Stories Yet To Unfold [4/?]

Oct 21, 2010 22:18

Title: Stories Yet To Unfold
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Alex hates Jack. Why should he like him? All he does is beat him up just so he can hang around with his brother Daniel's crowd. But there's something about Jack that only Alex knows and he kind of likes it.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: This chapter's a little longer but I'm happy with it :3 I hope you like it!

Alex was too glad to be back home today but then again when wasn't he? He didn't have any homework or studying to do today. He stripped down into his underewear because the sun shone brighter than ever today and was coming in strongly through every window of the house. Alex had no clue on what to do so he just stood there in the middle of his front room twirling his hair for a couple of minutes.

It suddenly clicked in his mind that he was home alone and that Dan's laptop was in his room. He sprinted upstairs and slowly walked into Dan's messy room. Underwear and socks were covering the carpet floor. Alex stepped over them all and finally reached the dresser which his laptop was on. He sat on the unmade bed and opened it.

He waited for it to all load and then went to his favourite webpage:

He tap his fingers on the laptop as it loaded. Once the page loaded there was a big heading saying:


Alex squealed like a girl and slammed the laptop before pressed the link. He shook his legs as he waited for the page to load. Once it loaded he scrolled carefully looking for a Maryland date and there it was. Maryland: 5/12/04

He screamed and shut the laptop before jumping up and down and then running down the stairs. Right on cue, his mom walked through the door. Her eyes were open wide and frightened as she moved out of the way so Alex could jump of the last step. His mom walked into the kitchen and put her bags down on the table. Alex came running after her and stopped at her feet.

"Mom! Blink are coming to Maryland!" He shouted with a grin plastered on his face.

"Who?" His mom asked confused. He tugged at his hair.

"Blink 182! My favourite band!" Alex exclaimed tugging his hair.

"Oh the ones you're always playing and covering?" She asked casually. He nodded still grinning.

"Well that's nice" She said simply now turning around to dig through her bag.

"I can go right?!" Alex asked loudly. She turned around slowly.

"When exactly is it?" She asked him carefully.

"12th of May" He told her happily. She took in a breath and stared at him.

"Alex...that's Dan's birthday" She told him quietly. His eyes widened as he stared at her bewildered.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He questioned.

"Alexander, language" She said dissapprovingly.

"Mom! Are you seriously telling me I can't go?!" He yelled, his eyes stinging.

"It's your brother's birthday Alex, you can't just go off to a concert" She said simply. His eyebrows raised and he scoffed.

"You've got to be joking. As if he would give a shit!" He yelled throwing his hands up in the air.

"He would! He's your brother!" She shouted now getting angry.

"Mom he fucking hits me and continously insults me and I'm supposed to miss Blink for his fucking birthday?!" He yelled, his face getting red now.

"Alex, he's joking around! Stop taking it so seriously and you are not going to that concert especially after the way you've acted!" She yelled back at him, her eyes furious.

"MOM! I can't believe you're taking this away from me!" He shouted so furious now that tears began to spill from his eyes. The door opened now and Dan and Jack walked through staring at Alex and his mom both standing opposite eachother stiffly with serious eyes.

"Alex go to your room" She ordered.

"As if I would stay down here anyways, all of you would kill me now if you could" He hissed and began to walk to the stairs.

"Alexander William Gaskarth, You are definitely not going to that Blink 182 concert now and not ever" She said in a dead serious tone, her lips formed in the straightest line.

"I hope you enjoy taking away the one and only thing that keeps me sane around here, I'm gonna fucking kill myself one day because of you" He hissed at her and then turned his head.

"Actually no....because of you two" He gritted through his teeth in Dan and Jack's direction. His eyes were red and puffy and he was breathing heavily. He ran upstairs to his room and slammed his door shut. He lay on his bed kicking his legs and crying until his throat was sore.

He couldn't go to see the only band that kept his sane and happy right now because of his brother's birthday. He just couldn't believe it. After a while of crying he sat up and fixed his hair. There was three light raps on his door.

"Come in" He said quietly. He looked down at his feet and when he heard the door close shut he looked up. There stood Jack with an understanding look in his eyes.

"What the you want" Alex whispered. Jack fiddled his the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Erm I heard what you and your mom were fighting about..." Jack answered quietly.

"Yeah and? You happy you ruined it for me?" Alex spat at him. Jack shook his head lightly.

"Actually I'm not. I've got the exact same problem..." He told Alex looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked a bit more confused now. Jack fidgeted some more and then looked at Alex.

"I really wanted to go to that Blink show's your brother's birthday so..." Jack replied nervously. Alex looked at him confused and was getting nervous with all his fidgeting.

"Sit down on that chair, you're getting me fuck nervous" Alex said quickly. Jack obeyed him and sat down.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is I understand, it sucks. I really wish I could go see them too" Jack said biting down on his lip.

"Oh..." Alex replied simply looking at Jack's teeth dig into his soft lip.

"So you like Blink?" Alex asked quietly. Jack nodded.

"They're my favourite band" He replied with a light smile. Alex smiled softly back and nodded.

"Same here" Alex said. They both looked down at the floor for a while, it was getting awkward. Jack now stood up and walked towards the door.

"There will be other oppurtunities" Jack said simply before leaving the room, he then shut the door behind him. Alex sat there, his eyebrows furrowed together.

Did Jack really just come in here to tell him he understands? Did he really show some sympathy towards Alex? Alex was bewildered by this and lay back on his bed, letting out a big breath.

Jack understands...he really does.

After Alex showered and watched a bit of TV he heard his empty stomach rumble loudly. He sighed and unwillingly got up from his bed wearing nothing but sweat pants. He walked out of his room, yawning. Suddenly Dan and Jack burst out of Dan's room wrestling each other, Dan threw Jack to the ground Jack laughed and then lifted himself up to his feet.

"Still sad little bro?" Dan teased. Alex looked away and began to walk.

"Don't walk around from me dickfucker" He shouted. Alex looked back and Dan's hand was flying towards his jaw. Suddenly an incredible force came in contact. Alex yelped and cupped his jaw. Tears streaming down his face.

"Throw one at him Jack" Dan laughed and told Jack. Jack looked at Alex crying and red faced. He looked at Dan and really had no other choice. He certainly didn't want a hit from Dan either.

But could he? After that talk him and Alex had? He couldn't bring himself to it, not after how...nice Alex was to actually let him enter his room after all the hell he's put him through before.

"Come on!" Dan yelled. Jack closed his eyes and punched Alex's left shoulder and that sent him to the floor. Dan laughed and yelled.


Jack looked down at Alex and walked back into Dan's room, not believing what he had just done.

Alex somehow dragged himself to the bathroom and sat on the toliet seat and began to cry for the 3rd time today. He cried quietly afraid that his parents might hear him. He rubbed his pained jaw and breathed slowly.

He knew Jack was bullshitting him earlier, he knew it. How could he go talk to him after all the hell he's put him through? All the punches he's thrown, the insults he's yelled. He knew it was too good to be true. He thought Jack may have realized his ways but who was he kidding? He was Dan's friend. None of them could realize their ways.

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