Fireworks. [Chapter Ten]

Oct 23, 2010 22:48

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic 
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: This is really long, and I hope you don't get bored. It rambles a little, but it builds up to something which I hope will keep you interested!


I'd be thrilled if you followed me on Tumblr, or maybe left a message in my ask, haha.

When Alex’s parents arrived home from work, they were surprised to see their son occupied by another male in the living room. Since when did Alex bring home friends? Other than that ungrateful Joshua, anyway.

“Alex, is everything alright?” His mother asked as she popped her head around the door. Alex (who was now dressed in a baggy t-shirt and jogging bottoms) was lying on his stomach on the floor, eyes fixed on the television screen, whilst Jack curled up against the sofa, a pillow held against his chest for comfort.

Alex roughly knew the time of which his parents would come back, he planned it carefully, eyes darting to the clock, and ten minutes before five pm, he slid out of Jack’s grasp to an uncomfortable position on the floor. It certainly felt strange without an arm around his shoulders, but Alex didn’t dare risk letting his parents see himself cuddled up against another boy. He had to take this one step at a time, and he was sure Jack would understand that, right?

“I’m fine, Mum...” He answered turning his head to look at the woman who seemed confused by his behaviour.
“Who’s your friend here? I haven’t seen him before.”
Jack didn’t want to look at Alex’s mum, he had never been too good with meeting parents, and he never knew what to say, so usually he stayed silent.
“He’s called Jack, he’s a new kid at school. I thought I told you about him?” Alex scrambled up into a seating position, facing his mum this time. He hugged his knees to his chest as the woman took a few steps into the room so she was able to smile at the boy on the couch who looked scared stiff.
“No, you’ve never mentioned a Jack before.” She replied in answer to Alex, before speaking to Jack, “Hello there, dear. It’s nice to meet you.”
Jack looked up, and he was surprised by how the woman looked. He expected something glamourous, or maybe a business woman with glasses, her hair in a bun, a blazer and a pencil skirt, but this woman was the opposite. She was smart, but it was casual. A pair of black trousers, and a typical plain white shirt, she was just, well, normal. He wasn’t even sure why he pictured her to be anything but.

Jack offered a shy smile, before mumbling a, “Hi, Mrs. Gaskarth.”
“Please, call me Isobel-“ Alex’s mum paused as Jack’s accent registered in her brain. “Are you American?”
Alex rolled his eyes; he didn’t want the poor boy to be interrogated by his embarrassing mother.
Jack nodded uncomfortably, “Yeah, I used to live in Baltimore.”
“Oh, how precious!” She beamed at the boy who was thankful he hadn’t set a bad first impression like normal.
“Hang on, let me find Peter, he’s always been fond of American accents-“
Alex interrupted, “I’m sure Jack doesn’t want to be harassed by you two, he gets enough of it at school for his accent.”
“Oh, yes, you’re right. Sorry, sorry, I’ll get going.” Isobel laughed, “Would Jack like to stay for dinner?” She asked Alex, who looked towards Jack, tilting his head.
“Do you?”

“Oh thanks a lot, Alex, thanks for putting me on the spot like that.”
Jack began to fidget, playing with his hands, pulling at his fingers until the joint would crack. “I, uh...” What was the best thing to say in a moment like this?
He wanted to, of course he wanted to, especially as it mean he could spend more time with Alex and maybe he could learn a little about his past perhaps before Daniel’s passing.
However, he didn’t want to be a burden to Alex’s mother. Would it be rude to accept the offer? Or, would it be more rude if he declined?
“Well?” Alex was growing impatient, though his mother could understand the behaviour. Jack seemed to mimic herself when she was younger.
“I would be very happy to cook for you, Jack. I don’t think Alex has ever brought home a friend before, other than Josh, but I’ve never been fond of him.”
Jack began to chuckle, “You and me both.” He sighed, “But, if you’re positive it wont be too much trouble, then I’d love to stay for dinner.”
“Of course, and your parents will be okay with that?’
“I-it’s just my mum... but I’ll give her a call in a moment to let her know. She’ll probably be thrilled that I have a friend.” He smiled as Alex’s mother laughed, “Well, I’m thrilled Alex has a friend who isn’t Josh.”
Alex scowled at his mother, who took the glare as her cue to leave. “I better get changed and begin dinner, then. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

- - - -

“My mum is so embarrassing.”
“Aw, I like her.”
Jack crawled down from the sofa to the floor so he could gently rub his cheek against Alex’s arm. “She seems nice...”
Alex shrugged, “Well of course she’ll be nice to you, you’re a stranger.”
“Not for long, though.”
The English boy had to smile, “No, not for long.” He released his knees from his hands, stretching both stiff limbs to avoid cramp. “Let’s go to my bedroom, Mum and Dad could walk in at any moment.” He brushed Jack away from him, who sighed with disappointment, loud enough for Alex to notice. “Oh stop it.” He frowned, clambering to his feet, holding out a hand for Jack to take.
The other male linked his fingers with Alex’s and allowed himself to be pulled to a standing position.
“You said earlier to take things slowly, and I’m only just beginning to get used to this myself, okay? I don’t want my parents to see you getting touchy feely with me, they’d go ape shit.” Alex sighed, offering Jack’s hand a squeeze. “Just bear with me until I’m fully comfortable with this, and then if things get serious... Maybe I’ll tell my parents. Maybe.”

Jack had to accept the offer; he had no choice, really. “Yeah, I get it,” He pulled his hand away from Alex’s, “Come on then, show me your room.” He pushed the boy’s shoulder hard enough to make him step forward.
“Oi, none of that.”

- - - -

Alex’s room was exactly how Jack pictured it to be, a mess.

Clothes, both clean and worn, were lying on the floor. Nothing was folded, everything was creased.
The walls were a dark grey, not that you could barely see them, what with the vast amount of posters blu-tacked to them. Though Jack would admit to being surprised at Alex’s music taste, even a Blink-182 poster hung proud above Alex’s bed. “I didn’t think a boy who lived in sweatpants would like Blink.” He commented, trying his hardest to step in the clean patches of the carpet to reach Alex’s bed.
“Who doesn’t like Blink?” Alex laughed, kicking a pair of worn boxer shorts out of his way. He made a mental note to tidy things later.
“Mm, that’s true, actually.” Jack smoothed his fringe down as he glanced around the room. More music posters, a large collection of DVDs, some CDs were in a pile on top of a set of drawers, and a magazine lying open on the floor caught Jack’s eye.
He leant over to pick it up, resting it on his lap, he didn’t bother looking at the front cover, he was just impressed by the car that was sported on the left page. “Oh damn, a lamborghini murcielago... Fuck, shit, that beast is so sexy.” He stroked the door of the printed car in awe.

Alex looked up from his newly created pile of dirty washing, his mouth opening in shock horror by what Jack was reading. “Jack... Please put it down.” He groaned, hoping to God the boy would listen to him and place it back on the floor exactly how he’d picked it up. No page turning and no closing to see the cover.
“Why?” Jack questioned, licking the tip of his finger before flicking over the page.
And as he looked down at the new page, all he could say was, “... Oh.”
“I warned you.” Alex sighed, rubbing his larger than average forehead with his palm.

Jack wrinkled his nose as a pair of quite obviously plastic breasts stared up at him. “Alex, why do you have a semi-naked barbie doll in a car magazine?” He flicked the page over again whilst Alex’s cheeks reddened with shame. “That is disgusting...” Jack mumbled as he looked upon the naked girl sprawled over a car bonnet, “She’s ruined that car.”

Alex reached over to snatch the magazine from Jack’s hands; the boy was reluctant to let go as he was beginning to be entertained. As Alex closed the pages, Jack managed to sneak a glimpse at the name on the cover. “”Nuts”? Oh, how charming.” Though the name made it clear as to what type of magazine Alex had splayed on his floor. “I didn’t think you’d be the one to have a dirty lad mag, either.” But he was laughing, something which only caused Alex to blush more.
“Shut up! I’m a teenage boy, what do you expect?” He huffed, taking a seat next to Jack who instinctively wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close into his chest.

“I think you just follow the crowd. Your ‘mates’ expect you to jack off to naked women, when really, you love seeing a good ol’ toned man torso.” Jack was only joking, but it didn’t stop Alex from pushing him away.
“For fuck sake, Jack. Stop making it seem like I’m fucking gay like you, I’m not.” His words were bitter, but unfortunately, they were true.
Alex knew that he wasn’t gay, he didn’t find men attractive, it was just Jack. He believed it always would be just Jack. He admitted the boy to being his only exception, and he’d stay true to that.
“I find women sexy, okay? I always have done, and I always will do. If I see a pretty girl on the street, I’m gonna get fucking happy in my boxers.” He growled.

Jack wasn’t too thrilled by Alex’s sharp tone, “Chill, dude. I was joking. I thought you’d have lightened up by now.”
“Well, you were wrong.” Alex was in disbelief that the younger male would even think of joking about something which he took so fucking seriously. Admitting to liking another male wasn’t just a walk in the park, it took guts to do. Alex had torn himself up inside to force himself into believing it, he felt sick to his stomach knowing that he was no longer denying something that he was disgusted in.
“Jack, I’m going to get pissy about this, about us, for a long time. You have to understand that it’s not fucking easy, no doubt in a week or so, I’m going to tell you that I don’t like you, that I was just being crazy, and we’ll be back to the beginning again. Though of course, you’ll know that I do like you, Jack, I really fucking do. I wish I didn’t, I wish you were just one of those girls in that magazine-“
“What, with an orange face, bony stomach, and huge tits?”
“Jack, seriously, just listen to me,” Alex noticed his own reflection in Jack’s eyes as they made contact, but he looked past it, he looked for Jack himself. “Right now, I really don’t want to like you. I’ll admit that. I hate how happy you fucking make me, how when you have your arms around me, I feel safer than I’ve ever been before, and how when I lay in bed, I can’t fucking sleep because you’re in my mind, smiling at me. If you were a girl, I know it would be easier, because that’s what people consider to be normal.” Alex sighed, as his looked away, “But a part of me is telling me that I should stop being so stupid, because it knows that you’re exactly what I want and what I need. I just need to make that part bigger somehow, with your help, but your jokes aren’t doing that.”

Jack snaked his arms around Alex’s neck, cuddling him close, “I’m sorry,” He whispered softly, his chin resting comfortably on Alex’s shoulder. “I just keep thinking that this is going to be so easy, so perfect, and that we don’t have to work on it. I just forget, because I’m used to something so much different.”
Jack’s scent comforted Alex greatly, but Jack’s last words made Alex think, “I’m not the only boy who’s favourite smell is Jack, am I?” He tried to push the thought from his mind; he didn’t want to think of anybody else with Jack, even if he himself didn’t want to be with him currently. Jack had mentioned subtle comments about a past relationship, though.

“What are you used to?’ He mumbled, even though he really did not want to hear the answer.
“I know I’m only seventeen, I’m still young, but I’ve fallen in love before, Alex.” Jack sighed, the memory still haunted him. “Earlier, when we were arguing, I said about a boy who changed my opinions about being gay... Well, that was Rian.”
“Go on.”
“Alex... please, I don’t want to talk about him, not right now.”
“I don’t care, I want to hear it. I need to hear it. Maybe it’ll make me understand a little bit more.”
“It doesn’t feel right talking about my past relationship with you tho-“
“I don’t care. Just fucking tell me!” Alex temper had risen; his fists were clenched as he wriggled from Jack’s grasp. “Please, Jack,” His voice softened, he could tell the boy was upset about his own past, “Tell me what it’s like to be in love. I’ve never known it to exist, not ever, I want to know if it’s real.”
“It’s definitely real, that I’m sure of.”
“Then explain, make me believe in it.”

Jack took a few deep breaths of air as his previous relationship played flashbacks in his mind, he was figuring out how to tell his story, where to begin, where to finish, whether he should mention something vital, or just leave it out.
But before he had to chance to piece things together, a voice called up the stairs.

“Alex! Jack! Dinner!”

Alex sighed, “I guess we wait until after we’ve ate.”

“Hey, that rhymed.” Jack offered a smile, trying to lighten the mood.
Alex shrugged, “I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it.” He played along with the other boy, taking his hand and squeezing it gently. He didn’t want the atmosphere to be tense between them, not anymore.
He wanted Jack to feel comfortable around him, and he needed the boy to be able to talk to him about anything and everything. Alex really wanted to develop their relationship; he longed to be able to accept his feelings for Jack without even the smallest of doubts holding him back. He knew that if Jack told him what love was like, maybe he could figure out his own feelings, for this was definitely new.

But he wasn’t in love, because love at first sight was just a myth... wasn’t it?
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