his eyes closed, probably in a light sleep and every time Jack looked at him a small smile etched onto his lips. Each time he tore his eyes away to look at the film again, he’d glance back to Alex.

It was cute, no one could deny that.
I just wish it didn’t feel like a kick in a gut.

I watched as Jack pushed Alex’s hair softly out of his eyes, careful not to wake him. I felt slightly awkward, almost wrong, just watching them. In all honestly I was mainly watching Jack.
I was always watching Jack.

They were so wrapped up in each other, the affection so clear and obvious that no one could falsify it even if they tried. The amount of times I’d thought about it. Thought about telling Jack how I feel, tell him he could love me if he tried, if he gave me the smallest chance to prove it to him. But I couldn’t. My heart said to do it, but my head said no. It would ruin everything.

“Dude, who died?”
“Huh, what?” I looked up to find Jack looking at me with his goofy smile, but concerned eyes. I loved that about Jack. The way that even through his constant jokes, banter and utter craziness, his heart was pure and was always looking out for other people.
“You look.. down” he continued. “You ok?”
“Haha, yeah fine” I replied, curling my lips into a smile that would convince Jack that I was ok. I had to be ok. I was lucky that I could keep control of myself so easily, because if I couldn’t, if I ever said anything, it would destroy us. Destroy our friendship, destroy the band and destroy everything we’d ever worked towards. I knew it would.
“Sure bro?”
Jack grinned, which I returned.
“You know, I would come over there right now and give you some big ass hug, but, well..” he gestured towards Alex with a nod, his eyes lingering on the sleeping boy much longer than they’d ever linger on anyone else. Longer than they’d ever linger on me. I smiled and nodded,
“I know you would Jack.”

And with one last smile, he went back to his bubble, back to his Alex. I turned my attention to the older boy and looked at his peaceful face. Most of the time people would wonder if that individual knew how lucky there were to have that person. The person that they loved, but couldn’t have, because this individual had him. But I didn’t need to think that of this individual, of Alex. I knew the way he looked at Jack, the way his eyes bore into him so deeply that if someone threw a brick at him, I doubt he’d blink. He always put him first, defended him in every fight and let him watch Home Alone to his heart’s content even though he had very little interest in it.

Yes, Alex definitely knew how lucky he was to have Jack, and that was partly the reason I never said anything about my own feelings. He treated him perfectly, Jack was happier with him than anyone, and I couldn’t destroy that. I couldn’t destroy what they had and most of all, I couldn’t make Jack unhappy.

My heart lurched as Jack put his lips to Alex’s forehead, but only slightly as it had learnt by now that jealousy solves nothing. I knew one day I’d find someone. But for now, I knew I would have to keep this all to myself, keep everything how it is. Because not only would it ruin everything we had as a band, as four best friends, as a family, but because they were Jack and Alex. Alex and Jack. And nothing could ever come between them.
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