Stories Yet To Unfold [7/?]

Oct 26, 2010 22:28

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: I feel like I'm rushing a bit here, give your honest opinions!

Chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six

School was a drag for Alex today. He dragged himself through the stuffy school hallways unwillingly and tried to avoid Dan and Jack as much as possible. Rian wasn't in school all day so he spent music class making up a song of his own. He finally got the guitar part down as he already had lyrics written from a while back. He positioned his guitar comfortably on his lap and cleared his throat. As soon as the first word came out of his mouth, he was lost in his music.

They've had chances to make this big city seem so small,
Under stage lights, in rooms packed from window to wall,
Like the sound of a smile, or the distance of song,
only measured in time as the kids sing along.

They are the ones who make a difference,
get these people on their feet.

They say let us be heard... Hear us out...

Can you hear the crowd is calling,
"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...
Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.

Win their hearts with words unlike the pages left at home,
Secrets kept from critics no one ever wants to know...

Can you hear the crowd is calling,
"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...
Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.

Sing louder now...

Lets dance the night away...

Alex finished the song, breathless and content. He really loved singing, it was an escape from the horrible reality he lived in. He smiled as he was happy with this song. He quickly ran out into the actual music classroom and tapped Mr Connor's shoulder and he turned around with a grin.

"What's up Alex?" He asked casually, flicking through some papers.

"Could I record a song? Thing is I'm really happy with it and-" Alex rushed and was suddenly cut off.

"Go crazy" Mr Connor replied with a smile. Alex grinned back at him and run off into the recording room. He picked up the electric guitar and played the parts, recording them with excitement. Once he recorded vocals, he heard what he already had. The only thing missing were the drums. He just had to wait till Rian got back monday.

Alex was dazing off in History class as usual, running his song through his head when suddenly the bell rang. It was friday, finally, the weekend was here. He got his books and almost ran out the door when Dan stopped him, Jack stood behind him quite timidly.

"Where you running to dork?" His brother asked with a smirk.

"Home, now get out of my way" Alex snuck under Dan's arm and ran for the hallway door. He's surprised Jack didn't stop him or go after him to throw him to the floor. When he got to the parking lot he stood there confused. Why hadn't Jack done anything to him? He shook his head and headed to the bus stop.

He entered the bus and got a lot of stares and laughs but he simply ignored them as always and sat alone in his seat at the front, shoving his headphones his my ears and getting lost in the music.

Once the sniggers and giggles dissapeared, he was infront of his street. He took in a big breath and ran over to his house. Once he dropped everything by the front door, he flopped onto the couch, grabbing the remote.

Alex flicked on the TV and and watched the TV come to light. He lazily flicked through the channels and then came to a stop when he saw The Lion King. He smiled like a child and set his wide caramel eyes upon the tv, now curling up on his side. He was too content.

Half way through the movie, a sudden burst came through the door which made Alex jump and then relax as he saw it was Dan and Jack. He sighed and carried on watching his movie. He felt a forceful slap across his head now and he yelped.

"Fuck off Dan" He muttered now soothing his head. Dan chuckled and pushed Alex off the couch and onto the floor. He landed hard on his side. Dan now snatched the remote out of Alex's hand and changed the channel as he snuggled into Alex's seat.

"Dan, I was watching TV!" He exclaimed angrily. He lifted himself off the ground and rubbed his sore side. Dan smirked at Jack who now slowly sat on the other couch furthest away from the TV.

"Why the fuck do you think you can just do that?" Alex hissed. Dan laughed loudly throwing his head back.

"I don't think, I can Alex"  He teased. Alex stomped into the kitchen now pouring himself a cup of lemonade. He stared at Dan joking around with Jack, who didn't seem to respond as much. Alex was confused but decided to ignore until the phone rang.

Alex darted towards it and picked it up.

"Hello" He greeted politely.

"Alex darling, it's mom. Put on Dan would you?" She asked a bit worried. Alex nodded and handed the phone over to Dan.

Dan put it to his ear and began to speak.

" don't know where exactly?...ugh...okay...i'll try...see you" He answered angrily. He hang up the phone and looked at Alex.

"Dad's car broke down on the way home, they decided to take a different route home so now they don't exactly know where they are...they're okay though" Dan said seriously. Alex nodded.

"So what's gonna happen?" Alex asked carefully. Dan got up from his seat and let out a breath.

"I have to go pick them up" Dan stated. Alex looked at him, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Isn't dad's work like an hour away though?" Alex asked. Dan nodded.

"Yeah well I guess I better get going" Dan said angrily now getting his hoodie.

"Hold up Dan, what am I supposed to do? My parents wont let me go with you if I called and they're not home" Jack said worriedly.

"Don't you have keys?" Alex asked bitterly. Jack shook his head.

"Just stay here till I get back. Chill in my room or something. Alex don't disturb him alright?" Dan said sternly. Jack went to protest but Dan turned his back on him and opened the door. The door shut and Alex stood there with his arms across his chest staring at Jack who was rocking on his heels.

"I'll be in your brother's room, don't disturb me okay?" Jack told Alex sternly. Alex rolled his eyes and walked back into the kitchen.

He was not going to live this hour or so with Jack fucking Barakat in his house alone.

Alex raided the fridge and found some cake. He cut a piece and then heard a door shut. Must have been Jack. Jack probably hadn't eaten since lunch time and as much as Alex hated him, he figured Jack must be starving. He cut another slice and put it on a tissue. He held it securely and ran up the stairs quietly and slowly walked to Dan's room. He took in a breath and opened the door to something he would never expect in his whole entire life.

His hand moved rapidly up and down infront of his hips as he let out shaky breaths. His big eyes glued to the screen which showed 2 men jacking each other off. Alex dropped the cake and shut the door rapidly before Jack could turn around.

Was Jack masturbating to gay porn?

Alex gasped and ran downstairs, running a hand through his hair. Suddenly he heard a door open and heavy footsteps. Alex gulped and moved towards the kitchen and tried to make himself seem occupied. He started washing some plates which were already infact clean. His messy hair covering his wondering eyes.

He felt someone enter the room and just kept his eyes down and ignored it. He heard Jack clear his throat.

"Alex don't ignore me. I know you saw me" Jack said sternly. Alex shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Alex mumbled. Jack now put his hand on Alex's shoulder and slowly turned him around. Alex bit his lip and looked at Jack who look quite flustered.

"Alex, please. You know what I'm talking about. Did it never occur to you to knock first?" Jack asked. Alex bit his lip harder now.

"Sorry I just didn't really think..." Alex muttered. Jack let out a big breath.

"So this the end of me practically" Jack said with a chuckle walking towards the front room. Alex raised an eyebrow.

"The end? Why?" Alex asked confused. Jack scoffed.

"As if you won't run off and tell your brother when he comes back" Jack told him. "I deserve it anyways" Jack admitted now sitting down. Alex walked into the front room and rested his hands on his hips.

"You think I want revenge?" Alex asked shocked. His eyes opening wide. Jack shifted in his seat.

"Well it does make sense I mean I've been bullying you all these years and this is the perfect revenge if you think about it, Dan will hate me if he finds out I'm gay" Jack said quietly.

"Sure it makes sense but I, unlike, a good person and understand that you might want to hide this from such a terrible and judging person like Dan" Alex exclaimed at Jack. Jack stared at him wide-eyed.

"So you're not going to tell him?" Jack asked shocked. Alex shook his head and walked upstairs slowly.

"I'm a good person" Alex responded quietly.

Jack couldn't believe after all the hell he had put Alex through in the past, Alex wasn't taking revenge on something that could ruin him, just like he ruined Alex.

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